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Found a classic 30 on craigslist, need 'confirmation'.


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Well, 1-2 years is just too exaggerated but I know it won't happen for..a very good while. VERY good while. Telling him I 'NEED' the amp is a bad idea.

Hell when I was starting guitar and unfortunately founded HC at the same time,the gas ensued and he told me that he won't get me anything until I get better. A year later,here I am now.

To bluntly put it,he still thinks I suck and I don't deserve any new gear because he thinks it will be a waste. As for my mom she's on his side as well but more.. passive if you could call it that.

EDIT: I've told him millions of times that I've been talking to these people here for a long time and told them what you said. He knows that but he pointed out to me in today's heated argument that even though I could show you people pictures of the thing it still wouldn't matter because you wouldn't be there to try it out and test it. Basically he just doesn't trust me in that sort of sense.

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Also to add,this the SAME dad that told me that strings are a waste of money and I should stop spending money them and instead told me to boil the strings in hot water and or use sand paper. He also told me all guitars sound the same and so on. All this is coming from him and he's played acoustic guitar for 30 years. He also wasn't born in America so what he thinks is cheap and what people here think is cheap is..different.

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I hate to talk bad about your dad, but if he thinks spending $4 to 8$ on a set of strings every few weeks is a waste then he's just looking for things to be a pain in the neck about. I especially find it strange that he thinks that way, being an acoustic guitarist..

Also, if he thinks you don't deserve better gear because you're not good enough then he needs to look in the mirror and think about what he's doing. How can he expect you to get better when you're stuck with some cheapy gear and old worn out strings. If I had a son and he wanted to play guitar, you'd better believe I'd do everything I could to help him succeed at it. I mean.. there's obviously a reason he's played acoustic for 30 years. He does like it somewhat, right? How could he not want you to get better at it?

He sounds like he thinks you're just some kid who doesn't know what he wants. I'd like to know how old he was when he started playing guitar. I wonder if his parents treated him the same way. Either way, I think he's just living in some old-fashioned "I'm the parent and that's how it's going to be" fantasy.

I'm sorry.. I'm starting to rant a little myself. I just feel bad for you. I really hope you guys get this worked out soon.

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I really don't mind,I've always felt the same way when it comes to this topic. If it makes better sense, He's 58 now and played for 30 years so..you do the math. Note,he was also born and lived in a 3rd world country so go figure. I think he thinks more instead of 'doesnt know what he wants' but more of 'doesn't know what the hell he's doing' to me. He had a band in his home country and were pretty popular so you know he did enjoy it. He quit playing his acoustic because the action for him was too high and his fingers were too tender for it,so he gave it to me because I think it's okay as it is.

This amount of ignorance he has, it won't clear up for a damn good while. He expected me to learn 10 songs when I only had about 3-4 months of experience. As for his relationship with his parents. He was the oldest son and he never got along with his dad. That cycle was always in my family and it still is because my older brother doesn't exactly get along. He just thinks I should appreciate what I have right now because we don't have much money. Hell we just bought a new car but right when he did that my whole summer went to {censored}. So..he's also hypocritical..

EDIT: Look,since this is the EG forum I really don't want to be so OT even though this has been and bring some stupid family problem of mine here. If you have to move this Mazi or whoever then go right ahead. I don't want to bring bad mojo here.

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If there's one thing I wouldn't worry about here is the occasional OT thread. :D

It sounds like he doesn't understand your passion for playing guitar. It's not just something you're doing, and it shouldn't be some disciplined thing you have to do. It should be fun, you know? You've got to learn in your own time.

I understand money can be tight, and you should appreciate what you have, but it's just a $300 amp.

It doesn't look like he's going to give in. So, all I know to do is just grab some odd jobs in your spare time, and save up the money to buy a new amp. That way, you get your amp, your dad gets his way, and maybe he'll realize that his son is willing to work for something he wants, and that you're old enough to take care of some things yourself in that respect. Then he'll realize he can trust you a little more than he does.

