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Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld


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I love the commercials, i dig Seinfeld's comedy so i find it funny, if i was bill gates i wouldn't give 2 sh*ts if people didn't like it. He got a chance to be on tv with jerry (mini series?!?!?!). To me Seinfeld is the best tv series ever, Ill quote it all day long. so i happen to use a pc big deal i would easily use a mac if thats what i had im so in the middle when it comes to computers... oh blah blah blah open source this open source that. But a commercial has never made me go out and buy anything... other then food, those are the only commercials that really work... haha im a ramblin man.

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I finally turned the sound up on this commercial...


It is (IMHO) every bit as insipid as anyone has suggested. I get it that it's one of those 'let's get everyone talking and then hit them with the pitch once they're hooked in' attempts.


But -- like the moronic 'focus group' commercials where they show a bunch of carefully chosed yobbos Vista and tell them it's an "unreleased" version of the next Windows -- it seems to invite derision and scorn.


I'm no MS basher but clearly they've lost their way. They have no idea where their strengths have lain...


They haven't killed the golden goose... yet. But they certainly have misplaced it and look like fools fumbling around looking for it.

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I think Apple's iPhone ad had twice the effectiveness and only took maybe half the time.

Once again, I don't think that the 'buzz' this ad is supposedly generating was really all that difficult to achieve. What Apple has done over the years, given their place in the market has been nothing short of remarkable.


...I was just impressed with their iPhone commercial because it showed you what their product could do, and how it might be useful. You can call that "touched" or whatever term their teach'n in those fancy colleges. I call it showing me something I could find useful. As it turns out I really don't need an iPhone.

..... I was really only illustrating how one ad seemed to be effective, and the other seemed to be ineffective and a hell of a lot bigger and more expensive, which again reminds me of their products. I don't see how that's a bias. Only an observation.


:wave: Been a while since I've visited the forum, but I couldn't resist razzing you a bit Super :p


So actually, the remarkable commercial production presented by Apple was not successful at inspiring you to make the purchase it was intended to do.


As for your comment about MS being bigger and more expensive; I would hope that you are not making this price comparison against Apple products... Apple is every bit as proud of their product "price-wise" as what MS is; more so, in many cases.


I thought the commercial was dull, but then again, I've never been a big fan of Seinfeld. MicroSoft is an established household name and very well recognized in businesses across the globe. Bill Gates, being the co-founder of one of the most successful developers in the world, certainly doesn't need to attach his name to Jerry Seinfeld for people to recognize his name. He does, however, need to take a few acting lessons if he intends to star in his own commercials. :facepalm:

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I actually don't remember anything at all about that commercial, except for Seinfeld eating a churro and blabbing on about something, and Bill Gates (didn't even realize it was him at first) wiggling his butt at the end--not exactly an enticing image to sell a product, to say the least. I can't even tell you what the dialogue was. I wouldn't even have given the commercial any thought, if we weren't talking about it here. If the primary purpose of the ad was to make me sit up and take notice, then in effect, it didn't do it's job.


Although now that there's a thread about it, I might actually pay attention next time it comes on.

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Been a while since I've visited the forum, but I couldn't resist razzing you a bit Super


Welcome back.


So actually, the remarkable commercial production presented by Apple was not successful at inspiring you to make the purchase it was intended to do.


Oh, it totally inspired me. I just don't have a need for an iPhone. But if I did, they would definitely be on my list of smart phones to check out. There was nothing really "remarkable" about the ad. It just showed me what the thing does, and that's all I really needed.


As for your comment about MS being bigger and more expensive; I would hope that you are not making this price comparison against Apple products... Apple is every bit as proud of their product "price-wise" as what MS is; more so, in many cases.


Well my comment was really regarding MS Office. It's expensive, and I thought it was bloated. It was much easier to just go with OpenOffice, which does what I need it to do, doesn't hog my resources, and carries a price tag of nothing. Not a real hard choice to make.


I thought the commercial was dull, but then again, I've never been a big fan of Seinfeld.


Seinfeld is a strange choice if you are trying to connect with "regular people". I enjoyed his show, but look what it was about. It was often about how Jerry couldn't handle people. He gets a girlfriend. She's nice looking, they get along well, everything seems fine....BUT she has man hands. Jerry tries to deal with it, but eventually her man hands just weird him out too much and he can't be around her anymore. His show was ALWAYS about some bizarre idiosyncrasy that made people seem unattractive or impossible to be around.


Why would you choose Seinfeld for these commercials? Nobody can connect with him. And the second commercial basically demonstrated that. Bill and Jerry are living with "normal people", and none of them can seem to stand each other. What's the point? That MS can't relate? I thought we all kinda knew that already.

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Welcome back.





Well my comment was really regarding MS Office. It's expensive, and I thought it was bloated.


I've never tried OpenOffice, but I'm a proficient user of MS Office. It would be interesting to see if OpenOffice allows one to perform all of the functions that Excel and other Office products do without the so called bloatware. I can't imagine a free knock-off version competing with the extensive functionality of MS Office. If all one needs is a simple spreadsheet and a word processor, maybe, but what about pivot tables, database connectivity for extracting information off of the web, charts and other more advanced features?


