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That sounds really good. Your band reminds me of a cross between Kings of Leon, Strokes, and Longwave....just what i thought. I really like the way you record your stuff.....it's very bare, but not flat or static sounding. Very nice balance in my opinion......no need to add too much when the music carries it nicely.

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No problem man. I just really like how it sounds like the songs own their own unique space......without being forced or over produced. I have been attempting to record for about 7 months now....i really just enjoy doing it...i don't try to make stuff sound perfect....most songs done in one day from start to finish. Mainly i just want records of what me and my friend write. I play guitar and my friend sings and plays the drum machine......he has a kit, but i didn't even want to touch that realm of recording. We used to have a full band, but decided to trim the fat....aka....a bass player who couldn't turn on his tuner... We have:

Boss Dr Rhythm drum machine
Les Paul Studio
Ovation Celebrity Acoustic
Crate G-600 amp head (yes it does exist)
KMD 4x10 cab (may or may not exist, but i got it for 50 bucks)
Behringer UB1202 Mixer (mic pres)
Shure SM58 vocal mic (also for guitars)
Tascam DP01FX 8-track
Some crappy freeware that converts wavs to mp3's

Pretty much the bare essentials(HA HA).....minus a bunch i need....

Bury You

The band is "Bury You".....newest song is "I feel it coming now"

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Hey man, you've got some real nice stuff

Some suggestions-

The drums are pretty quiet, turn those up and give the kick a low end boost like 60-80hz.

The guitars I'd pan a little more to the right for a wider image. And make the vocals a little louder, the guitars seem louder than the vox.

Those should make it sound quite a bit better, give it a shot and post a remix!

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Originally posted by GuitarPLayer61990

It's a pretty cool song, but in general, the whole thing came off as kind of brittle and harsh; there was no real "warmth" I guess, I know that terms becoming such a cliche, but it holds true for this. That, and it was a wee bit noisy, but nice try man and keep it up. Do you think you could critique my mix? It's the post right above yours.

Thank you for your review, i see your points of view and i agree with them.

Now about your good job, i wouldn't do it better myself and here's my findings:
I do like the acoustic guitar sound. I think it's probably the best sonic element in the mixing domain. I also think you could compress the bass a bit more and make it more proeminent. You need to provide a more solid base to it.

One thing that i'd try is to lower the acoustic guitar and bring the piano and bass forward. Although the acoustic guitar sounds nice, it's line is almost the same. On the other hand, the piano and the bass are more dynamic, with more tune that can keep the listener occupied "decoding" them. I mean that the piano and the bass have "more to see" than the acoustic guitar, so they should be more upfront.

My next observation isn't about the mix itself and is way subjective. It has to do with the singer style/technique. Although he is singing timmingly and tuned, it sounds a bit nasal and there is something in his style that is a bit weird to me, i can't really explain for sure but it seems like it needs just a bit more affirmation, intention, expressivity or something like that.
The nasal like sound could be improved in the mix but not enough. It's seems really problem at the source. With a slightly better performance could get you a perfect song, gear and experience-wise.

Congratulations for your mixing and your music.

Note: i heard through earphones several times through 3 days.


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I totally agree with you. As for the singer- about, eh, 2-3 weeks before he sang, he actually had surgery on his nose. He had a pretty nasally voice, and part of it was because his septum wasn't inline. They had to move that, and clear a whole buttload of tissue and other nasty things out of his nose. His voice got a lot better, but it was still draining from what I've been told. I'm gonna have to mess around with some eq to see if I can pull some yucky high end out.

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Originally posted by GuitarPLayer61990

Hey man, you've got some real nice stuff

Some suggestions-

The drums are pretty quiet, turn those up and give the kick a low end boost like 60-80hz.

The guitars I'd pan a little more to the right for a wider image. And make the vocals a little louder, the guitars seem louder than the vox.

Those should make it sound quite a bit better, give it a shot and post a remix!

