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Hot New Dean: Dime Dixie Rebel


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Seems like a decent guitar, but there's no way I'd play it. Same reason I don't wear pajamas made out of sheets; even though they're probably really comfortable.





Disclaimer: I'm not trying to be an ass. I know you already understand the implications of the graphic on the guitar. I'm just stating my reason for not diggin' it.

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Over this side of the pond, especially back in Northern Ireland, the confederate flag is something that for the most part is waved around by middle-aged, middle-class women who think it's clever and exotic to go line dancing. Seriously.


Not something I'd go a bundle on paint wise, nor on the shape - i hate pointy guitars. Funny thing is though I've taken the notion for one of the Dean Baby MLs(? the one that's something this shape) to set up to learn slide on....

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Originally posted by Zen

Down Under nobody would really care cause they've proabably naver seen a Confederate flag. I'm not a fan of any of Dime's guitars (this is probably a tribute series to him, right?)





Of Course we've seen confederate flags ! we just don't care, because its not our history

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Originally posted by bernardo gui

As a Black man you couldn't give me that guitar.

Dean Guitars {censored}ed up.

They put a symbol of racism on a guitar.

Talk about marketing.........

Hey Dean : when does the swastika guitar come out ?




It's not a symbol of racism, its just the confederate flag. Obviously there was slavery and all that going on in the confederate states but still the flag is no sign of racism. There is that association which causes people to think negatively of it.

A picture of a black man on a noose painted on the front of a guitar would be a symbol of racism.

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Originally posted by peavey_impact

It's not a symbol of racism, its just the confederate flag. Obviously there was slavery and all that going on in the confederate states but still the flag is no sign of racism. There is that association which causes people to think negatively of it.

A picture of a black man on a noose painted on the front of a guitar would be a symbol of racism.



It's a symbol of traitors and slavers.


What association could you possibly draw from a Confederate flag other than that?

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I shouldnt have even replied in the first place, but the association of the Confederate Flag in today's culture is about a sense of rebellion. Just like the south rebelled against the north. Yes it was for BS reasons but still some people just dig too deep rather than seeing something plainly for what it is.

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