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Hot New Dean: Dime Dixie Rebel


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Originally posted by peavey_impact

It's not a symbol of racism, its just the confederate flag. Obviously there was slavery and all that going on in the confederate states but still the flag is no sign of racism. There is that association which causes people to think negatively of it.

A picture of a black man on a noose painted on the front of a guitar would be a symbol of racism.







Agreed it's just a flag, just a piece of cloth.

But it's what that flag represents:


1. Oppresion of Black people

2. Slavery

3. White supremacy


You know how the Jews fell about swatikas ?

Well that's how Black people and "people of good will"

feel about that flag.

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Originally posted by dinrodef

You went to public school... huh?


I dont even live in your country, but actually, I went to both private and public school and I even I can see what the Confederate flag stands for.


But way to discriminate - but thats par for the course if you think this kind of thing is bad ass :)


Let me stereotype you as well:


Dont you have some hills to be jumping in your shitbox Dodge?



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Originally posted by bernardo gui


Agreed it's just a flag, just a piece of cloth.

But it's what that flag represents:

1. Oppresion of Black people

2. Slavery

3. White supremacy

You know how the Jews fell about swatikas ?

Well that's how Black people and "people of good will"

feel about that flag.



You went to public school too huh?

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Originally posted by cloudnine

I dont even live in your country, but actually, I went to both private and public school and I even I can see what the Confederate flag stands for.

But way to discriminate - but thats par for the course if you think this kind of thing is bad ass

Let me stereotype you as well:

Dont you have some hills to be jumping in your shitbox Dodge?



Congratulations... your anti-american bigotry and stereotype shines through for all to see...


Love the part about the Dodge... real creative... you're about what 18 or 19 years old?

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What have I said here that's anti-American?


I'm anti-Confederate sympathisers and losers who still want to fly the flag because they think it makes them rebellious, correct.


Yeah, I'm 18, and clearly a whole lot less ignorant than you, but way to add ageism to your discriminatory palate :wave:

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Originally posted by bernardo gui


Agreed it's just a flag, just a piece of cloth.

But it's what that flag represents:

1. Oppresion of Black people

2. Slavery

3. White supremacy

You know how the Jews fell about swatikas ?

Well that's how Black people and "people of good will"

feel about that flag.



Okay man, whatever. Being an African American myself I can honestly say that seeing the confederate flag doesnt offend me (and I live and have been living in LOUISIANA all my life so it's not like I don't see it every single day). I can also say that I started playing guitar because of Dimebag Darrell and Joe Satriani, so I don't give a single {censored} what is painted on Dime's guitar. I'll inherently love his guitars because his playing has deeply impacted my life.

Regardless, I find that a picture of a flag is far less unnerving than racism itself. Just my opinion.

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Its suppose to be offensive, the suits that marketed Pantera is a metal band planned it to be that way. Throw a confederate flag on a guitar oooh oooh hes a bad mother{censored}er. The Sex Pistols had swastikas all over them, it was just so they piss people off. Ignorance is bliss I guess, its a rock n roll type thing to do, but to me its ignorant and lame. The confederate flag represents everything that the US isnt. It would be ironic if a southerner would say somebody is anti american while having a confederate flag bumper sticker.

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I don't like the V/Explorer rip-off Dean designs - never have. I just can't get past those headstocks.


I don't have a problem with the flag and I don't have a problem with Dean making the guitar with that graphic.


I do have a problem with the bigots who use it as a symbol for their racist views, though.


I won't even get into the history part because it's seems like most of the people talking it up here don't have a very deep understanding of the historic, economic, and social factors that caused the war in the first place.

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Originally posted by blackmonday

I'm not sure that Dimebag would be down with that flag on his guitar. Maybe the Texas state flag.



Washburn offered a Dime Rebel guitar several years ago when he was alive. Where were all you whiney bitches then?? Being a rebel (his own man) has been something Dime has been about for years.




First of all, we have some pretty intolerant people here from what I have read -- white and black who are not understanding the meaning of the paint job. It is not saying Dime or Dean are racists. If you knew Dime, he was about as far from one as is humanly possible. I live in the south (Texas) and the vast majority of the people here will tell you that they understand the negative meaning of the confederate flag. I do for sure. Lived here my entire life and I can't ever recall meeting someone who is proud of slavery. Yeah, you have a few idiots still doing the whole "south will rise thing", but they are fucking morons. However, the flag also has a meaning that transends the whole confederacy thing (something most people in Texas at least don't give a shit about, maybe in Georgia, but not here) and that is that it represents a rebel -- where it comes to being a part of the Dime folklore. A rebel not in the sense of what happened 150 years ago, but an individual who goes against society, does things on his own terms, is his own man. And that was Dime. Dime loved everybody, color was never anything to him. Pretty colorblind guy. But he was proud to be a modern southern man, and one that did things his own way.


