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As if we needed it, now we have a reason to HATE John Mayer


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Hey, I have a ticket to his concert this weekend and I'm strongly considering picking up the signature strat. All you people with the "you can't tell me who to like!!" crap need to have a collective unbunching of the panties.

Rock on, John.

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I'm a bit surprised with some of the responses. I don't think that being a total self-absorbed narcissist automatically happens to talented artists who become popular. The whole "it comes with the territory" argument is weak. SRV didn't do it; neither did MOST of the guitarists we collectively seem admire around here (Hendrix, Gillmour, etc.).


To me, the most disgusting thing is the people he hurt with his comments. How would you feel if you were Jessica Simpson's dad? She did absolutely nothing to deserve having her {censored} be compared to crack cocaine by some asshole pop artist with SRV tattooed to his arm.


I don't find him funny or clever. I find him to be narcissistic to the point of being a truly histrionic personality.


And I think character and class do matter. The problem is that we've become accustomed to people like Mayer--they are everywhere--in sports, movies, politics, and music. Throughout the history of rock music though, guitarists like Rory Gallagher, George Harrison, Mike Campbell, Gary Moore, Jimi Hendrix, Slash, Chuck Berry, Mark Knopfler, Eric Johnson, Warren Haynes etc. have proven to the world that guitar players are some of the coolest, humblest, and most grateful [to their fans] and gracious people you could ever hope to meet. They also respect women, at least to the point where they don't talk about their pussies to the press.


To me, John Mayer is Fred Durst with marginally more talent. I'll bet the same people defending Mayer's comments thought Durst was cool at one time too. Mayer's headed in the same direction, and he knows it, thus the tearful apology.


For those of you who defend him, just answer me this question: What would you think if he {censored}ed your daughter and then told millions of people around the world the details about how great her {censored} was and how much he'd pay for it. And be honest.


Look familiar?



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and gracious people you could ever hope to meet. They also respect women, at least to the point where they don't talk about their pussies to the press.

To me, John Mayer is Fred Durst with marginally more talent. I'll bet the same people defending Mayer's comments thought Durst was cool at one time too. Mayer's headed in the same direction, and he knows it, thus the tearful apology.

For those of you who defend him, just answer me this question: What would you think if he {censored}ed your daughter and then told millions of people around the world the details about how great her {censored} was and how much he'd pay for it. And be honest.


I like you. I was honestly surprised by how many people supported that self-absorbed dip{censored} silliness, too. While I understand that Playboy is expected to ask stupid, overly-sexual questions and get answers of similar fashion, I think diving directly into tastelessness is just sad.


Being a celebrity and being a tool only go hand-in-hand because we, as a culture, allow it, and at some point, started eating it up. I mean, people watch Jersey Shore. We justify it, so celebrities, no matter their level of such, further it.


I also think your question with Simpson was headed in the right direction, she just happens to have some unreasonable roots. That doesn't make her ripe for public degradation by another, once intimate and friendly, "celebrity."


I think someone who seems to be that "cool" would be a {censored} of a lot "cooler" if he seemed like he had any respect for other people and didn't fancy himself some kind of pop culture demigod. I'm not sure what's cool about that.


Also, while this has little to do with his statement, I know NO ONE here would be supporting his statements or saying he seemed personable or cool if they didn't like his playing. And, personally, his music does jack {censored} for me. He seems like an overly cocky bastard who writes sappy, dimwit pop songs and has excellent playing ability but never seems to work it into a real SONG. Having the ability to play at some kind of iconic level but never using it in any tasteful way in a song tells me there's a serious lack in the ability to write songs. And, again, personally, I'd prefer good songwriting from a good songwriter to good player from a good player without any point of reference.

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and gracious people you could ever hope to meet. They also respect women, at least to the point where they don't talk about their pussies to the press...

I think that these days we have access to more information, but some of the people you mention probably have a few sordid stories to tell. Hendrix even had a sex tape before sex tapes were trendy :D
And Slash's girlfriend was "immortalized" by Axl. IIRC, he had sex with her in the studio, recorded the act, and their sex sounds are in one of the songs in Appetite for Destruction.
Harrison was a horny guy. I think that he either slept or tried to sleep with Paula, Pattie Boyd's sister.

So maybe they don't go to the press, but who knows what the do or did behind closed doors. Some may be cool and humble indeed :)

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A racist apologizing for being a racists, is still a piece of {censored} racist.

i was simply putting the fact out there that he'd apologised.... not justifying anything

i think his use of the 'n' word was stupid and ignorant.... but no reason for me to hate him

i'm no judge... i {censored} up on a daily basis

to be honest... i wouldn't be surprised to hear he'd been riding the coke train... but at the end of the day..... i think he's a good guitar player

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and gracious people you could ever hope to meet. They also respect women, at least to the point where they don't talk about their pussies to the press.

{censored} me

the complete ignorance of this statement astounds me

you have a bug up your ass about this dude... plain and simple... i'm not justifying anything he said... but you're gleefully rubbing your hands together over it

and he's the only rock star dude that's posted a pic with his shirt off, trying to look sexy?....you've got to be kidding me

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Saying the N word does not automatically qualify someone as being racist.


I think a lot of people have to take notice of this.


It came from the word 'ignorant' then it was slowly shown to be disrespectful, hateful and a word that should never be used until all of the black comedians (some of whom I think are brilliant) used it left, right and center. Now it's just one major double standard.



...and what he said was right...if he REALLY had a 'hood' pass then he'd be able to say that word because he'd actually be black and then nobody would give a F if he said it or not...except Oprah.

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I read the interview a couple of times and boy is it something else. (imo) Any adult who reads the whole thing and walks away defending JM seriously needs to check their moral compass. JMHO of course...YMMV.

Still, it's probably rather a case of "a dude who thinks he'll gain something by a 'bad boy' image and went a bit too far in an interview that was sexist and stupid from the getgo", than "a dude who is a clueless racist sexist douchebag". I'm not sure it's an improvement.

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