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International seller, should I sell to him?


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I sold an instrument on Ebay lately. Long story short, I wrote "no international bidders" in the listing, AND set the auction settings to US bidders only. The winner was from Switzerland. I spoke with an Ebay rep, apparently, even if you set the auction for US bidders only, overseas bidders can still bid, they just get a warning saying they shouldn't. The Ebay rep said "it's basically an honor system." Well, I tried to ship it for the buyer, but he would only pay up to $150 for shipping. He was friendly and reasonable, but that's as much as he'd pay. That limited me to USPS, which only offered insurance up to $650. The instrument was $1000, and since he wouldn't pay for Fedex or UPS, which offered full price insurance but would have cost $300+, and he voided the Terms of Agreement by bidding, I cancelled the transaction. Ebay agreed it was his wrongdoing, so if he left me bad feedback, they'd remove it, and if he declined the cancellation, he'd get a strike. So, he accepted.


I set my entire account to automatically block international bidders now. Clearly the honor system doesn't always work. Anyway, there are no bids on the relisted item, and the Switzerland buyer has been hounding me via PM. He basically is just offering the same thing as before... $1150 shipped, and suggests over and over that, if he doesn't get insurance for that price, so be it, and if there's an issue during shipping, damage or misplacement, he won't take action. Basically, I told him while his "promise" (the word he used) is great, it means nothing to PayPal, and if he wanted to get his payment back at any time, he could, and I'd be empty-handed, no payment and no guitar.


He is now suggesting, if it doesn't sell, he could send PayPal payment as a gift, because he'd be unprotected then. This seemed feasible, and he seems like an honest guy, but it still weirds me out a bit that someone would be willing to take that kind of a risk on a $1000 item and not be willing to pay more for shipping to get insurance. However, I need to sell the item.


What would you do?


(I don't want to hear any {censored} about "Ebay troubles," I don't feel I've done anything wrong, it isn't my fault that Ebay feels the honor system works, and it was the buyer's fault for bidding despite it, and Ebay must agree, because I was able to cancel the transaction without any problem. I won't deal with bidders out the 48 con-US anymore, either, I've changed my account settings and recommend anyone else who is trusting in the "honor system" to do the same. This is just a question to keep myself from potentially being ripped off, and I feel it's an honest enough question.)

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tough one, he shouldn't of bid on it in the first place without sending you a message first. I always do that. But if he's prepared to wear any consequences then let him take it without insurance.

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If it weirds you out, I'd probably be inclined to go with my gut feeling, and get it relisted. You got to ask yourself why the guy was giving you so much hassle beforehand, then leaving negative feedback for something that was his fault. I know only too well about wanting to shift an item so you got the cash sooner rather than later, but this guy sounds like he'll be on your case as soon as he receives the item. On the other hand you could sell to him, he's clearly stated he'll take responsibility (but really, will he?) then always keep every email he sent you, and should anything happen afterwards, you got all the evidence to forward to relevant parties.

Me, I'd be inclined to relist and sell it in my country to avoid any possible future problems.

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Do the deal with the "gift" option. He suggested it, so he's willing to take the risk. Get the max insurance you can and then he takes the hit for the difference if it goes missing. As it's an off-ebay deal you'll save final value fees too.

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Ummmm - to those who are saying the guy left bad feedback . . . the OP never said that the buyer had left bad feedback. He said that if he DID, E-Bay would remove it. The guy accepted the cancellation.


That said, if the "gift" option guarantees he can't reverse the charge, I say go for it. If there's a way for him to reverse the charge, I would NOT do it.

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You clearly specified you'd only sell to US buyers. The least he should do is make sure you'll go through no more trouble than you would with a US customer.


What I would do, is tell him I'm not willing to ship the item unless it's a fully insured shipment. If that means e.g. Fedex then he should be paying for that. Otherwise I'd politely suggest to him to look elsewhere.

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With the gift option, his only possible recourse would be bad feedback. If he wants to accept those terms, as evidenced by communication via eBay, he should be allowed to. Question is, do you think those terms are fair?

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That sucks. I have had people do the same thing.


I list USA only and if an international bidder wants it I tell them you can buy it but you have to use BIN and shipping is (insane).


Sometimes they do purchase the item.


I made a guy in Japan pay me a BIN that was $300.00 over my reserve and charged him $225.00 for shipping and he was fine with it.


Shipping international is a PITA and if I'm going to do it they're going to pay.


You can also set flat shipping for Intl buyers. Right now I'm selling something and the Intl shipping is set to $200.00 just in case one of them tries to bid.

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This guy left bad feedback after the transaction becuase he didn't fully read the details? I'd find another buyer man, screw that guy. "No soup for you!"



Too true. If he left me bad feedback, I'd be outa there. Not trustworthy. You'll find another buyer.

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I would suggest not doing the international sale. Your sales always get a little complicated and that would only be increased with international.



There are plenty of sellers willing to sell internationally. We buyers that are outside the USA know we have to pay outrageous shipping but there isn't much you can do if the product isn't available locally.


I usually just filter out the non international seller on my search. Occasionally, when I see something that's hard to find and it from a non worldwide seller, I'll just write and ask him if he's willing. I've found many will make the exception for you. I originally starting asking because "Shipping only in the United Sates" was the default setting and many sellers hadn't even given it a thought. If you ask and the seller says "no thanks", just move on to the next.


Watch out for the guys that are asking for the "Gift" option. They do that so they don't have to pay local taxes when the product arrives. I don't think you would want to be involved in that.

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As a foreigner myself, I don't see any problems :o


Use paypal and USPS. If you're going to get scammed using those two methods, it doesn't mater if the scammer is located in the US or Germany, you're equally {censored}ed either way.

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Watch out for the guys that are asking for the "Gift" option. They do that so they don't have to pay local taxes when the product arrives. I don't think you would want to be involved in that.



Your terminology is a little confused. That's via shipping, something you mark on the forms at USPS/Fedex/UPS. The "gift" option in PayPal doesn't make the seller pay any fees, and as far as I know, is unprotected for the buyer. So, basically, he wouldn't have any recourse if he decided to go against his little promise.

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