Thanks for the critique/compliment! I agree with all that you said....i'm going to be doing some remixes this weekend and i'll post it up next week.

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Originally posted by dan_nazarian

hey John Denver .. I checked out your songs. I think they're pretty kick-ass.

Thanks man....we are still going to redo all the recordings....these were just done really fast to keep track of ideas. I am hoping to pick up some tips by browsing these forums to make an acceptable demo. If you got anything......i'd like to take a listen....being kind of a noob at recording, i can only offer non-technical advice, but i can tell you what i hear.

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I'm way new to this too. I just put together my first-ever song on my roommate's Mac using Garage Band. I bought an M-box "Audio Buddy" (preamp) and mic'd my tube amp. Played my guitar riff twice -- one panned into each channel. Used some cheesy drum loop, and tried to play bass on my SG guitar through a my guitar amp (ha). Added a couple cheesy effects. Anyway the result sounds pretty retarded but it was fun as hell to put it together. I'll post/email it when I get a chance.

By the way this thread is amazing: http://acapella.harmony-central.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=459652&highlight=home+recording


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Originally posted by GuitarPLayer61990

I totally agree with you. As for the singer- about, eh, 2-3 weeks before he sang, he actually had surgery on his nose. He had a pretty nasally voice, and part of it was because his septum wasn't inline. They had to move that, and clear a whole buttload of tissue and other nasty things out of his nose. His voice got a lot better, but it was still draining from what I've been told. I'm gonna have to mess around with some eq to see if I can pull some yucky high end out.

Damn, so i hope he recovers well and fast. You guys have something going there.


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I thought some peeps might be interested in hearing this....




The song is called "Headed Home" and was written specifically to try out my new Variax 300.


I had just finished watching "walk the line" so its a J Cash type song...8)



The instruments on this are:

Bass..Fender P Bass into a Pod XTlive using the bass pack addon


Guitars : Variax 300 doing the acoustic, resonator and banjo parts, these are the presets....no tweaking.


Vocals, Studio Projects C3 thru RNC


AW4416 recording Platform, using its Reverbs and Delays, and a Lexicon MPX550 using "smooth ambience" across the guitars.


I had just purchased the Variax 300 as a writing tool, when I cant get to my gear in the studio. The studio is used by my wife to teach singing out of 2 days a week minimum....8(


I think it does a pretty fair job, certainly good enough representation for demoing. Its weird to play an electric guitar and have a dobro sound come out....and the physicality of that is strange....


The drums are stereo loops from drums on demand, I have no control over individual drums.



Phil, if you get a chance to listen to this, I wonder if you could comment on whether you think, a high end preamp, would have any real sonic benefit over what you hear here.....(hehehe...hear here....8).....)


This is the quality of mixes and performances I turn out. I wonder .....like everyone else on the net...8)....if shelling out money for say a 1073dpa, would have any real benefit...over this .....





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Hey Guys

I hope some people will still check this thread.

Here's something that's lot different from standard fair, but it won't offend (no screaming death metal or emo ;))

It was all recording in our basement with a very limited budget and signal chain.

I mixed it myself at home, in non-perfect conditions.

The songs are being sent away to be mixed by a couple of other people, to get the best possible results, but I wanted to have a crack at it too.

Let me know what you think, if you have any comments on the mix or on the song :)


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Sorry for all questions I have been up all night working on this and I am Mixed out, i really need some helpful tips guys


I did vocals and I am still trying to mix them in good. After the mid section break I lowered volume on vox to see if it blends in better. Should I add any more reverb to vox to get them to blend in more. Lower volume on vox to get them to blend in more??

My buddy did the guitar work. Should I increase volume of his backing track (which includes solo etc) or should he increase volume of his guitar in mix.

