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Martin D-28 vs Martin HD-28 decision.


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This won't come for a good while, as unfortunately, I'm between jobs and my current work is odd jobs and intermittent.


Anyway, I plan on saving up for my dream acoustic which never has been all blingy or 'pretty'. Just a well-made Martin D-28 would make me happy. Now, I know a bit about the HD-28 and its scalloped bracing and herringbone trim, but does it really make that much of a difference in the sound to justify the price difference? Would I be better off going for the HD or the D, since they're pretty much identical with regards to shape and appearance.


The type of music I play is diverse, and so far only the Martins have had 'that sound' I'm looking for, as far as versatility.


So... any information or advice on which to pick and why would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. :wave:

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Both are great guitars and both have that "Martin sound." Only you can decide which you prefer and their relative worth, price-wise. Only the individual player can make that decision in the end. Hopefully you can get to play several of them side-by-side. I don't know about you, but I can't accurately judge a guitar played in one shop against one played in a different shop. Of course the good news is that whichever you do end up selecting will be a great guitar.

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I was there and decided that neither of the D28's was the one for me - I went for a D35.

The "basic" D28 is a bloody good guitar, the HD sounds a bit more boomy/bassy due to the forward shifted and scallopped bracing - I loved that - but then the V-shaped neck killed it for me. My D35 is sorta like the HD28 - a bit more balanced and not AS bassy as the HD28 but still better than the D28 - and it has the nicer neck. At least to my liking, YMMV.

I don't know what makes the Martin-V so uncomfortable to me. My spruce/maple Binh Dread has a Guild-V and I have no issues with that shape, but the Martin-V is ...aaaargh!

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I can adapt pretty well with regards to necks, but if HDs have a more bassy sound, then I may want to go with the D after all (I like a little shimmer/brightness but not to the extent of your average Taylor), but as 23miles said, I'm going to have to play a lot of them, and I have been in the past. The local mom n' pop I frequent is a Martin dealer and has a honey hole (An alcove full of the more 'high dollar' acoustics) full of all sorts of different ones. I've played several HDs, but only a few Ds since they don't seem to stock them as often, or they're bought quickly. I've played a 35 against a 28 and thought they both sounded good, but the 28 had the sound I was looking for.


I'm going to keep checking them out until I've finally got the money up to buy either, then see which one strikes my fancy when the day comes. Hoping it does come, eventually, hehe.

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I own both a D-28 and an HD-28. They are very different guitars.


The HD-28 has a mellow sound with lots of complex overtones to it... across the entire sound spectrum. To me, it is a balanced tone. There is no particular tone that stands out on it, particularly mids or highs. That is because of its clearly more prominent bass response. It works well as a solo act guitar, or a back-up guitar for vocals.


The D-28's tone is not as complex. You get more fundamental tones from it. It does not have the bass presence that the HD has. Because of that, it sounds louder, and seems to have more dynamic range, or punch, volume wise. I've heard it correctly described as an "in your face", direct sound. It will fit in (or stand out) better with a group or band.


If I could only have one of these, I would probably pick the HD. It works better in a variety of environments than the D does.


Gotta try an HD-28V or a D-18GE sometime soon.

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The HD28 is better for bluegrass and has a slightly punchier, less generic sound than the D28. It's also more expensive as a new guitar and has a higher resale value both because it's a higher-priced guitar and more desirable. The punchy bass is often what draws people to it, especially if you're in an ensemble, and it's a sound you just can't get in, say, a Gibson J-45 or a grand auditorium Taylor.


A D28 is still a lovely guitar, but not as distinctive, and not as "stylistically unique" as the HD version as far as building out your arsenal of acoustic guitar sounds.

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An additional suggestion to the OP question.

Check out the UMGF (Unofficial Martin Guitar Forum). Do a search on "D-28 vs HD-28" there. You'll find more stuff there on the subject there than you will find here about bridge pins.



