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Greatest guitar solo ever?


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So, let's have 'em. What do you consider to be the best guitar solo ever recorded?

I nominate the solo in Venus Isle by Eric Johnson, fits the song better than any other solo I've heard.



Elliott Randle, guitar solo from Steely Dan's Reeling in the Years. Way ahead of its time. Raunchy tone.



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No such thing, just a bunch of awesome solos...


I tend to like solos in the context of a vocal song more, and then solos that really feel like they fit the song well...with that in mind....


David Gilmour - Comfortably Numb

Al Stewart/Tim Renwick - Year Of the Cat (Al plays the first solo - Tim the second)

Michael Wilton (Queensryche) - Empire. I tend to like Chris DeGarmo's playing way better than Wilton's on almost everything Queensryche does, but Wilton really nailed the solo on this song.

Mark Knopfler - Telegraph Road (end solo), Sultans of Swing

Larry Carlton - Kid Charlemange (Steely Dan)

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i couldn't say. some that come to mind:


the solos in time and ABITW part II from gilmour

brian setzer's version of black mountain rag

the solos from i'm the one by van halen

for the love of god by steve vai

misirlou by dick dale

red house by jimi

surfing with the alien by satriani

heard it through the grapevine by creedence clearwater revival

the solo's from lemon song, heartbreaker, the ocean, and dazed and confused from page


that's all i can think of right now. but there are surely others

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You should change the thread title to "What's your favorite guitar solo". My two best friends and I can't agree on the greatest, so I don't think there's much hope for a couple thousand people on an internet forum.


My favorites are, in no particular order:


"Comfortable Numb" - the 2nd

"White Room" - outro

"Green Grass & High Tides" - any of them


"Working Man"

"Let It Be"

"Fade To Black" - outro


As an aside, I hold up "Let It Be" as a great example of a simple solo which fits the song perfectly. YMMV.....

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You should change the thread title to "What's your favorite guitar solo". My two best friends and I can't agree on the greatest, so I don't think there's much hope for a couple thousand people on an internet forum.

My favorites are, in no particular order:

"Comfortable Numb" - the 2nd

"White Room" - outro

"Green Grass & High Tides" - any of them


"Working Man"

"Let It Be"

"Fade To Black" - outro

As an aside, I hold up "Let It Be" as the perfect example of a simple solo which fits the song perfectly. YMMV.....



i forgot about about the white room solo. some of my favorite early wah work.

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I love the solo in Comfortably numb, but the solo in "Time" is truly inspired.

Admittedly it's spliting hairs.

Gilmour's got something special.

That said, the crazy raunch of a feedback drenched Neil Young solo ala Like a Hurricane is about as good as it gets for me.

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I like Eruption, but not so much as a piece of music as a party trick or just plain wankery. Kind of like Eugene's Trick Bag, its just that, a trick bag.


Some ones I can think of:

Knopfler - Brothers in Arms (the tone is amazing too)


Rush - Analog Kid, live version. The studio take has a harmonizer and just doesn't sound that great, but the version off Different Stages is one of my favorite solos.


Gilmour - Coming Back to Life. Both the intro and solo are very good and fit very well with the song.


Prince - Purple Rain and I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man both have good solos, but with different styles.


Assorted Brian May solos, can't say I really have a favorite but We Will Rock You and I Want it All spring to mind.

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I have to agree with "Let it Be". God, that is always just perfect and beautiful.

Solo in Pink Floyd's "Mother" is great.

Lots of Eagles stuff, Solos in "Take it Easy, I Can't Tell you Why". They fit the song so nicely.

I also agree with Slash on "November Rain", that is a brilliant peice of work.

This list can go on . . . .

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