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The sexiest single of all time?

Phil O'Keefe

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So I'm sitting here listening to my wife's new iPod (a Christmas present), and I've got a bunch of stuff loaded into it for her, and on comes "The Look Of Love" by Dusty Springfield... Okay, I admit it - after hearing the Brasil '66 version about 20 times over the past few days (it's been in "heavy daily rotation" since my daughter found their "Look Around" LP at a thrift store and bought it for us - my wife obviously loves that album...) I was eager to load Dusty's version into the iPod off the CD and revisit it... and MAN! Phil-Thumbs-Up-Small.gif


While the Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66 rendition is very good, Dusty owns that song! And it just might possibly be THE sexiest song ever - at least when she sings it. And the sax solo (and the whole arrangement for that matter) is perfect.


So, where am I wrong? Got a better suggestion? :)

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One of the most sexy songs I can think of is Beast of Burden by the Stones... The song made me realize that a physically unattractive man can actually be attractive in other ways. The song is sinfully sexy and stimulating at the same time in the way Mick delivers the performance. ;)



One the other hand, the most SENSUOUS song that comes to mind is I'm Gonna Love You Just A Little More, Baby by Barry White. I've yet to hear one that tops it.


Merry Christmas to those who are actually lurking or hanging out on the forums today.



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Assuming that any song would qualify, with or without vocals, "Sleepwalk" by Johnny and Santo springs to mind immediately and instantly. Grab your favorite girl and have a woderful slow dance to a rendition of "Sleepwalk". That song is on top of my "can never get sick of it" list.

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"The Look of Love", Brasil 66! Damn Phil, now I'm going to have to dig out the vinyl and play that sucker again!


I'm gonna throw out one that will probably get me laughed off the board, but that's OK its Christmas: "Summer (The First Time)", Bobby Goldsboro. The Schmaltz knob was set on 11, but damn...

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Originally posted by Lee Flier

I dunno, all the sexy guys seem to be married.


Actually, Lee, I was thinking of the same thing when read the thread's title :D ... of course my vote might go for myself :p



... on a more serious note, Diana Krall's version of "Under My Skin" is perfect for -in Tedster's words- "Kitchen Dancing" with your loved one... or for a very intimate, sexy dance. :love:


... oh my... gotta... reach... phone... ((dialing)) ... "Hun... Merry Xmas... I know what I want as a Xmas gift... could you come to my place?"... :D

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Originally posted by Mr. Botch


I'm gonna throw out one that will probably get me laughed off the board, but that's OK its Christmas: "Summer (The First Time)", Bobby Goldsboro. The Schmaltz knob was set on 11, but damn...


I dunno if I ever considered it a "sexy" song before now, but it's a killer song; one of my fav's from my younger years. The song definitely has a lot of passion... it's just that I never thought of it as being sexy until you brought it up.


Was a hot afternoon

the first day of June

and the sun was a demon

Like old Billy Ray

in his red Chevrolet

I needed time for some thinkin


Those are the words that sold the song to me when I was a kid, probably because I was still too young to really know much about the sexy part :D when it first came out. I've always been one that likes to escape the crowd and get away to nowhere in particular.


When I think about the song as an adult, I can see where you would say that it is a sexy song. No laughter here.... the words below set the tone



She was twenty one

and I was seventeen

I knew nothing about love

She knew everything

Stay with me until the sun has gone away

And I will chase the boy in you away



I haven't heard it in years, but I can hear the song in my head as if it were playing now. Great song!!!



Great movie as well...

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Originally posted by Phil O'Keefe

So I'm sitting here listening to my wife's new iPod (a Christmas present), and I've got a bunch of stuff loaded into it for her, and on comes "The Look Of Love" by Dusty Springfield... Okay, I admit it - after hearing the Brasil '66 version about 20 times over the past few days (it's been in "heavy daily rotation" since my daughter found their "Look Around" LP at a thrift store and bought it for us - my wife obviously
that album...) I was eager to load Dusty's version into the iPod off the CD and revisit it... and

While the Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66 rendition is very good, Dusty
that song! And it just might possibly be THE sexiest song ever - at least when she sings it. And the sax solo (and the whole arrangement for that matter) is

So, where am I wrong? Got a better suggestion?


I'll ditto that, Phil.


There are some other very good vers out there, SM&B66, of course, a new one that's pretty good is Diana Krall's. Of course, I've always been partial to ABC's... oh, wait. Different LoL. LOL.



But big props to Santo & Johnny's "Sleepwalk"... for that all-important, deal-clinching last dance.



For fun, I put all of the above 5 tracks in my on-demand playlist... Krall's warming me up... Sergio & the girls up next, the sexiest voice ever, Dusty, after that, then from the other side of the looking glass, ABC, and finally "Sleepwalk"... now all I need is a GF...





[update: I'm on Dusty's version, now... as good as the others are... they're nothing -- nothing compared to Dusty's... Holy Hannah! This girl can sing.]

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Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin' - Journey.


Your Love Is King - Sade (especially for the "I'm coming, Iiiiiiiii'm coooooming, making me dance, iiiinnsiide")


Sir Psycho Sexy - Chili Peppers


and of course -


"If you want my body, and you think I'm sexy, come on sugga let me knoooow!!!!!!!!"




:D :D

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Good call on those low sultry voices of Sade and Dusty.

Dusty did some cheezy stuff later on, but "Look of Love" is hawt.


Put me down for Astrud Gilberto.

She has a drop-dead sexy voice. I love that little accent of hers. And her voice isn't trained, so it drifts a little when she sings. Gives her that 'girl next door' quality.


Gotta go for Karen Carpenter too.

"Just like me, they long to be, close to you"


Karen is sexy, but she breaks my heart when she sings. She's more of a 'sad sexy'


Good thread.

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Originally posted by Phil O'Keefe

...on comes "The Look Of Love" by Dusty Springfield...


Hehe, Phil, when I saw your thread title, I instantly thought of Dusty's "The Look of Love," and I open the thread only to find you have most-excellent taste. ;)





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