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Movies that make you feel like you wasted two hours of your life

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Angela's Ashes. Truth be told... I only wasted 1/2 hour, so I'm cheating. But it felt like 2 hours. I know when to get out.


Now, regarding "that Pulp Fiction guy" Tarantino... I like him. And I dislike violent movies for the most part. But something about his stuff has such a 70's kitsch angle, and as a kid I was sneaking into those movies he's doing a piss take on, I like his sensibility. The noble samurai, the proud gunfighter, the lovable trailer trash loser/hero.

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I was recently flipping through On Demand free movies, and Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was in the list. I hadn't seen it since being a wee lad in the 70s...


HOLY FORKING SCHLITZ that movie was bad!


But if you want a larf, check out the cast list on IMDB - particularly the list of people in the end credits scene.

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Made of Honor. Totally stupid chick flick. I can hang with the wife's picks usually but this... this was horrid. Since he treats his friend (who's a girl) as a friend and not a lover, he's a commitment-a-phobe you see, she asks him to be his Made of Honor. Let the yucks begin!!!

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The Unbearable Lightness of Being


Critics described it as sexy and arty. I describe it as slow, dull and plodding.


The Birds


An exciting 90 minutes of build-up to a totally frustrating unresolved ending. I hate that.


Blair Witch Project


Same comment as The Birds with the addition of a trip to the bathroom to puke as a result of motion sickness from the jerky motion of the hand-held camera. (I'm not kidding about the puking part either).

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Planet Terror directed by Robert Rodriguez. I love zombie movies, but this was absolutely unwatchable. I realize that it was intentionally 'bad', but it didn't turn out to be the good kind of bad movie.


Michael Clayton with George Clooney. A lousy & boring movie pretending to be suspensful & interesting.

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The Birds

An exciting 90 minutes of build-up to a totally frustrating unresolved ending. I hate that.



Different strokes. That's one of my favorite movies, but I see where you're coming from.


If you want a real unresolved "ending", watch "No Country for Old Men"

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I remember my wife and her friend rented "Moulin Rouge" a couple years back. I happened to be there...so I thought, why not? They put the movie in. I seriously tried to find something redeeming (despite the fact it's not my kind of movie) about it...I tried really, really hard for 10 or 15 minutes. To my surprise, my wife's friend looked at my wife and said..."I can't watch this"...to which my wife replied..."I can't either". HAHAHAHAHA...it wasn't just me, the women couldn't stand it either!

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I remember my wife and her friend rented "Moulin Rouge" a couple years back. I happened to be there...so I thought, why not? They put the movie in. I seriously tried to find something redeeming (despite the fact it's not my kind of movie) about it...I tried really, really hard for 10 or 15 minutes. To my surprise, my wife's friend looked at my wife and said..."I can't watch this"...to which my wife replied..."I can't either". HAHAHAHAHA...it wasn't just me, the women couldn't stand it either!




Different strokes indeed! I love it.

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Margot at the Wedding - Just plain boring


Galaxy Quest - Not funny at all. Just bad acting and silly costumes.


Here are a pair of Michael Bay movies that I just hated. I loved Michael Bay's "The Island", but I hated:

The Rock - a totally predictable and stupid movie including a predictable blood bath and a trite San Francisco chase.

Transformers - Cool robot effects, but horrible acting and predictably boring plot. It is admittedly a movie for kids, and most kids love this.

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I`d like to add, anything by the guy who did Pulp Fiction. Whatever his name is... the over the top violence does nothing for me. Its not cool and it doesn`t make the story line better.



Here, I thought I was the only one who doesn't get this movie. Then again, I don't get any of Quentin Tarrantino's movies:idk:

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- Cool robot effects, but horrible acting and predictably boring plot. It is admittedly a movie for kids, and most kids love this.



Wow, I loved it. Thought everything about it was good, especially the efx. Yeah, the acting was "ok" but its for young boys. My 3 year old loves it. My favorite part was watching Megan Fox lean over the engine of the car... omg:thu:

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- Cool robot effects, but horrible acting and predictably boring plot. It is admittedly a movie for kids, and most kids love this.



I'm right there with you an that one. It turned me off big time. Just an endless stream of metal on metal sound effects underpinned with subsonics.


I dig Shia Labeouf. I used to see him on the Disney Channel when my kid watched. I thought he reminded me of a young Dustin Hoffman. So when I saw that... I was disappointed. I'm glad he is going places now. Talented kid. That movie sucked though.

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"The Happening" by M. Night Shyamalan was honestly one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Thankfully, I had watched it on a plane and hadn't paid good money to go see it in the theaters. It was so bad at times that it was almost funny. I kept waiting for the movie to get good, but it never happened by a long shot. Spoiler alert: The trees conspire to kill the human race :facepalm::rolleyes:.

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