Seinfeld is a strange choice if you are trying to connect with "regular people". I enjoyed his show, but look what it was about. It was often about how Jerry couldn't handle people.


I only watched the Seinfeld show whenever I was working late night shift and the show was played during lunch hour in the break room. His humor was more about insulting other people on the show or putting people down; it wasn't my cup of tea. Strange choice by Gates, indeed.


I actually don't remember anything at all about that commercial, except for Seinfeld eating a churro and blabbing on about something, and Bill Gates (didn't even realize it was him at first) wiggling his butt at the end--not exactly an enticing image to sell a product, to say the least.


As for Gates wiggling his butt; THAT was a wiggle??? I've seen more energetic people in rest homes! :eek: There's actually a doctored version of the video on YouTube that has the sound of a fart coming out at the time that Gates moves his tush. :p

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I've never tried OpenOffice, but I'm a proficient user of MS Office. It would be interesting to see if OpenOffice allows one to perform all of the functions that Excel and other Office products do without the so called bloatware. I can't imagine a free knock-off version competing with the extensive functionality of MS Office.



OpenOffice isn't a "free knockoff version" any more than Firefox is a "free knockoff" of Internet Explorer or Thunderbird is a free knockoff of Outlook or Linux is a free knockoff of Windows. It's a top notch suite developed in large part by Sun Microsystems.


Open source software has a huge development brain trust at its disposal. Any programmer who wants to add functionality to an open source program can do so.



If all one needs is a simple spreadsheet and a word processor, maybe, but what about pivot tables, database connectivity for extracting information off of the web, charts and other more advanced features?



Yep, OpenOffice has all that. Its database features currently lag a bit behind Microsoft's, but that'll change too. And it has a few things that MS Office doesn't have, like a nice drawing program, a slick advanced math equation editor, native PDF support, etc. It will also read and write Excel, Word and Powerpoint files directly. It chokes on a few really advanced macros, but for most people's use (including mine), compatibility is now at a point where it's pretty seamless.

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This is obviously an installment piece in the guise of damage control caused by the lack of interest in Vista. It's no seceret that MS wants to rush the next OS out to save face. The commercial? Boring and nonsensical, but that's usually how installment commercials start. Mac commercials? Corny and annoying unless you have your Apple cheerleader outfits on. Those iPod cheesy horrible remakes of Beatle tunes are beyond even discussing. Hopefully I'll be able to avoid comercials from both companies in the future.

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Well...I'm not real impressed by the updated ad. I think it would have been more effective to show each person using a feature..."I use the voice recognition so I don't have to type"..."I use the widgets to listen to live DJ feeds from Asia"..."I find legal documents in seconds with the new search"..."I made this commercial on a PC"...that sort of thing.


I'm not going to buy a PC because one person wears one ring and one person wears three rings. Or someone teaches school in Africa. I don't wear rings and I don't teach school in Africa, so why would I want a PC?


There are two variants on Mac ads. One is the "Here's why this is a cool product!" and the other is the "Microsoft sucks" ads, which started with the "Switch" commercials. The former are always eye-popping and the latter use humor so Apple doesn't look like bullies. They've stayed on message ever since Jobs came back.


What complicates matters is that Microsoft has to hype Vista right now instead of XP, which was a brilliant operating system in terms of execution and performance. In my experience using both computer families every day, XP deserves the "it just works" tag even more than OS X.


In a weird way, the new commercials mirror Vista: No one "gets it," Microsoft can't come up with a consistent message as to why someone would want to get Vista ("The wow starts here"....puhleeze!), people are confused, and lots of people are talking...but not necessarily in a positive way.

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OpenOffice isn't a "free knockoff version" any more than Firefox is a "free knockoff" of Internet Explorer or Thunderbird is a free knockoff of Outlook or Linux is a free knockoff of Windows. It's a top notch suite developed in large part by Sun Microsystems.

Open source software has a huge development brain trust at its disposal. Any programmer who wants to add functionality to an open source program can do so.

Yep, OpenOffice has all that. Its database features currently lag a bit behind Microsoft's, but that'll change too. And it has a few things that MS Office doesn't have, like a nice drawing program, a slick advanced math equation editor, native PDF support, etc. It will also read and write Excel, Word and Powerpoint files directly. It chokes on a few really advanced macros, but for most people's use (including mine), compatibility is now at a point where it's pretty seamless.




Hmmmmm!!! Maybe I'll have to check it out before too long. I've already got MS Office 2008, but maybe when I get some free time, I plan on helping my son rebuild a computer with Linux and I can try the OpenOffice.

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So much for this crap...




Told you so. :)


What that MS exec said is preposterous -- media buying has nothing to do with what you run in the blocks. They cut the ads because they were shyte and performed as such -- had they been super-successful you'd be getting pounded with them for weeks yet. Guaranteed.


Executives, I have come to conclude, are merely bad liars in good ties. This ad campaign was a *MASSIVE* flop according to every credible industry source on the topic -- and more importantly consumers... :thu:

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