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Valve Junior - Loud enough for small gigs?

Tom B.

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Depends on what speakers you're running it through. Also, how small is "small"? Are we talking like a 50-person-max-capacity-closet, or a 2-300 person small club? Also, do you need a clean sound? Do you play rhythm, lead, or both? Are you hitting it with any pedals?


I've played plenty of gigs with my Carvin Vintage 16 on the 5-watt setting, without micing, and with volume to spare.

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no, it gains volume of air. 4x12's move 4 times the air as 1. it gains perceived volume, which may or may not be enough. i know mine is loud through my 2x12, but wouldn't gig it cause i can't roll the volume off enough and still be heard.

Ya, I know what it does and doesn't do.

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Would i be better to get a 30W solid state (I really like the Orange Crush 30r) ?



No. I don't want to get into the science of it, but 30 watts SS does not sound nearly as loud as 30 watts tube. I had an 80 watt SS way back in the day, and it couldn't keep up with my buddy's 50 watt marshall.


If the places you play have a decent sound system, you will be fine. Do you know what supporting equipment will be available to you at the places you plan on playing?

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bah....I gig a princeton reverb regularly and it does just fine.



Yeah, Mr. Metallica is usually on point, but I don't get his logic here, either. Maybe all the drummers I've played with have been weenies, but I've gigged plenty of times, with both volume and gain to spare, with my little Carvin, and I've never had a problem being heard in practice or in smallish (50-200max cap) venues. Of course, I don't need super-clean sounds, and my amp has a pretty efficient speaker.


Perhaps the OP would be better off with something a bit beefier, like a used Twin Reverb, which can be found for ~$500.

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There are things called microphones. You can place one in front of the cab of your small amp and play it through the PA. Works great.



In fact they sound better than great!!! They really come alive from proximity effect with an SM-57. Same goes for those Champion-600s. Don't really care for 'em un-miced, But run 'em through a P.A. and it's tone heaven to me!!

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Thanks for all the advice. My band's just getting its act together and i'll probably be running an overdrive pedal.

Would i be better to get a 30W solid state (I really like the Orange Crush 30r) ?


That's kind of odd to only have those two choices, don't you think? There's a l;ot of ground between there. There are 15-20 watt tube combos that can be had for $200-300 that sound good. Another idea would be a new/used Vox AD30VT. Some killer tones and they are far louder than a Valve Jr or Blackheart 5 watter.

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Yeah, Mr. Metallica is usually on point, but I don't get his logic here, either. Maybe all the drummers I've played with have been weenies, but I've gigged plenty of times, with both volume and gain to spare, with my little Carvin, and I've never had a problem being heard in practice or in smallish (50-200max cap) venues. Of course, I don't need super-clean sounds, and my amp has a pretty efficient speaker.

Perhaps the OP would be better off with something a bit beefier, like a used Twin Reverb, which can be found for ~$500.



How little is your Carvin? The drummer I usually play with does have big shells on his main kit and is a pretty hard hitter (in a good way). I do like to be able to get at least *close* to a pure clean though, and I've found 15 tube watts is my minimum in small setting. If I had a VJ or an Princeton it would be a bit dirty for my liking. I wouldn't take my Peavey Classic 20 (15W 1x10") out with that drummer, although it has worked okay with others. I suppose it depends on your style.

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