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Gibson Sues Again...


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This time over Guitar Hero and RockBand. First PRS, now this. Too bad they can't make quality guitars for a reasonable price as well as they can file legal actions.



Actually they can't sue very well either. They eventually lost to PRS (thank god) and from all I've read they don't have much of a case on this one either. Especially taking on multiple companies that are larger than Gibson.

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Why are they sueing?



Gibson claims the two games violate existing Gibson patents on creating virtual music through imput devices such as used in both games. A lot of people think this is just a negotiating ploy on new license terms especially re: Activision, where they are probably negotiating license rights to GH IV as we speak. In the case of Activision, Activision actually sued Gibson first, preempting Gibson, by filing an equitable action in Federal District Court seeking what is known as "Declaratory Relief" that is, seeking a declaration of rights from the court to the effect that GH does not violate any existing valid Gibson patent.

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ya, they're suing Activision (creator of Guitar Hero) who they've already give a license to make guitars that look like Les Pauls and Explorers, etc. They're suing them because in 99 Gibson took out a patent on using their guitars in a "simulated performance setting" and they want Activision to get this license as well. Activision says no on the basis that they've had the license to make the Guitar Hero Gibson guitars for more than 3 years which gives them implied consent for this other patent. They have also filed suit against Walmart, Target, etc (retailers of Guitar Hero) to try to get them to stop selling the product until Activision gets this license.

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"Gibson Sues Wal-Mart, Other Majors, Over 'Guitar Hero'

On Mar. 20, Gibson Guitar Corp. sued Wal-Mart and five other mass merchandise chains selling the Activision "Guitar Hero" video game, claiming it violates a Gibson-held patent. The federal lawsuit, filed Mar. 17, calls for Wal-Mart, Target, Kmart, Amazon.com, GameStop, and Toys "R" Us to stop selling the popular game.

As reported in last week's MMR Update, Gibson has already attempted to stop Activision from selling all versions of the game, saying it too closely resembles a Gibson virtual-reality patent from 1999. Activision subsequently filed suit asking a federal judge to declare the game does not violate the Gibson patent.

The 1999 Gibson patent is for a product that allows the user to simulate participation in a concert by playing an instrument and wearing a headset with 3-D display and audio speakers."

What a bunch of wankers. :rolleyes:

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This time over Guitar Hero and RockBand. First PRS, now this. Too bad they can't make quality guitars for a reasonable price as well as they can file legal actions.



Well the problem with that is Lawyers make lousy guitars and they charge too much.

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what a bunch of dicks...indian givers...

fwiw, I have wanted a LP Special (like Dean DeLeo plays) for a good bit...but every one that i play feels like crap...so {censored} em.

this is too much...sure guitar hero is not as cool as the real thing, but to sue a company over something you encouraged them to do? that is a woman bitch move.

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You don't like it just ignore it, cause there's no way to keep them from doing whatever the hell they want.

Boycotting Gibson for three months with explanation that they stop suing or no one will ever buy their guitar again would teach them

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I am in Gibson's corner. They own the patent, let them collect.

Not to mention that anyone who gives WalMart a headache is all right in my book.




they own a patent. whether that patent actually applies to GH and the like is up for the courts to decide. from the way the patent is written, this won't make it to trial.

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I am in Gibson's corner. They own the patent, let them collect.

Not to mention that anyone who gives WalMart a headache is all right in my book.



I'd be tempted to agree if not for the fact that this comes after the third Guitar Hero game which have Gibson logos and products all over them.


I'm perplexed by this. If they were so concerned about patents, they clearly wouldn't be lending their trademark guitars to a game that violated it, let alone three of them.


But this isn't good publicity either. I don't get it.

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Another ridiculous patent awarded too a market gouging company.

Why am I not surprised.

Zakk and Gibson somehow legally got the patent too the Bullseye on a guitar.

And Zakk wants All rights to the any Bulleye on Any musical instruments.

What a bunch of Douche's

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this could be a formality between Gibson and Activision. If Gibson doesn't sue them for this patent, anyone in the future would be able to make a game like this and Gibson wouldn't have the right to sue them because they ignored Guitar Hero in the past

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