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Mojo needed


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Hello guys,


I never quite fully understand the mojo thing but I could do with some. I pulled a muscle in my back yesterday and today it's so bad I can't walk more than a few steps without having to lie back down.

I am taking pain killers and ice packs every few hours to help. I need this to be a lot better by Christmas morning as i have to drive 2 hours to see my kids, it will really upset me if I don't get to see them on Christmas day :(

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I've done that...sucks big time. If you've got a doc, call him. Muscle relaxants were much more helpful and the exercises mine gave me brought quick relief. Mojo sent!


I have asthma so most muscle relaxants are no good as they make my chest tight :(

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Alieve would be better than pain pills such as vidodin and Darvacet.


3 Alieve = 1 Nasoprasin (muscle relaxer) which is what a doctor is going to prescibe.


If you don't see a doctor try that...Also stay in bed or lie on a firm surface.


I fell dowm my back steps Saturday...I cut the {censored} out of my thumb (fretting hand) and I also sprained my thumb...Anyway I pulled a few back muscles as well.


Alieve did the trick...not as fun as Vicodin or Darvacet, but it works best if you want to recover quicker.


Good luck.


Call your doctor if you have asthma.

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Alieve would be better than pain pills such as vidodin and Darvacet.

3 Alieve = 1 Nasoprasin (muscle relaxer) which is what a doctor is going to prescibe.

If you don't see a doctor try that...Also stay in bed or lie on a firm surface.

I fell dowm my back steps Saturday...I cut the {censored} out of my thumb (fretting hand) and I also sprained my thumb...Anyway I pulled a few back muscles as well.

Alieve did the trick...not as fun as Vicodin or Darvacet, but it works best if you want to recover quicker.

Good luck.

Call your doctor if you have asthma.


Thanks for that, I have seen the Doctor yesterday before the pain got worse, he gave me Co-Codamol 30/500mg couldnt give me anythign else as I have a chest infection also currently so I am on antibiotics for that :(

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Anti-inflammatories i.e. alleve, ibuprofen are better


try to keep moving as much as possible. The more you are immobile the more the muscles spasm and lock up.


Use the narcotic pain pills sparingly for severe pain or to help you sleep through pain at night. Certainly don't drive while taking these.


Robaxin (methocarbamol) or Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine) as muscle relaxers do not exacerbate bronchial spasm so should not trigger or worsen asthma. They may give you some good relief, though again I wouldn't recommend driving while you are taking them.


And Mojo sent

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Anti-inflammatories i.e. alleve, ibuprofen are better



Agreed with this part. But not "keep moving".


Try lying on the floor with a rolled-up towel in the small of your back. This assumes this is the area where you have pain.


The towel will provide support and help those muscles relax. Lying on the floor for as long as you can do so comfortably.


Use ice for the first 48 hours. That will help keep the inflammation down. After that, use heat. It will loosen the muscles and increase circulation to promote healing.


Prayers sent for you to be with your kids on Christmas.

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I've been lucky with my back but I do remember one time I slept on a bad air mattress and must have pulled something...LOL {censored} that really sucked. I swore I'd never give anyone grief for their back problems again. You never really realize how debilitating it can be until you have it.


I think if I had chronic back problems I'd probably just shoot myself...


I hope it clears up for you soon man.

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I feel your pain bro. As veteran of one back surgury so far and having been down more times than I care to remember, all I can say is hang in there. It will get better one way or another.


I take these regularly, and while not quite as effective a s a prescription, they do help help. Check with your doc first of course.




Also, use lots of ice/cold packs. It helps reduce the inflammation. If you are allowed to take ibuprofen do that too. I hit ice for 10 to 15 on and off regularly when I have problems and that seems to help as much as anything.


Also, as soon as you are able, slowly and gently stretch to the extent it is comfortable. Don't over do it. Ask the doc what stretches are appropriate for your injury. I find lots of movement helps.


Good luck, and mucho mojo sent.

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Mojo sent.


As a side note, be wary of Aleve (Naproxyn). It has many(!) possible negative effects.


I am extremely healthy, but I had a bout with sever shoulder pain this summer, stemming from a rotator cuff injury.

I wasn't able to sleep; I thought I was going to have to quit playing guitar. I took Naproxyn one everning. When I awoke, I could not put my running shoes one: my feet, like the rest of body had swollen.



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I feel your pain bro. As veteran of one back surgury so far and having been down more times than I care to remember, all I can say is hang in there. It will get better one way or another.

I take these regularly, and while not quite as effective a s a prescription, they do help help. Check with your doc first of course.


Also, use lots of ice/cold packs. It helps reduce the inflammation. If you are allowed to take ibuprofen do that too. I hit ice for 10 to 15 on and off regularly when I have problems and that seems to help as much as anything.

Also, as soon as you are able, slowly and gently stretch to the extent it is comfortable. Don't over do it. Ask the doc what stretches are appropriate for your injury. I find lots of movement helps.

Good luck, and mucho mojo sent.



Thanks, I am getting out of the bed every 3 hours to take a rest room break and sit up with an ice pack, I can't do much more due to the pain. My wife is helping me with some Ibuprofen Gel, can't take the pill form due to my asthma :(

Lets hope for an improvment tomorrow morning! I'm not asking for a miracle and total pain free day just enough that I can walk without feeling like I am going to fall over with the pain!

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Mojo sent.

As a side note, be wary of Aleve (Naproxyn). It has many(!) possible negative effects.

I am extremely healthy, but I had a bout with sever shoulder pain this summer, stemming from a rotator cuff injury.

I wasn't able to sleep; I thought I was going to have to quit playing guitar. I took Naproxyn one everning. When I awoke, I could not put my running shoes one: my feet, like the rest of body had swollen.



Thanks for the tip. To be honest most fo the drugs you guys can get in the states over the counter we can not get without seeing a doctor, some of them we can not get at all.

I think the ice packs are heloing the most so far.

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