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how old are you?
are you playing in a band?
whats wrong with your current gear?

in some way, your father is right, you might not deserve new gear. i'm not judging you but i want to give you another point of few from my own:
i had a few hobbies i started, like modell plane flying, inlineskating, mountain biking, skiing and and and, a lot of stuff which also need some or a lot of gear, all of them stuff i got then and when the basic gear what i needed to do do this hobby, allways beside mountain biking i lost interest really quick or over the time. -> a lot of waste of money
when i was 16 my beloved mountainbike got stolen, and there was no way and no money to get another one i was really sad but i got over it.
a friend of mine started at the same time playing guitar and i said to myself i also want to. my parents had bad experience with my older sister and guitar earlier, they bought her a 500$ classical guitar when she started, but she was young (about ten years old) and really really untalented, and after a couple of month everybody known that she will never really learn it and didn't wanted to either, so they sold the guitar again.

about 10 years later i came to my parents and asked for a guitar, and it took my 3 months to convince them to buy me one, and they agreed to buy me the cheapest (classical) guitar for christmas they could found, i was so happy, but it was really garbage :)
anyway a beat the {censored} out of her, after nine months after my summer job i had some money and bought a western guitar which was os much a big step forward. at the next christmas my parents bought me a case for it.
this was the last time they gave me money for gear...
after that i finished school, went to university and was almost not able to pay me additional gear, it took almost 8 to 10 years i could buy me my first real electric...
...but i payed it all for myself, in the meanwhile i practiced, could have done more but...

anyhow, i see you have a mim strat, line6 spider 2 15 (my current practice amp) and the martin accoustic from your dad, i say you have great gear, for homenoodling its quite a lot and probably more than you need.
if you only play it at home a classic 30 is way too much, the mostz venues i played everybody said it was to loud on 2...
in the long run, save your money, and buy yourself what you want when you can afford it, and proof your dad that your really a good player, cause i guess thats were you can really hit him :D

btw my parents still believe that i can't play, and i'm 31 now, maybe they are right, but they haven't heard me play for more than 10 years :D

ps: sorry for the long message

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Your dad shows a lack of understanding when it comes to guitars and amps. No matter what you tell him, though, he will think he is right and since he is apparantly your source of $$$ you are pretty much {censored} outta luck. Too bad for you. I bought a C30 from ebay for $225 and it came with Tom's Tube tamer and extra tubes plus footswitch. I have since retubed with Eurotubes (early breakup) and the C30 is one of the best sounding/versatile amps I've had the pleasure of owning.

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Man me and my mom go into this arguement all the time. I love guitar, let me put it this way, I LOVE GUITAR! I wanted to be a luthier for the longest time, but recently me and a pal of my mine have been talking about opening a bar/venue.

Anyway, I feel you want new gear, HC does that to you, Im the same way right now but I have no money (literally) and so I have to sell stuff to pay for other bills (college is a bitch). Well I have set aside a small amount of money to buy a guitar so I have something to play, and I sold off the Marshall and am getting an Epiphone Blues custom.

Honestly I thought this would help my sit. with my mom, I'm not spending any more money on gear, Im actually making money. WELL, she was pissed when she found out I bought an amp with the money from my ... amp.

I am not a great player, Im good at best but even then ... eh. My band broke up and I am having trouble getting a new one going, I don't have any particular need for new gear, so why do I buy it?

I want it.

Plain and simple, I made the money I deserve to be able to enjoy it.

On the flip-side of that coin ....

I have things I need to pay for and I need money desperately right now, so I have to sell my gear to afford it!

Your dad is watching out for you, he doesn't want you to spend your money and then get screwed, he doesn't want you to spend all your money on gear, and maybe in a way, he doesn't want you to have to sell your gear like I have to.

My suggestion would be to try to sell your an amp to get an amp.

Heres some stuff to consider:
How old are you?
Are you in a band?
How much volume do you require?
Do you need two amps?
Will pedals be a better choice than multiple amps?
How NICE of gear do you need?

Im 17, I was in a Punk band, I needed volume, I had a practice amp and a gigging amp, I didn't use any pedals and I didnt need that nice of gear for punk.

Now I am 17, not in a band, don't need that much volume, I need one amp and I am now gonna use pedals and I still dont need that nice of gear.

My whole rig will cost under $1000 easy, and I like it that way. Im yound, I don't want super expensive stuff, give me a cheap guitar with some character. I want my sound to be raunchy, aggressive, ballsy in a word. I can do that with some relatively inexpensive gear.

I am here to support you man, just rethink your rig before you put yourself in a situation for bad terms with your Dad, I did that with my Mom, it started out as gear, then it developed into bigger things and now we rarely talk outside of arguing, and it is no bueno.

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Originally posted by K3Fallout

Yep.. Well as I said I just have to give in. This time. Right when I get a good paying job I'm going to buy most of my gear used on the bay just to prove him wrong in the long run.



Your dad's a hard ass. Get a job and don't rely on him for gear.

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Seems like every thread you start about an amp turns into some psychodrama between you and your father. My advice: do the best you can with your current situation...count the day 'till you move out and make your own decisions or get a job with the deal that you can spend the money you earn as you see fit.

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Originally posted by K3Fallout


old fashioned so if he messes up he blames someone else.