Sorry many questions for a Tuesday, I have been trying to mix this all night:confused:

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Originally posted by macman01

Sorry for all questions I have been up all night working on this and I am Mixed out, i really need some helpful tips guys


I did vocals and I am still trying to mix them in good. After the mid section break I lowered volume on vox to see if it blends in better. Should I add any more reverb to vox to get them to blend in more. Lower volume on vox to get them to blend in more??

My buddy did the guitar work. Should I increase volume of his backing track (which includes solo etc) or should he increase volume of his guitar in mix.

Sorry many questions for a Tuesday, I have been trying to mix this all night:confused:

I dig it -- you really have the Floyd sound nailed. Your friend's guitar part is awesome and you should definitely turn up the solo a little. The rhythm guitars sound washed out. And I'd turn the vocals down a bit, they stick out too much.

Other than that, you have any tips for ME on getting that Floyd sound? What's that sound at the very beginning of the track? Sounds exactly like that song "Obscured By Clouds."

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Originally posted by megadan

Hey Guys

I hope some people will still check this thread.

Here's something that's lot different from standard fair, but it won't offend (no screaming death metal or emo

It was all recording in our basement with a very limited budget and signal chain.

I mixed it myself at home, in non-perfect conditions.

The songs are being sent away to be mixed by a couple of other people, to get the best possible results, but I wanted to have a crack at it too.

Let me know what you think, if you have any comments on the mix or on the song


Opps... fixed the link... thanks GuitarPLayer61990.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Please review my production & song.

Keep this in mind...

It was recorded in my bed room using the following equipment:

Yamaha 01V
Maudio Firewire 1814

Vocals: Screamo with an SM58, Melodic with an Audix Condensor.
Guitars: Hughes & KEttner Vortex
Bass Guitar: Lined in
Drums were triggered and miced.

My production i feel is very good for a ROOM recording.

I'm very influenced by ADAM D from Killswitch Engage


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Fixin more 8 track cassettes--transfering to a Roland DAW --adding a few tracks ... VICTORIA GOODBYE

I always notice all the mics/gear everyone seems to use, to capture their recordings.

:: the drums, on this tune, are each a single track.. played individually to a sequencer , with my 2 fingers. I play to the guitar & vocal. So , I tap a hihat key, for 3+ minutes..varying open/close >>> then lay down a kick, a snare usually follows, more percusion , 3 or more tracks of cymbals ..etc. No more "old school" stuff here ~~ That went out in the 80's , a long with my hearing :p

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Hello there,
Heres a recording I just finished for my band 'SonicAltar' (www.myspace.com/sonicaltar)

The link...
(Right click save as)

I recorded it using the following (in no particular order heh):

Mackie 1620 (With the FireWire card and the pre-fader EQ upgrade)
An Audix 6 Drum Mic kit
An Audix i5
Cubase SX
A Rode Tube K2
And I think thats about it.
It was a Sonar drum kit with 8 tracks - Kick, snare, 3 toms, 2 overheads and room mic (used the rode k2 for that).
2 guitars - one being a Les Paul running through a good ol Marshall DSL 2000 head and cab. The other being a Strat going through an old school Marshall combo (nice). Both had the i5 up close and the K2 about two and half feet away.
The acoustic guitar (some sort of nicer Ibanez heh) was recorded with the i5 up close in the typical position and the K2 further away to fill it out.
Bass DI from some fancy head and boss pedals.
Keyboard was just my {censored}ty casio thats lying around, DI.
Vocals had one track per verse, two per chorus to fill it out. Using the K2 of course.
Over all the song had 40 or something tracks with all the dubbing etc. Could have been too excessive, but I like how it sounds.
Let me know what you guys think!
I'm the vocalist by the way heh.

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I dug this out of the archives. It's an old Hoyt Axton tune.
Lion in the Winter
Recorded into stereo cassette deck. Mic on vocal and one on guitar and the guitar pickup was, if I remeber right, blended in too. The song was played to Ardour to get the wav file and I used Audacity to convert to mp3.
No processing of any kind, other than the coversion. It's raw as performed.

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