That much, eh? Hehe. I'll go do that. You guys have been pretty helpful though. I'm still on the fence, but now after hearing in more descriptive terms how either sounds (At least, to the opinion of the listener), I'm now sort of slightly leaning towards the HD.


As for the HD28V, I don't know how much I'd have to save (I usually save enough to buy the most expensive option at least, if I go for a comparison. From the replies it sounds like it's worth a good chunk o' change. I'm patient, though and can wait if it's worth it.


As for online purchases and Ebay and Craig's List and all that... call me old fashioned but I just can't take a chance on a guitar I haven't held in my hands and played, no matter what the price.

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Which is better?


What does "better" mean?


I own a D35. My buddy is a premium Martin dealer, so I have played just about every Martin model (over and over) and honestly... they're all good and some are truly great. I preferred the D35 over the D28 (slightly) but I would love to have a D28 too. I have played the D and HD versions of both side by side many times and there's no doubt they sound different, but I could not tell you which is better. I don't think either one is. What you're going to have to do is sit down and play both/all of the models you are interested in and decide. In the end it might come down to a coin toss.


Either way you can't lose. :thu:

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I too have played each of these models, except for the HD-28v. I like each of them and found the HD-28 to be slightly (IMO) better sounding than the D-28 or the D-35. At the price out the door, I became a bit more critical. I ended up buying a near perfect D-35 for about a thousand less. Suddenly, the D-35 sounded a lot better than either of them.

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Which is better?

What does "better" mean?

I own a D35. My buddy is a premium Martin dealer, so I have played just about every Martin model (over and over) and honestly... they're all good and some are truly great. I preferred the D35 over the D28 (slightly) but I would love to have a D28 too. I have played the D and HD versions of both side by side many times and there's no doubt they sound different, but I could not tell you which is better. I don't think either one is. What you're going to have to do is sit down and play both/all of the models you are interested in and decide. In the end it might come down to a coin toss.

Either way you can't lose.


Also, don't ignore a D-18. It's mahogany back and sides as opposed to rosewood on the 28 and 35, and has it's own distinct tonal qualities. Many players would take an 18 over a 28 or a 35. They are also somewhat more affordable.


All great guitars. Try them all and take home the one that sings to you.

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Also, don't ignore a D-18. It's mahogany back and sides as opposed to rosewood on the 28 and 35, and has it's own distinct tonal qualities. Many players would take an 18 over a 28 or a 35. They are also somewhat more affordable.

All great guitars. Try them all and take home the one that sings to you.

I've played most of the Martin line, and they were all what I'd classify as very good or better; however the HD28 and D28 have always seemed to crop up in my musical life and something seems to 'call' me to them. Silly, I know, but it seems like fate or something, hehe.

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I'm in the same dilemma. The good thing is, I have narrowed down to 2, the HD and D. I have a demo sound clip on all 3 to compare, I will try to post. By listening to all 3, my choice so far is the HD, but thats my choice. I like the bassier and crispier sound to the D and the HDV.

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Dreadnought's are loud. They were designed for bluegrass guys to be heard in the context of an instrumental group, over banjo, mandolin, etc.. In this day and age were we take for granted PA systems many forget that there was a time when an acoustic guitar was chosen based on how much volume was needed. Parlor, concert, and auditorium sized guitars are great for accompanying vocalists in a un-plugged context, say sitting around the campfire, coffee house or busking with no PA. A dreadnought will easily overpower a vocalist (unless they got Aretha Franklin pipes) in a un-plugged setting. If you look back at all those old time folk/blues/country players you almost always see a one of those three I mentioned as their main axe for that very reason. Just something to consider if you're a singer or accompanying one. Here's a great link about bout sizes. Good luck on your hunt!



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.... A dreadnought will easily overpower a vocalist (unless they got Aretha Franklin pipes) in a un-plugged setting....



You make some good points, but in this particular statement, I can't help but wonder about the skills of the player. It doesn't have to over power the singer. Maybe a bit of palm muting or other volume conserving technique on the lyric parts of the song?

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