That's not old fashioned. Blaming someone else is the hip new way of not taking responsbility for your actions.

Since your near SF, it should be easy to find a group of kids your age to jam with and you'll need something bigger to project your sound. Then take the issue up with the parental units. Without a reason other than "I want it!" would you buy it for your kid? Anyways, the Classic 30 is way loud for noodling.

But fun! :thu:

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too bad about your pop. he sounds more anal retentive than mine. that c30 looks nice too.

if you go buy a brand new amp, check out a few. c30 would be one, the peavey delta blues, crate v32 palomino (updated vintage club 30).. fender blues jr. or even the mesa .50 calibur.

even if you dont buy a new one, at least go check a few amps out so you can pick the one you like. the palomino has a lot of hype around it, you might like it more, and the delta blues is very similar to the classic 30, but with a 15" speaker that would give it a bigger and slightly different sound.

if you've only been playing for a short time, a year or two lets say, and still see yourself as a beginner - it wouldn't hurt to just stick with solid state practice amp. you're young and have tonnes of time to upgrade your gear.

i will always buy used gear.. nothing i have was bought new.

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Your dad sounds old fashioned and perhaps kinda nuts.

I think the sooner you realize this and stop arguing with him over guitar gear, the better.

Really... it's not worth fighting over. Rock out with what you have now and don't sweat getting new gear for a while. It's not worth the headaches.

All things said- that looks to be a legit and pretty kick ass deal on the C30. I'd buy it ;)

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"hippie area"???? and what the hell's the matter with hippies? I'd trust a hippy way more than some redneck idiot, backstabbing mofo, . . .except to get to work on time.


dude, seriously, just hang in there, think postive, you can do ANYTHING if you're dedicated.

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Originally posted by micahsdad

Man, if I was you I would let him buy me the NEW amp. And then I would tell him...ya know dad I am about to pull the trigger on this USED Les Paul, but you know how used stuff can be all {censored}ed up...

There you go, use reverse psycology on him. :thu:

Buying a used amp can't be all that bad, tell your dad that if it doesn't work, at least we know where he lives! ;)

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I won a used Classic 30 in an ebay auction for $300. I love the sound, and it's been 100% reliable. It's an excellent amp.

That said (and this strictly my opinion), it's not worth the friction with your dad. No guitar, amp, or [insert any other irresistable piece of gear here] is worth it, regardless of the 'deal'. Even if you think your dad is wrong about this, he's still your dad. Maybe he sees you as being impatient, just wanting it right now because there it is. You said yourself, he's been burned before; maybe he just doesn't want to see it happen to you. I would wager that he has what he feels are your best interests at heart, and that he is doing his best to look out for you. Just as you feel you are looking out for him when you point out that the $300 saved could be applied to your brother's tuition. If he's willing to contribute a portion his $$ toward your amp, and he would feel better about it if you bought new, maybe you could take the step back and try to see things through his eyes.

Sometimes the health of the relationship is more important than finding a great deal, more important than having it now, or more important than winning an argument.

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Originally posted by BarneyGumbel

Use your own money to buy gear for yourself, and leave your dad out of it. If you don't have enough money, work and save up.



His dad probably won't let him have a part-time job because it'll interfere with studying...


"If K3 no study, he no get into lawyer school. He be stupid and clean toilet for living!"

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Wow,didn't think I'd get this many replies. Well the guy still has not emailed me. So really, just forget. Haha,that reverse psychology thing may work sometime. The thing about the law school and studying is actually partly true.. I don't even want to go there. My dad DID see me as impatient. I just saw this as a way to save money for him plus of course if you go used,you have way better options. Ever since what happened yesterday, I just stayed downstairs the whole time. Kinda weird though when I stayed down stairs my brother and I had those 'talks'.

Also, pretty soon I'm going to get a job where my brother works which is a resturant..so on a busy night he makes about 100 plus tips. If I don't have the amp buy then I should be able to buy it once I do the job for a short while.

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Also I got this a lot so I'll just say all of this now:
How old are you? Let's just say I'm a less popular guitarkid14.
Are you in a band? since I'm entering highschool and in SF theres a bunch of kids to jam with as one guy said, a band will happen as soon as I find the right people. I think it will be a good experience for me.
How much volume do you require? 11. :p
Do you need two amps? The more the merrier right? Plus I can't really make much if I sell my line 6.
Will pedals be a better choice than multiple amps? I think so,but I don't know much about pedals and setting up a board.
How NICE of gear do you need?
I just need an amount that will keep me content and won't be overboard.

I'm guessing my age is a shock and people will call me spoiled or it will be no surprise. *waits*

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