I can't even believe I have spend time explaining that. And I would play that live, of course, I am in Dime's hometown, so people here would get it. We all knew him to a certain degree.


And while I would not play a shwastika guitar (that was a funny line whoever posted that) due to the Nazi affiliation -- and I hate Nazis and modern day Nazis are morons as well, the Nazis took an ancient and revered symbol and turned it into something that represents evil. Interesting to understand the history of that symbol. I watch a lot of History channel and saw something about it.

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Originally posted by curseoftruth

And while I would not play a shwastika guitar (that was a funny line whoever posted that) due to the Nazi affiliation -- and I hate Nazis and modern day Nazis are morons as well, the Nazis took an ancient and revered symbol and turned it into something that represents evil.



Isn't the swastika Hindu?


When I used to live in Dubai most Indians would make a swastika out of spices and dyes and paint in on the floor outside their house for hindu festivals. One of my American friends (being ignorant, no fault of his) thought it was the Nazi symbol and he was pretty freaked out. I'm Half Hindu.


BTW most people (outside the Indians) say swastikas but people in India call it swastik most hindi words somehow get an 'a' at the end when translated into english.

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Originally posted by Zen

Isn't the swastika Hindu?

When I used to live in Dubai most Indians would make a swastika out of spices and dyes and paint in on the floor outside their house for hindu festivals. One of my American friends (being ignorant, no fault of his) thought it was the Nazi symbol and he was pretty freaked out. I'm Half Hindu.

BTW most people (outside the Indians) say swastikas but people in India call it swastik most hindi words somehow get an 'a' at the end when translated into english.



The swastika appears in most religions in one form or another, it's ancient. There's a dude that has tattooed himself from head to foot in them, and he gets my respect. Done in the same fashion, I *would* play a guitar that featured them.



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Originally posted by cloudnine

It's a symbol of traitors and slavers.

What association could you possibly draw from a Confederate flag other than that?



I've always had the impression that slavery in reality didn't have a lot to do with the direct reasons for the war, but got sort of tacked on to it (a lot like religion in Ireland)... I have a friend who is a big civil war buff, does the re-enactment and all that who gets quite annoyed with the suggestion that it's a racist flag. I can see where he's coming from (and I'm well aware of the argument that Lincoln waited for a -couple of years was it? to emancipate the slaves after the North won, which you'd have thought they'd have done quicker if that was the whole point), but there are times when it's appropriate to use some symbols to try and "reclaim" them, and times when some things just have to be let drop because they cause so much hurt and offence to others. That flag represents slavery and racism to so many folks that - history books and reneactment aside (i HATE it when histroy is censored- remembering the V&A museum in London's Youth Cults clothing display some years back when they had a huge display of cothes from the London punk scene, but all the swastikas had been censored out) - I do think the mature thing is now to put it aside.


I'd take exception to the "traitors" thing, though.... the only difference between a traitor and a liberator is whether they lose or win. But then I'm utterly opposed to the concept of treason as being utterly undemocratic.... I dso believe that it should be the fundamental right of every citizen to seek to overthrow the state provided they do it by exclusively peaceful means - anything that is genuinely harmful about problematic behaviour as is currently covered by the concept of treason is easily covered by more suitable offences - incitement to violence, incitement to other illegal acts (non-payment of tax?). But maybe ultimately that's all semantics....?

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Originally posted by choklitlove

yeah, and that's really {censored}ty if you ask me. someone's cashing in.

i'm waiting for the dime movie.






Yeah, Dean guitars is the worst....way to make a ton of money off of someones death.



They make nice guitars I'm sure but what assholes they are.

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Originally posted by TheDarxide

Can anyone say Jimi Hendrix?





Yeah, look at how much Dean pimps Dime compared to how much those companies rely on Jimi.....big difference.



Let's just put it this way...if those 3 companies never used Jimi again they'd still do fine....



If Dean didn't pimp Dime left and right they'd almost be "Dean who??"

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