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great idea, I'll take some pics tomorrow. For now here's a list of my stuff.

Marshall VS100R combo
Marshall VS100 full stack
Marshall JCM2000 DSL401 combo
Egnater Rebel 20 head
Egnater Renegade 65 head
Egnater Tourmaster 4x12
Digitech RP1000 processor

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I don't have a single rig I use all the time. It varies for the show, size of stage, mic'd/unmic'd, etc.

For Crash Pad my usual rig is a 90's Sovtek Tube Midget 50W head into an '80's Risson 4x12:


For my side roots rock band I often use a 1960's Sunn 200S head with the same cab:


However, I have a number of other options available, if I don't feel like messing with a 4x12. For instance, the Sovtek head with a 2x12 open-back cab:


Or the Sunn with the same cab:


I also have a '60's 1x15 Kustom cab that has been paired with both those heads:



Although I've got a '66 Super Reverb, she's "retired" from gigging except for special occasions. Since that amp was modded to be a 2x10 combo with 2x10 extension cab (see below, to the right), I have also sometimes used the 2x10 combo top with the 2x12 seen previously as the extension cab bottom-- a 2x10/2x12 halfstack.


Fir church I use my Super Champ XD, lined out to the PA. At a recent roots rock gig on a big stage, I used the SC XD as a stage monitor, lined out to the Sunn w/2x12 cab in the backline, with the Sunn rig mic'd.

Guitars are at page linked in sig. I rotate 'em.

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From L-R: Epiphone '56 LP, Charvel 375 Deluxe, Fender Stratocaster FMT, Peavey Nitro Custom, Gibson Explorer


Into these:




Legend 2x12 combo amp and matching 2x12 cab, used only as speaker cabs.


Top rack: Juice Goose 8.0, Samson Concert Series II, ADA MP-1, Alesis QuadraVerb, Tapco SQ-2, Korg DTR-2


Bottom rack: Peavey Classic 120 modded by Bruce Egnater


Not pictured: Rolls MidiBuddy and Morley wah/volume


Rack cases are Grundorf

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you use the tube driver for rhythm sounds? I've found that is the absolute greatest pedal for lead stuff, but, because of this, it's pretty lacking rhythm wise, so i'm still searching for the perfect rhythm overdrive.

There's a reason I have two on there :thu:

...To be honest, most of the time I'm using the MiG Boost to add a bit of grit to my otherwise clean rhythm tone. But then, my clean rhythm tone is through three amps, and one is clean, the other has chorus on it, and the other is rotating speakers so... Hard to say what clean is here :)

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