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Possible amp trade :Classic 50 vs. Hot Rod Deluxe...what do you think ?


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Don't know. You could check around with local cabinet makers. The wood itself cost me about $25. Probably another $50 or so for the corners, feet, handle, piping, and cheap covering (I got the covering from Walmart for $3/yard, but as you can see, I got enough to do the head and the 412 cabinet, and have enough leftover to probably do another head).

As far as the time involved, I probably put in 3 or 4 hours of solid work over a weekend. I imagine a pro could probably do it in 1/2 the time, but there is a lot of downtime waiting for glue to dry.



Interesting. That's alot cheaper than I expected. What is the cover material, some sort of vinyl?

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Interesting. That's alot cheaper than I expected. What is the cover material, some sort of vinyl?


Yeah, it's sort of a 'pleather' like material. It looks great, but it's pretty easy to scuff and tear. Tolex is a lot sturdier. On top of that, the cheap stuff had a white fuzzy backing that made getting sharp corners a pain in the ass.



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I'd definitely suggest you go have a listen to the HRD. The Hot Rod Deluxe and Hot Rod Deville don't get a whole lot of love around here. And honestly, for folks that get up to 50% or 75% of the gain channel, I can understand that. But the cleans on either amp are very decent... Not Deluxe Reverb super, but not atrocious at all either. And the gain channel, if the gain is kept below about 25%, then add a pedal if you want more or something different... in my opinion, it's not as bad as some people might have you believe. Same thing with the upgraded Blues Jr.


I know one gigging guitarist that runs a HR Deville and one that runs a Blues Jr and they both get very decent tone. Sitting right in front of the amp, moments after playing a Deluxe Reverb or Super Reverb or something like that, yeah... they pale in comparison. But listening to a guy on stage... they just aren't nearly as hideous as some folks seem to think.




I would agree that I feel that the C30 is a better sounding speaker for my types of tones than the C50. I also think that a used C30 with a replacement speaker is probably the best value in tube amps right now.

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I'd definitely suggest you go have a listen to the HRD. The Hot Rod Deluxe and Hot Rod Deville don't get a whole lot of love around here. And honestly, for folks that get up to 50% or 75% of the gain channel, I can understand that. But the cleans on either amp are very decent... Not Deluxe Reverb super, but not atrocious at all either. And the gain channel, if the gain is kept below about 25%, then add a pedal if you want more or something different... in my opinion, it's not as bad as some people might have you believe. Same thing with the upgraded Blues Jr.

I know one gigging guitarist that runs a HR Deville and one that runs a Blues Jr and they both get very decent tone. Sitting right in front of the amp, moments after playing a Deluxe Reverb or Super Reverb or something like that, yeah... they pale in comparison. But listening to a guy on stage... they just aren't nearly as hideous as some folks seem to think.


I would agree that I feel that the C30 is a better sounding speaker for my types of tones than the C50. I also think that a used C30 with a replacement speaker is probably the best value in tube amps right now.



I agree with everything you said.


I have a buddy that picked up a used Hot Rod Deville (I think...it was the 410 combo in tweed...probably about 10 years old). The first time we played together I remember being taken aback by how good the overdrive channel sounded after hearing so many people ragging it. I still preferred the sound of my C30, but I would never have said that it's OD channel sucked.


I got my C30 for $200 which is pretty damned low for them. I think if you can find a used one for less than $350 and drop another $75-100 on a good speaker, you'll probably be fairly happy with it. I know I love mine. It's the perfect size amp for playing smaller gigs (which is about all I play), and it records VERY well. Plus, it's really easy on the back.

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I have a Crate Vintage Club 30 (1 x 12) and a Hot Rod Deluxe (1 x 12) also. I have to tell you, the Hot Rod Deluxe is not that light of an amp. I do love the cleans on it though and that's why I bought it, purely for the fender cleans. It does that beautifully. I think if you like the Peavey, I would sentiment the other responses and go with a Classic 30. Also, if you want to sweeten up the cleans put in a damn fine speaker like a Celestion Alnico Blue if you can afford the bucks, or an Eminence Red Fang (Alnico Blue equivalent). That way you can get somewhat of a Vox-like tone from the amp. Of course, those speakers are going to add close to 3 pounds with the magnets they bring to the fray.

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I have a Classic 50 212 that my ears love. But my back hates it. Double hernia with collapsed disks means bad back for life and my amp is not helping. So every pound counts.

I would love to keep this amp for home and buy something smaller to play out, but I'm moving soon, selling the house and all so money is tight right now.

I have a chance to swap my amp for a Hot Rod deluxe...1x12 40 watts combo...I heard these amps have great clean channel and bad crunch channel....doesn't matter much if the OD channel is bad cause I mostly use the clean channel of my C50 anyway...pedals and power tube saturation...

I would loose about 25 ponds to carry, wich is a lot. About same power, but I don't mind less power since I love power tube saturation.

What do you guys think of this deal ?

I could gig with a C30 or C50. I'd play ukelele before I'd gig through a HR Deluxe, unless it was heavily modded.

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Thanks guys for the replies...thanks Prages for the great DIY job, it's inspiring to say the least...:thu:


Well, after playing my C50 at pretty high volume last night (where it shines ), I have double toughts about getting rid of it...and at the light of the comments here, and out of sheer logic, I would be better off with a C30 than a HRD...


So think I'll pass on the HRD deal...I might consider the head rehousing thing...or just be patient and buy a smaller amp when things settle down, and keep the C50 all the while...

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Question for Prages and Cratz2...

Would either of you consider the Celestion Seventy 80 to be an upgrade over the Peavey Blue Marvel made by EMI?





I don't know anything at all about the Seventy 80. All I know is that I've tried both a Greenback and a G12H30 in mine and both were VAST improvements over the stock Blue Marvel. I went with the G12H30 in the amp and the Greenback in an extension cab, but both sound way better than the BM.

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I don't know anything at all about the Seventy 80. All I know is that I've tried both a Greenback and a G12H30 in mine and both were VAST improvements over the stock Blue Marvel. I went with the G12H30 in the amp and the Greenback in an extension cab, but both sound way better than the BM.

OK, thanks. I'll give the 70/80s a try one of these days, though I'm not really expecting too much of an improvement.

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I've never put a 70/80 in an amp, buy I'd probably lean towards the G12H30 for the C30... But I swear that a Vintage 30 or a Greenback will be a radical improvement.


I've never owned a C30 myself, but I've personally put three different speakers in three of my friends C30s. Two Vintage 30s and an Eminence Legend. They aren't really techy types and aren't into internet forums or anything like that so I kinda put my neck on the line and they upgraded based solely on my suggestion while thinking the amps sounded pretty outstanding stock. They were LITERALLY blown away with how much of an improvement they saw... Er... heard.


On a budget, you could go with a Hellatone or on more of a budget, you could go with one of the Warehouse Speakers jobbies. Personally, I'd lean towards the Green Beret/Greenback clone over the V30 clone but again, either would be a substantial upgrade or on your C50, you could do one of each.

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