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Strat necks - Maple or Rosewood and why...


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Interesting - I'd have thought that maple would be the favourite by far. Oh well...

Also, has anyone actually played 2 identical strats (minor variations in body wood aside) but with different fingerboards, and noticed an audible difference in the 2?

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I have maple on my black Strat. I've had rosewood on some past strats & would probably prefer it if the rosewood really made the guitar look better. Take a classic player 60's, rosewood just works for that guitar, maple wouldn't look nearly as good.

Mine..Maple good...

CP 60's.. Rosewood good..

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Rosewood. Only because the only maple neck I ever had was way to prone to swelling in the summer, and shrinking in the winter. It was an MIM, maybe an MIA would not have had that problem. I think they have a different finish.

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MAPLE = 5 letters = good for pentatonic scale music i e blues

ROSEWOOD = 8 letters = good for 8 note scale music i e shred

Maple is a pale wood..rosewood is dark..almost brown wood, so sonically rosewood is also better for shred and Metal.


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I like the feel of maple boards when they're either worn down to the bare wood, or when they're all lacquered up like the 70's necks. I haven't liked any maple necks since the 70's though for some reason, so I always buy Rosewood. I like the looks of both, but the feel and sound of rosewood.

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