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RIP, Roy Scheider


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I know I may just be a cat, but what's with the constant posting about dead people on a music site? People die all the time, and when celebrities die, information is readily available.


But posting it here, it's like some ghoulish fascination with death, or habit because someone started doing it and so it continues, or middle aged obsession with mortality, or maybe when someone famous dies it reminds us that they were alive and that's as good a reason to talk about them as any, or something.


I mean, if some important musician dies, then sure. By all means. But for generally keeping a running tally on who's alive and who's dead, why here?


This is just my opinion, and certainly if everyone else is keen on chatting up the dead, then don't let me stop you! Just thought I'd throw in my proverbial .02.


By the way, anyone else a fan of Six Feet Under?



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RIP, Roy.


He starred in one of my favorite musicals, All That Jazz, the veiled autobiography of Bob Fosse told (at least in part -- it's been too long since I've seen the flick) in stream of consciousness form (and somewhat unnervingly anticipating Fosse's own death by heart attack).

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RIP, Roy.

He starred in one of my favorite musicals,
All That Jazz,
the veiled autobiography of Bob Fosse told (at least in part -- it's been too long since I've seen the flick) in stream of consciousness form (and somewhat unnervingly anticipating Fosse's own death by heart attack).




Great flick All That Jazz.


The morning alarm

The grimace

The bathroom boombox on

The speed ingested

The Visine

The shower...


... It's SHOWTIME!!! Later Roy.

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Dudddits, you weren't complaining when we posted that Morris died...! :poke:


RIP, Roy. One of my absolute favorite actors. I thought he shined in everything I saw him in, even the 'duds'. I loved him in 'The 7-Ups', 'French Connection', '2010'...even 'Blue Thunder'. His work in 'All That Jazz' was phenomenal, though I find the movie itself troubling.


Of course, 'Jaws' was his most celebrated work, and rightfully so.


Thanks, sir. Go in peace.

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I know I may just be a cat, but what's with the constant posting about dead people on a music site?



It's called Dead White Celebrity Syndrome, or DWCS.



Sorry to hear about Roy. I just picked up Jaws on DVD too. I hadn't really seen the whole movie since my dad took me to see it in 2nd grade.


"I think we need a bigger boat"


I also remember Roy's bit as Doctor Benway in Naked Lunch. He was a good actor.

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yeah.....this was sad. ironically, i introduced Jaws to my son on saturday; completely unknowing of roy's illness. we just saw a Jaws poster in friday and he asked me. (kinda cool that my son's getting to an age that i can start showing him some of the good/stupid/funny movies i loved when i was a kid.)


that shark in jaws was so funny in comparison to modern stuff doen with today's effects-capabilities!

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i never went back in the water to this day.

and i used to surf.

enter the ocean, enter the food chain.



I was still body surfing a lot when that movie came out.


After seeing a minute or so of one of the "stalking" sequences on TV, I made an executive decision to avoid the movie.


Hell, I used to go swimming in San Felipe -- where the sharks are practically jumping out of the water and the tidal area stretches for what seems like a half mile (meaning a very shallow beach; meaning a very long swim to hopeful safety should one of the many sharks mistake you for a bonita).

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A while after Jaws came out (I was around 12), I was surfing with some friends on kind of a chilly day, where it's overcast and the water seems murky. During a lull between sets, I was talking to my friend and suddenly I saw a largish shadow under me... and then felt something big brush against my leg which dangled over the leg of my board.


Well, my heart jumped into my throat, and my blood turned to ice. I tried to bring all of my extremities out of the water while still somehow turning my board around and heading for shore. And then...


... a freakin' seal popped up a bout three feet from me, barking, and nearly gave me a heart attack. I think it was laughing at me. Goddamn seal. If I'd had a bat with me, it would have been a fur coat later that day.


My friends all laughed at me, along with the seal.

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I saw it when I guess I was about 12 as well, maybe 14. Our family was on vacation down on the Florida coast somewhere. I'd read an excerpted version of it in a magazine, but it freaked me out completely. The next day we were out on the beach (me far from the water as possible), and a lot of people were swimming. A school of porpoise swam by a little off shore and you could see their fins above the water, and you should have seen the people practically walking on water to get back up on the beach.

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