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Taylor Swift CAN'T SING!


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I honestly believe she has absolutely no idea that she couldn't carry a tune in a wheelbarrow. Yes, she sounds lousy when she watches replays of her TV appearances live, but I'm sure she's quick to blame bad monitors, bad microphones, etc. for that, after all, she sounds fine to her own (tone-deaf) ears as she's singing, and her albums sound fine, so it can't be her, right?

She's probably got a vocal coach, but the bottom line is that she probably doesn't have the ears to hear pitch that well. But Kenny G has sold plenty of albums and concert tickets while playing a fair bit sharp most of the time.

I think Taylor kind of appeals to her teenage fans by not being perfect.

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She is ok for teenagers to listen to i reckon :wave:

As for proper training i reckon if a person is a singer they are and shouldnt need such

it's either in you or not, in T. Swifts case she just doesnt have what it takes
sorry if i seem heard hearted here, but just being Frank.

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I came to this thread late so I apologize not reading all 23 (!!) pages. Yes, the Taylor not being able to sing debate is a touchy one. When she first came out and her name was very new, me and my wife were both in agreement that she sang very flat - never sharp, always flat. However, since then, we have both seen performances where she actually does a great job. So to say she can't sing is an overstatement IMO. Consistancy may be off but to say she
sing... I can't agree. The video on the first page with her singing with Def Lep and alot of people are bashing her isn't even her genre. She never came out trying to be a hard rock star - so yeah, she is having trouble pushing the power behind it that is needed for that genre. At least she is writing her own songs...

Agreed. She's not the most consistent singer, and she doesn't have the powerful voices of other female singers, but she CAN sing and she has her own style. She writes her own songs, plays guitar, and doesn't use autotune. But most importantly, there's nothing like seeing a beautiful woman with a guitar in her hands :love:

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The Grammys don't mean anything. It's like the Noble Prize outside of the hard sciences (re: Al Gore, Arafat, etc.).



She was hired as a songwriter at age 14. I am willing to bet that she has more talent than the fine folks here want to admit or realize.


Let us know when you get nominated for a Grammy or a Nobel Peace Prize......

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Yes, she has a beautiful voice and a very poised and relaxed stage presence. She is one of my favorite female performers.


Not to mention beautiful gray hair. There, I said it, I think her gray hair looks sexy. Same deal with salt n' pepper hair. :facepalm:



I thought I was suppose to be "Frank". LOL.

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Agreed. She's not the most consistent singer, and she doesn't have the powerful voices of other female singers, but she CAN sing and she has her own style. She writes her own songs, plays guitar, and doesn't use autotune. But most importantly, there's nothing like seeing a beautiful woman with a guitar in her hands

Looks shouldnt come into music as music is about sound :thu:

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Looks shouldnt come into music as music is about sound

That's very true but you remember Susan Boyle, great voice but because of her looks she was "over looked" for years. The world of Pop music is one of both sound and looks sad to say.:rolleyes:

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Looks shouldnt come into music as music is about sound

And I suppose all your guitars are gray and square? Music is an art form, and artists know that performing music is more than just sound. Visual appeal adds to performances (like Spinal Tap's "Stonhenge").

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Just ask Lady Gaga. She got dropped by her first label within a month after they realized that they'd signed a short dark-haired Italian piano-playing girl from New Jersey. The next time she didn't make that mistake -- she glammed it up big-time with freaky costumes, outrageous wigs, and videos that had her humping statues of dolphins. Half the time I think her act is a joke at the recording industry's expense. The other half of the time I think her act is a joke at her audience's expense. Yet she's sold millions of songs. Talk about proving that the music industry is shallow! Though half the time I suspect a large proportion of her audience is actually in on the joke, I must admit that the youngsters I encounter today are the most cynical people I've ever met (and why wouldn't they be, given the future we're handing them?).

So yeah, image, not talent, appears to be the main thing that drives success in today's music industry. Sigh. :evil:

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That's very true but you remember Susan Boyle, great voice but because of her looks she was "over looked" for years. The world of Pop music is one of both sound and looks sad to say.

