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Happy 4th of July, everyone


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I wish you all a happy and safe 4th of July. Be really careful with all the fireworks and drink responsibly. My granddaugher is coming over tonight to fix me dinner. She's 12, and her cooking is always a pleasant adventure. I'm sure it will either be hot dogs, Chef Boyardee Spaghetti-o's, or scrambled eggs, my three favorite meals. Again, Happy 4th, folks, and God Bless.

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I celebrated my freedom from British tedium, at a party in the US Embassy

in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Interestingly, I met a guy from my home town in

Louisiana. not only that, he was from my neighborhood. He went to all the

same schools as my kids.


Three other Louisianans came by, including a Marine guard, and we had our

own table. Most people had to stand. But we had secured our table early in

the event, and only people from Louisiana were allowed to sit there.




I'm a registered Republican. But my pal is in Democrats Abroad. So he got my

wife in as a volunteer for his exhibit. She had no idea what she was doing.




She doesn't even know what a Republican or Democrat is.

As far as I know, she thinks Bush is still President.

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For the 4th, I was on a jaunt to Firenze, Fiesole and the towns of Cinque Terre. Here's me and some of my students high on a hill in the Boboli Gardens in Firenze.

No fireworks, no hot dogs, no Sousa marches...but the grande Peronis and Morettis are a very reasonable substitute!

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Happy 4th! God bless the troops.


Kinda cool to read this today. It's the reason for the season, ya know. ;)


When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

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Happy 4th to all!!! We spent the afternoon at a small restaurant in our little town listening to a friends band, it was his birthday. Some other friends showed up and we went back to our house and watched the fireworks thru the trees on our deck and played guitars for awhile. It's really great to spend holidays with your good friends! Nice testament of this land of the free.

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Well I hope all you 'Colonial Cousins' had a great holiday weekend - not only do we Brits now miss out on your Tea-tax but we've also got to work today!

Dont listen tae Fen as he is never away fae the computer so he doesnt work
maybe he's employed likes ? ? ? somehow doubt it likes.

Anyhow hope you enjoyed yer day y/day sure you have and deservedly so :thu:

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Well I hope all you 'Colonial Cousins' had a great holiday weekend - not only do we Brits now miss out on your Tea-tax but we've also got to work today!


A lot of Americans may not know about this. But being called a 'colonial' by a Brit, is a serious insult.


I'm not a colonial. Nobody in my family is a colonial. So it follows that we're not cousins either.

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A lot of Americans may not know about this. But being called a 'colonial'

by a Brit, is a serious insult.

I'm not a
. Nobody in my family is a colonial either.

We're not cousins either.



That's why the phrase is in 'marks' to show it's a term of bantering friendship and not an Empirical statement!

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I hope all you good people "over there" had a good holiday. I would have posted my well-wishes on the day but was busy rehearsing and performing Vivaldi's "Gloria" (along with a lot of other people, of course) all afternoon and evening.

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