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Will 80's metal ever make a comeback?


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i sure hope so!

yeah you had a lot of posers, but at the same time, look at some of the great bands that came out of that era

motley, ratt, def leppard, gunners... and i still think aerosmith and van halen are the granddaddies of hair metal.

it's pretty easy to pick the posers (poison, twisted sister, cinderella) from the REAL deal (motley, g'n'r, etc.).


Motley were the biggest pesers of them all,lol. I've seen interviews with some past producers totally complaining that Sixx can't play bass worth a {censored}. I saw Twisted Sister and Ratt in 84 and TS kicked Ratt's ass, they were freaking horrible. Also, while I hate their music, Poison was on a bill I happened to catch back in the 80's and they were great. ( IF you like their music) Again, I hate Cinderalla, but they were good live as well. Just about everyone had big hair back then, when I think of hairmetal I think of bands that worried about their appearance more then the music.There sure were alot of them that sucked ass....

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When AC/DC first came out they were definitely considered heavy metal but somewhere along the line they came to be considered a classic rock band instead.

It's funny to me how today people will argue so much about what genre a band fits into. When did music fans become such librarians?



read an interview with malcolm recently... he described metal as a bunch of noise... he said when he wants to listen to music he'll put on some old blues

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read an interview with malcolm recently... he described metal as a bunch of noise... he said when he wants to listen to music he'll put on some old blues



True, and Ozzy's favorite band is The Beatles, but neither Sabbath nor Ozzy sound much like The Beatles. Also, how recent was the interview with Malcolm?


Again, what is considered metal today and what was considered heavy metal 30 years ago are very different things. And what a band considers itself and what the world sees them as is not always the same either. Queensryche are a great example; Geoff Tate likes to say they were never a metal band, but what are their first 4 records if NOT metal?

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Ya know...all this new metal is starting to sound the same and I'm tired of it. Same goes for "shredding". I would love to hear power chord based melodies with stylish leadwork make a comeback. Bring back guys that can really sing too. That screaming deathmetal is pure and utter bullsh!t.

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Panther King, what group is that? Pretty impressive....



They're called Black Tide; They bother the living crap out of me personally. "I'M A SHOCKWAAAAVE BAAAABYYY, REEADDDEEEE, TOOO KEEEEEELLLLLLL"

You're sixteen, let me know when you get your drivers license. Until then, just don't go shooting up the school and complaining how nobody understands you. You make the rest of us metal/hard rock guys look bad.


As oung as they are though, they can only get better I guess... Maybe getting through puberty will change the singers voice. :rolleyes: The song reminded me of some early Motley Crue type stuff. I'd also say early Dio/Stand up and Shout kind of stuff, but I don't want to throw them that compliment.


I just guess I'm over the whole 80's sound to me, at least still coming from new groups. But it's showing up more and more often in mainstream stuff; it is coming back, though I hope it's not going to come back as strong as it did in the 80's. It's popularity back then is what caused it to fall off. Dozens and dozens of {censored}ty bands riding the wave.

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When AC/DC first came out they were definitely considered heavy metal but somewhere along the line they came to be considered a classic rock band instead.

It's funny to me how today people will argue so much about what genre a band fits into. When did music fans become such librarians?


So true! We have 20 million different versions of rock & metal now:freak:

I hope bands can emulate some of the 80's bands,not all of them but some,most of the music today IMO blows. I mean anyone hear the new Linkin' Park song they won't quit playin'? :rolleyes: I can't listen to the cookie monster either even if the band rocks it just seems pointless to me. I actually enjoyed the Black Tide video posted,will have to hear more of them:p Lyrics ain't the greatest but heck it's listenable I guess.

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GOD DAMMIT I HOPE NOT. there were good bands in the eighties, even good metal bands, but they were mostly early death and thrash metal bands, and I swear to god if Warrant, Whitesnake, or Motley Crue ever come back, I'll personally kill every single one of them.

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read an interview with malcolm recently... he described metal as a bunch of noise... he said when he wants to listen to music he'll put on some old blues


Yep ,


I read a recent interview with Brian and Angus. They hated the categorization.

Angus said the biggest insult of all was in the Bon days when they were described as punk. (no offense to the punkers, I dig some Pistols and Dropkick mysef)

He feels (correctly) that genres and categories are fleeting but good music will stand the test of time. :thu::thu::thu:


All heavy music is derivitive of blues based rock and the Devil's fifth!!:rawk:


Categorizations blow Just ax Ozzy. He says he hates it too. (Then he goes on to describe Nirvana as heavey metal meets the Beatles:freak:)


Anyway enjoy the new and old heavey {censored}.


You know it's good if it makes you want to drink beer and break {censored}!!!

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True, and Ozzy's favorite band is The Beatles, but neither Sabbath nor Ozzy sound much like The Beatles. Also, how recent was the interview with Malcolm?

Again, what is considered metal today and what was considered heavy metal 30 years ago are very different things. And what a band considers itself and what the world sees them as is not always the same either. Queensryche are a great example; Geoff Tate likes to say they were never a metal band, but what are their first 4 records if NOT metal?


Prog Metal :D

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truer words have never been spoken



Amen! My buddy just dug out his old "Drink Beer and Break {censored}!" T-shirt from the late 80"s We al scanned it and hope to be wearing them again! Although

XXL nowadays!

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jazz, and music of the 50's and 60's will come back before 80's metal ever does. I heard new orleans style upbeat bigband jazz is getting HUGE with younger people in some big cities.



er, didnt we just survive a swing revival during the late nineties? i like jazz and all, but that resurgence in popularity damn near ruined swing for me. went from fun mellow oddity to asshat costume party mob scene. the only decent thing about it was that my friends who play jazz managed to get some audience for a change.

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jazz, and music of the 50's and 60's will come back before 80's metal ever does. I heard new orleans style upbeat bigband jazz is getting HUGE with younger people in some big cities.



most of the indie kids are jazz nuts, kind of the same "follow no rules, but dont break any" principle i guess

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the good stuff is still around - Maiden. Priest, etc. It's the corporate cookie-cutter {censored} that killed the scene(as it always does), and appropriately, they have never been heard from again...


Britney Fox are probably managers at the Burger King - and N'Sync is working the drive-thru. Hey, you gotta work your way up... :D

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No. The reason it was popular in the first place was that there were a lot of people who truly loved and had passion for metal, making original music, had been undiscovered for a long time that suddenly exploded onto the scene.

Then came the "Whoah, I can make money from this too!" crowd who made a bunch of crap phony soul-less records and ruined its reputation forever.



80's rock - guys looking like chicks, too much chorus, TOO MUCH Reverb, and a passion for what?


I'll take serious Death Metal

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80s metal won't make
, but a lot of the mainstays are around and still sell well, and lots of modern metal bands are incredibly famous, and sell in the millions.



random question--- have you ever gone to another forum with screenname of dh-dissy?

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