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Martin D-28 vs Martin HD-28 decision.


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You make some good points, but in this particular statement, I can't help but wonder about the skills of the player. It doesn't
to over power the singer. Maybe a bit of palm muting or other volume conserving technique on the lyric parts of the song?


You make some good points for sure. Technique goes a long way but with a smaller bout guitar like a concert you don't have to worry about it, even better as a singer you don't have to compete period, you can let go and not be overpowered by yourself. They're voiced at the perfect volume even if you dig into the strings. As a vocalist it's one less thing to worry about, as an accompaniment guitarist to a vocalist you don't have to be holding back all the time either, just play like you normally do.

The other thing is if you add a pickup and plug in it ain't no louder or quieter than a dreadnought would be in the same situation. Meaning either way the house controls your volume most of the time.

Check out photos of Woody Guthrie. I've only seen one photo of him with anything larger than a concert or auditorium bout and I would guess that was on a loan from someone? You'll see him standing on a crate at a coffee house, no PA just strumming his concert bout and howling over top. Same with those old country blues players. It's a natural mixing board, an acoustic mixer aka analog not digital. :lol:

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You make some good points, but in this particular statement, I can't help but wonder about the skills of the player. It doesn't
to over power the singer. Maybe a bit of palm muting or other volume conserving technique on the lyric parts of the song?



I agree. A good guitar player will use touch and command of dynamics to their advantage: They play with a light touch when needed and more aggressively when needed. It's similar to the argument the finger style purist make: "Dreads are not good for finger style - you must use a concert or OM body guitar."


Back on topic:


The HD-28 would be my choice without question. It's not even close.

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Okay, now I'm definitely starting to slide off the fence toward the HD side, but I'm going to still keep my mind/ears open, because you never can tell what a guit will truly sound like, based on other people's opinions. I'm just getting HD-28 GAS, I think. I have to stay open.


You guys definitely have me looking more in to the HDs than I did in the past, however. I'm liking what I'm seeing and hearing... but the sound clips I've heard of the regular D-28s are great too... AUGH... I'm glad I don't have to decide right away, because I'd be at the shop for hours playing one, then the other over and over and over and over....


Heh, wish I was really wealthy, then I'd just buy both and be done with it. Chump change, eh? ;)

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Most Martins over 1000 you can get from many online dealers for 40% off the list price, no sales tax, free shipping.


I only play for myself and in the living room. But many solo artists say the 35 is too loud to sing over. Here's what I have and my thoughts on the sound which basically only my ears ever hear.


D-28 New out of the box 28s, I've found many to sound stiff and a bit weak. Everyone says a guitar has to "open" up and the used D-28 2007 that I bought sounded great in the store, better than anything I've ever heard new so I bought it. Cost was 1400 dollars out the door.


D-35. One day was in Guitar Center and they had this hanging on the wall. Brand new out of the box. Sales guy said it was put out 2 hours ago. Man it was loud and boomy which I loved. Big sound, beautiful tone. loved it, bought it and got the online price I mentioned above - 40% off list and no tax. They met that price at retail.


HD-35 Was going to buy an HD-28 but the few I tried I didn't love but again the 35 really caught my ear. Even a bigger sound that the D-35 Beautiful tone but they both sound a bit different. HD-35 was less boomy. Treble and Bass a bit more even but still a loud guitar. I can understand why solo artists wouldn't like to perform with this guitar. Indie store gave me a cash price - same as online 40% off list and no tax (which is substantial in California). Very low action on this guitar too without any buzzing. If I ever need to sell my acoustics, this will be the last to go.


Never got an HD-28 but ya never know. Right price, right sound I'll buy!

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Most Martins over 1000 you can get from many online dealers for 40% off the list price, no sales tax, free shipping.



While that may be true, I still can't bring myself to lay down cash (especially that which is not quite that easy to come by presently) for something I've not played or seen with my own eyes. I know you can benefit greatly from that kind of gamble, but you can also get a hell of a white elephant.

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HDs are more harmonically complex, in general richer bass and sweeter, crispier highs than standard 28s.

Standard 28s have more fundamental, more mid emphasis, seem punchier and more "in your face".


I love my old 1985 Standard. Its opened up over the years and is pretty rich sounding.

Tho not as harmonically complex as a new HD, is still 100% a Martin, and will blow your hair back if you lean into it.

Plus its taken more abuse than I care to admit over many years of outdoor festivals and camping, etc. and is still going strong.

Hres a sample:


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How much do they go for new at the average dealer?


The price $3099 shown is not the actual price you have to call for Maury's best price ...



Been playing mostly a 000 body lately so I can relate to what OGP is saying and I played one of these that sounded pretty sweet for the money.


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I've received two offers so far, counting Kujo. Let me say it's great that there's such camaraderie here. I'll do my best to save up enough for the more expensive one of the two and then look at both if I can. Keep in mind this may take a while, and I don't know what kind of "sh*t happens" is waiting for me around the corner, so... I don't want either of you two holding the guitars or anything for me, should you get a buyer before I'm ready, as the work I'm doing between jobs is intermittent and the amount of money I get varies greatly and will always go to more important things first. When I'm ready, I'll PM the both of you and if the guitars are gone beforehand, it wasn't meant to be. I'll get one of the two eventually from whatever source. It's just the decision that's hard, hehe.

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I sold my D-35 to help finance a new HD28V. Mine is incredible. It has a deep fat bass and sparkly liquidy highs. I wouldn't call it "boomy" because it is much more balanced than that, but it has more "sonic heft" than any D-28, HD-28 or D-35 I tried, and I played quite a few of those models. Not a huge fan of the aging toner, but a great guitar nonetheless.



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So what the HD28v is, is an artificially aged HD28? Hmmmn... It could be better in general than a normal HD-28, or could it just be that particular piece of wood? I don't think ANY guitar sounds like any other (as you can't get the same piece of wood twice), so I don't plan at all on getting one that sounds just like anyone here's descriptions, or the soundbytes and videos I've heard. Ballpark would be nice, but as long as it sounds good to me is what matters, as I've liked what I've heard from both the D28 and HD-28 camps. Though I still am leaning toward the HDs, if just for construction and some sonic reasons.


EDIT: Woah, I didn't think this would reach a whole page, let alone 3, hehe.

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