Ye i know was expecting an answer like such Frank as for Susan Boyle

She Susan Boyle still stays in an ordinary house where she has always stayed
sais she wont move as has some nice memories of her mother while staying in the house all their days together

But my thinking now is because she's never had any peace to live since

As she's also just recently had her home burgled recently and also just the other week again has had some young lad run past her from inside her own house and her brother has said she shall have to move
though she seems a bit adamant not to according to News here last week

Personally i think she has a good singing voice but a little missing upstairs
but i like to see people whom were brought up ordinary doing well like
Susan Boyle and she is a good singer and used to just go to her church
which is not the norm here and also on odd ocassion to her local pub for to do a shot at Karaokee

I feel good for the Woman that she has done well, just a pity like she sais her own Mother isnt here to see how she is doing now.

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"Back In The Day" looks didn't matter near as much. Robert Johnson wasn't much in the looks dept. but he's pretty much accepted as the founder of the Blues. God knows that Mic Jager isn't much in the looks dept. or much of a singer either but he's still huge in the music business. I really think it's kind of like what Simon cowell says, there's an "IT" factor that'll make or break you in the music business. Chris won American Idol last season but you never hear about him but that fruity Adam is all over the place. Both are good singers it's just that Adam had "IT" and Chris didn't.

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She was hired as a songwriter at age 14. I am willing to bet that she has more talent than the fine folks here want to admit or realize.

Let us know when you get nominated for a Grammy or a Nobel Peace Prize......



Hopefully, I won't be nominated for a Nobel Peace Price, given the company, e.g. Obama, Gore, Arafat, etc. Like I said, it doesn't mean anything anymore.


As for the Grammy, who cares who wins what. Isn't it more of a corporate-driven popularity contest? You'll never see a band like Dream Theater win a useless Grammy.


Oh, pitiful insult, too, by the way. At least we know you measure "success" by awards.

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Hopefully, I won't be nominated for a Nobel Peace Price, given the company, e.g. Obama, Gore, Arafat, etc. Like I said, it doesn't mean anything anymore.

As for the Grammy, who cares who wins what. Isn't it more of a corporate-driven popularity contest? You'll never see a band like Dream Theater win a useless Grammy.

Oh, pitiful insult, too, by the way. At least we know you measure "success" by awards.

I can't really speak for Hud, but I don't think he intended the post the way you characterize it. He was defensive of her early on in this thread, I think because he saw a likeable young kid getting roundly trashed by mostly couch musicians.

He makes a good point, and was commenting on her talent as a songwriter. I don't take Hud as really trying to insult anyone, but just pointing out that she has accomplished things her critics never will.

I don't think she is much of a singer, but I'm not insulted that someone points out we are a bit like sharks on a wounded seal in this thread. Though we're a fairly civil bunch, you need a little thicker skin than to start throwing spitwads over that harmless comment.

Or put another way, popular around here: STFU Newb! ;)

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I really don't like this thread...


We are all here encouraging each other when we post our clips though we are just amateurs...


Maybe T.S. is not your cup of tea but I still think she's better than I am. Should I quit playing for that matter? Maybe, but no, I won't! I won't bash Taylor Swift either. I've got better things to do.


I wish this thread would die.



Mon p

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Hopefully, I won't be nominated for a Nobel Peace Price, given the company, e.g. Obama, Gore, Arafat, etc. Like I said, it doesn't mean anything anymore.

As for the Grammy, who cares who wins what. Isn't it more of a corporate-driven popularity contest? You'll never see a band like Dream Theater win a useless Grammy.

Oh, pitiful insult, too, by the way. At least we know you measure "success" by awards.



I would give you the Tampax award....


I was joking with you.


Lighten up Frances....

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I really don't like this thread...


We are all here encouraging each other when we post our clips though we are just amateurs...


Maybe T.S. is not your cup of tea but I still think she's better than I am. Should I quit playing for that matter? Maybe, but no, I won't! I won't bash Taylor Swift either. I've got better things to do.


I wish this thread would die.



Mon p

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That's very true but you remember Susan Boyle, great voice but because of her looks she was "over looked" for years. The world of Pop music is one of both sound and looks sad to say.

and unfortunately, more so on the looks end. Studio engineers can do wonders these days...

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We support each other because we're all pretty much "hacks"(myself included) and we don't make a dime off of what we play or sing so we can be Mediocre and it's ok.
Taylor Swift, on the other hand, is making millions off of here singing and playing and you'd think that she'd do it well enough to deserve those millions.
She's a nice girl, writes good songs but more people then I have said that she sings flat and can't hit all of her notes to make it more then just my imagination. If you're going to run with the Big Dawgs then make sure you can keep up. That's all I'm saying.

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