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NAD, New Vox AC4TV Combo.


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K so this amp just came into the shop where I work on sunday, so I had to get it.


Pretty much its an all tube, 4/1/.25 watt combo with a ten inch speaker. Closed back, and its actually amazing. I can crank it in my house, at bedroom levels and get an amazing overdriven sound. So yeah its switchable between 4/1/ and .25 watts, which comes in real handy. It handles pedals very well, and the best part is it was only 300 bucks CDN.


Its a great backup to my other amp, my DRRI






Video of this amp:


Excuse my playing :)

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We got these in today and I immediately put it through its paces, using a P90'd Squier Tele Custom.


The first thing I've gotta say is that Vox did an excellent job giving this amp it's own voice. It doesn't sound enough like an AC15/30 to say it's any sort of low wattage replication. It actually sounds closer to an Orange than either of those, but for descriptions sake I'd say it sits somewhere between the AC's and "the Orange sound."


Anyone in the market for this sort of amp would do well to try one - when this amp is dimed and pushing air right at you, the perfect blend of grit and sweetness is just f'king beautiful.


It does have issues that could be drawbacks for some though. The AC4 lacks in the headroom department - it develops a mild grit very early on. Also, even the fractional watt mode, when cranked, it's probably too loud for jamming in a house where others are sleeping. In full wattage, it's probably not quite loud enough to compete with a full band.


All in all, it's a uniquely voiced, great sounding practice amp. It only does one thing but it's a damn good thing.


(Do want)

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