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Everything posted by carguy

  1. From the look of him (her?), it looks like playing the guitar would be a bit awkward. Maybe a singer?
  2. Well after seeing those guys, I don't feel so bad about using my peace symbol strap.
  3. As long as you swear to bring the ROCK! Now that Mazi's back he'll be by with your stripes. BK Kommandant, Punk Rock Expeditionary Force, MBM I'm ready, man! I won't have to go through boot camp will I?
  4. I've been a fan of the Beatles, Stones, Dylan, etc. etc. etc. for all these years. I'm in if you'll have me!
  5. Don't throw money away buying a tambourine. Put $3.00 in quarters in your guitar and shake it around.
  6. Want a unique, custom guitar? No problem. Build it yourself. Anybody with a hammer and a srewdriver can do it.
  7. Whatever you do, don't play for more than 15 minutes a day; it's hard on your fingers.
  8. If you want to save some money on a great guitar, get an Esteban from QVC.
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