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is removing a pickguard from a LP easy?


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As above, but doing it without leaving a small screw hole showing = very difficult!



Not very difficult at all. I have used Sharpie markers to camouflage the holes and you can even use matching colored crayons to fill the holes.


Take a crayon in the color you want, push the tip of it into the hole and snap it off. You may need to resharpen the crayon and do this a couple of times until the hole is filled, or you could melt the crayon and drip it into the holes. Then with a soft cloth buff it down so that it smooths the wax and levels it with the rest of the surface. It will be pretty much invisible to anyone but you because you know it's there, and if you ever want to put the pickguard back on it won't be a problem to do so, the wax is easily removed.

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Is this spam? He asked about removing a pickguard, not adding one. The holes are already there!

didn't mean to be...
DeadStar00 did say,"never had one, just curious (cause i might get one in the future)."
Helping out with an alternate option... :thu:

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Don't listen to all of these assholes. It is a very involved procedure. First, you need the appropriate tools and work area. Second, you need patience, it is important not to get in a hurry. Finally, you need resolve and persistence, if things aren't going right you have to stick to it and keep trying.

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