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Ha I found fake Gibson website


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Forget the fake Gibbys--I want this "Collings":


I hope EVH doesn't see this, or he may fly over there to kick some butt:


You can report them Gibson, check their website there's a page about it somewhere

Yeah, I wouldn't waste my time with that---"It's China (town) Jake".

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They most likely already know. They cant stop the factories or the demand, they can shut down websites and prosecute distributors but not a whole lot else. It takes more money to stop it then business it cuts into.

At some point Gibson will realize that it kinda promotes there brand you dont just have a gibson you have a genuine Gibson.

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From several of the Rick copies ad-text:

We use Japan technology, from the selection of the wood to the guitar finish - this guarantees you a quality guitar every time.

Why do I think this means that their factory has some WWII vintage machinery, that the occupying Japanese left behind.

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Places like this take a lot of lip - but no one cares about a Les Paul copy that is made in china that sells right at your local big box store. That is because the headstock says Epiphone!

Most of these guitars are made in the same factories as PRS SE, OLP, Fender Squier, Epiphone, etc. They are the same factories that manufacture the less expensive versions for all the major manufacturers. Case in point, the youtube vids say the pickups on the fake Pauls are the same as Epiphones' made in korea pickups... and the headstock angle is 14 degrees - same as Epiphone - not 17 like a Made In USA Les Paul.

While it is pretty lame to put a Gibson stamp on the headstock, from what I can tell from blogs, forums, youtube vids and comments, they don't play any better or worse than the other Made In China products they sell in the big box stores. They just cost 40%-60% less than the big box version.

And at what cost you might ask, do you get this awesome, too good to be true deal? General consensus was: you MIGHT get what you ordered. You MIGHT get a similar product. And in some cases, you might not get anything at all.

BUT for the price? A wolfgang? (probably an OLP). A "V" with a floyd and EMGs? A 335 with a truss cover that says "Les Paul"? Come on! It's almost worth it for the comedic value alone. :0)


I don't know which site I'll use or what model I'll get, but I think I've made up my mind its worth taking a chance on one of these made in china axes. If someone has a hangup on the headstock, I don't think the headstock should bother anyone so long as no one tries to seriously pass this off as the real deal.


one more word of caution: most people said the finish on exotics was Foto Flame.

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Apparently they "Come with beautiful box, easy to carry and safety enough for guitar"! That alone makes the purchase worth it!

Places like this take a lot of lip - but no one cares about a Les Paul copy that is made in china that sells right at your local big box store. That is because the headstock says Epiphone!

I see your point and actually agree, but think of it this way. First off, the people selling these are not people I would ever give my money to. Yes, Gibson themselves aren't always the greatest morally, but at least they aren't trying to counterfeit somebody else's product and sell it to buyers too ignorant to know the difference. When you buy an Epiphone, LTD, etc, they are exactly what they say they are.

Even if you leave the business ethics part out of it AND assume the original buyer is guitar savvy enough to tell these are fakes, if by nothing else the shady ass site and the impossible prices, how many of these do you think get resold to ignorant buyers that can't tell the difference? I think somebody mentioned it earlier you could make a killing buying these and selling them even at low ball used prices for the real thing. If you're selling online there is no way the average joe could ever tell the difference. I don't know about these exact ones, but I've seen ones that even have "made in U.S.A" printed on the back of the headstock.

Bottom line: It's like selling somebody a Lamborghini replica built from a kit and powered by a Chevy v8 and telling them its the real thing. As incredible as it may be to some of us that anybody could think these are real Gibsons/Ricks/etc, I watched a horde of people around a replica like I just mentioned with Mugen seats, a gauge cluster out of a 90s camaro, totally wrong stance, and all kinds of other total dead giveaways and none of them knew any different.

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