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when you find your perfect pickup do you put it in all your guitars?


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Plus, I reject that whole "Holy Grail" notion that is the unstated premise of the OP.

you are actually incorect on my intentions of this thread. I am mearly small talking here. None of my guitars have the same pickups in them because of all of the same stated reasons. I like variaty and I play alot of different genres of music.

So the "holy grail" of tones is not my unstated premise. :thu:

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+1 on them sounding different depending on guitar type.


I don't think I have a single duplicate pickup out of my guitars I have currently. I really like guitars to sound different.


If the pickup doesn't work well in a guitar I will move it from project to project until it finds a home or I get rid of it if it is just not vibing well. then I try something else.

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I always love those threads that show a pic of someones pedal board, invariably Eric Johsnon or Brad Paisely and then a few months later it will be totally different. lol everyone from noobs to pros are fickle and constantly change {censored} up...:thu:

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kinda, i put active emg's in all my guitars @18 volts of course, but wich model of emg is going in it depends on the woods.
In mahogany guitars i like 81/60, maple 85/85, alder 81/81 or 60 for example
it really depends on the guitar, if its too bright i wont put a 81 in it

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I have Bill Lawrence's L-500XL in 4 different guitars, and I'm very happy with them. All 4 guitars sound different, but the differences are from the guitars' construction. That's what I want. I have consistency of output, but the tones are different. 2 of those guitars also have Bill's L-500R in the neck position, and they're the same way...equal output, very different tone.

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I've tried hard to keep the variety up by having different pickups in almost everything, but I've caught myself starting to put the same thing in several guitars. So basically I do try to keep them diverse and try different pickups, but I end up trying to find a pickup that sounds just like one of my favorites if that makes any sense.

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