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yeah Bbreaker left cuz of all the douchebags here


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Originally posted by DARKMETL/

Sorry to all if I had anything to do with his leaving. I never intended that and certainly not generally an asshole. Just thought that instead of posting pics EVERY SINGLE TIME any thread that happened to mention Post Your Gear came up, maybe post a link to the previous 30 threads that your gear is posted in. I dont have great {censored}, I have posted some of it before but damn, I dont to post all of it everytime someone posts their stuff. LINK it.

Don't miss his pics....do a search...it's all there. BBreaker IS a benefit to this board, more so than I.

So, BBreaker.....come back and I'll keep my mouth shut for the benefit of the other members.

Once again, please accept my apologies.

My bad....




Iwould rather have his pictures than your boring signature list of endless crap that you own, or pretend to.

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Hmmmm Knotty....what do you have? I know I don't have a lot of great stuff...nothing wrong with my 81 Les Paul, &2 SG, one of the first 500 USA Jackson Rhoades made, a USA strat and a handful of other decent import stuff...I make no apologies for my gear, some decent amps etc. And no not pretend. Do you want proof?

The internet is a strange place sometimes and maybe sometimes you misread someones intentions. I apologized for it and hope he comes back. Sorry again. Get bent mate.

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Originally posted by DracoAran

Definitely never held back in posting a picture. Ever. Requested or not. Related or not. Would even start a thread if a certain amount of time had gone by without an opportunity to do a show and tell.

To me and my wife it seemed immature, but I never antagonized because it seemed to make people happy.

Regardless, he would have been a lot more valuable if he had shown the same interest in helping others with such dedication. And I mean dedication. This gentleman was committed when it came to showing his stuff.



You sound jelous to me........

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Originally posted by StratTone

You sound jelous to me........



Man, I don't care if the guy was showing one combo and 4 Rondo imports.


Since the first time I told my wife to get off my back and look at a real collection of equipment, there's always been a reason to post a picture. Sometimes there's been no apparent reason too.


You should also take into consideration that my guitar playing is horrible compared to my voice. My own gear has always made me self conscious, because I should be playing one Epiphone through headphones.


Plus, I never made petty jealous comments, or called the guy out, or made him feel uncomfortable. I wasn't the one who fkn pissed him off. It took me several years to even bring it up.

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I don't know if anyone noticed or not - probably not - but, I've really taken quite a break from HC too. I see HC as a valuable tool for expanding one's mind in the musical realm. I use the keyboard/recording/amp forums too, they all have their own vibes and pros and cons.


I like HC and enjoy talking to the folks here that I enjoy conversatin' with. But, HC can also get under your skin. It gets boring when every thread ends up in some kind of petty argument with name calling and stuff.


Many of the threads are really redundant...which in turn usually turn out to be screaming matches.


I recognize that - for the most part - the electric guitar forum is on-topic, but just the "locker-room" attitude that lingers here can become tiresome.


These discussion boards can end up taking up more time than one planned. Seriously, if we were all practicing and playing our guitars as much as we were posting...


But, I guess it's about doing what one wants, and if one wants to come on here and flame in every thread and scream at newbs and be a dumb newb themselves...then so be it.


BBreaker was one of the folks I enjoyed reading and talking to. I'm glad I took the break I did, and I think he'll be glad he took his.

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This place keeps changing. And it's getting easier and easier to say that it's all for the worst.


Bbreaker was a staple of this forum. Everyone knew him and his pictures. It's sad to see that this forum has degenerated to the point where it can drive a veteran away.


And I think it's also incredibly stupid for people to be slinging {censored} at each other in this thread, because it just supports the notion that maybe Bbreaker was right to leave all these immature forumites behind.

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Originally posted by dsquared

Don't need it. It's always been there.

Harmony Central User Forums > Guitar
> Electric Guitars

(Moderated by:
Mazi Bee, The Eristic

(Users Browsing this Forum:
bunch of douchebags



Hmmm looks like the Reds took some of my posts! :mad:

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Originally posted by larryguitar

I never thought Bbreaker was bragging-I always thought of it as SHARING his collection with a bunch of guitar nuts.



+1. That sums it up for me too. It was a pleasure to see that incredible collection.

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I'm sorry, but this is much ado about nothing.


I thought the "dick quotient" on the thread in question was relatively low for HC. Some of you are acting like the douchebag was just invented.


What happened to the good ole days when anyone who got out of line found themselves bitch-slapped for distance thru the void of cyberspace?


Now we have forum veterens fleeing for friendlier pastures in order to establish a congregation of the righteous.


What do you think you are, pilgrims?


Shut up, play yer guitar, & grow some gnads.



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Bbreaker will return, trust me. This place is like woodworking...a highly-contagious disease, which is incurable.


I do not post a lot of tech info because this is where I get tons of useful stuff (most everyone knows more than me).


I will pat someone on the back for a good sound clip (Frets99, for example), a good CD (JJ, Bricks ATX), and a new guitar (whether I like it or not).

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Originally posted by wedgehed II

I'm sorry, but this is much ado about nothing.

I thought the "dick quotient" on the thread in question was relatively low for HC. Some of you are acting like the douchebag was just invented.

What happened to the good ole days when anyone who got out of line found themselves bitch-slapped for distance thru the void of cyberspace?

Now we have forum veterens fleeing for friendlier pastures in order to establish a congregation of the righteous.

What do you think you are,

Shut up, play yer guitar, & grow some gnads.



Things evolve. It's not always black and white.


The more online conversation becomes a normal part of our society the more the mores and norms will change to become classier.


Anyway, didn't yo' mama ever tell you to be polite?

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Originally posted by fuzzy4dice

The more online conversation becomes a normal part of our society the more the mores and norms will change to become classier.



If "society" is any indication, then deterioration in politeness is likely. Look at the slide from Victorian mores at the beginning of the 20th century to the acceptibility of crude rap and prison language as part of everyday speech today. Compare the films of the 1940's-50's to the films of today. Some of it may be censorship, but a lot of it is SELF-censorship...people having some sense of propriety (and place). ONce the domain of lockerrooms and bars ("speakeasies") crude speech is everywhere, and insults are common.



HC is an internet locker room for guitar players, most of them young (or young at heart, playing rock music, bar gigs, etc.). That is a culture of impropriety, posturing, bluster, crude speech, and with a high level of sexuality. Its the ART that comes out of that mix that makes playing rock guitar so damn interesting and FUN.

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Originally posted by Gabriel_GR

every forum has drama, attention whores and people whose lives have too much to do with forums.

Seems like a good guy but that's the typical "none loves me" foroumite.



Now you can go play your bazouki while crying over some tsiftetel.

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