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why do cops do this?


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Like that annoying 'hum' in OP's pc in a prior post, months back...?

He assumed it was a Govt, plot, but 'prolly; just a 'Ghost in the Machine'

My, does he consider himself so important that Govt agencies would be foucusing on him?

C'mon, he is like the rest of us...just for the most part, ordinary guys, living mundane lives in the US...

IMHO the Feds are focusing on the situation in Egypt ,not West Fargo where a 'wild and crazy' local guy is driving around with a burnt blinker bulb and the local Cops are givin' 'im Stinkeye'



it was the cpu cooling fan. the rest is you making up {censored} again.

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IMHO the Feds are focusing on the situation in Egypt ,not West Fargo where a 'wild and crazy' local guy is driving around with a burnt blinker bulb and the local Cops are givin' 'im Stinkeye'


So you think that a huge organization like that is only capable of thinking about one thing at a time. All their efforts only in one place at time. One agenda, and you are going to be told the truth about it on the nightly news.

Why even post?

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yeah, and someone, I forget who...straightened you out on that matter and you accepted their theory.... chill guy,


life is too short.; Your issues definitely need a 'look-see' and a possible 'tune up/alignment'.... I think you'll be fine.


really I do ....

, if you put the 'victim;'card back up your sleeve.


It's only good for a cupla situations before it gets 'null and void' and 'peeps' get tired of you 'Calling Wolf'

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Frankly, some of you are missing the point. "Being polite" to a cop is NOT a requirement of our society. We are a nation of laws, and not breaking those laws is all that's required of us. Having to 'be nice' to someone to not get messed with is not what Americans are supposed to do.

Having said that, I'm always civil to people I meet, because I'm a civil person. But the mindset of 'be nice or they'll get you' is disturbing on a lot of levels.

Look a little bit into the original discussion of standing police forces, including the whole 'who will watch the watchmen' discussion, and you'll realize they are a necessary evil. Honest men shouldn't have to fear or kowtow to the police.


I am sorry Larry,

you mentioned the 'original discussion' of 'standing police forces' etc. in the original discussion....I must have missed that part of the post,


You mentioned that you were once a 'LEO'...me also,


I thank you for your Service...it was a difficult time for us, but I have no regrets....

I sleep well at night, enjoy a good pension/health benefits that I traded for a higher paying job in the world of Academia and a Foreman's position at US Steel...

so glad I didn't choose plan C;)


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So you think that a huge organization like that is only capable of thinking about one thing at a time. All their efforts only in one place at time. One agenda, and you are going to be told the truth about it on the nightly news.

Why even post?



Sorry dude, my 'Intel' was way wack.!..turns out there is a contingent of Agents moving in on West Fargo as I 'hunt and peck'.....

Time to jettison the 'chronic' before the Black-Ops guys land on your rooftop!

Forewarned is forearmed:lol:

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show me where i said those words - i'll save you the time and effort - i never said that. YOU said that.



Read your first post. I paraphrased what you said without changing your intent, at all. You said this is what cops do, not now and then, not once in a while... this is what they do.



again, WTF are you talking about? are you really this arrogant?

All I know about you is what you post here, and what you post here sounds kooky and paranoid to me lately. Is it arrogant of me to call it like I see it? So be it.


You put these off-color observations out there on a forum, which is just as arrogant. The FCC wants to take over the web and you're hero here to alert us all to this plot... not arrogant at all. We all missed this dastardly conspiracy but you're here to alert us.... ok. We must be stupid or naive not to agree with your conspiracy theories. OK. Really I don't care if you want to be arrogant, I've certainly been arrogant in my life. But paranoid? It makes me worried for you.


"When you are driving down a 2 lane road and a cop is driving in the other lane, when he drives by you he wil look at your face rather than at the road". Really? That's what happens to me? How about tell us about your own experience instead of telling me what my experience is. It sounds different when you use first person tense. It's not universal. Cops don't do that to me usually. If you see them doing that all the time, it might be that you're paranoid for some reason. Maybe you're interesting looking, I don't know.


The police don't go around glaring people down, not in my experience. My own experience is that the police don't give a {censored} about me unless I'm speeding or need help for some reason. I got pulled over once and the officer welcomed me to town (I had just moved here) and then told me my registration was expired, and that I needed to renew it immediately. He did that because it was part of the job. Maybe the cops are watching you because part of their job is keeping an eye out for trouble and staying aware of their surroundings. Why do you care what they do? Let me know when they pull you over and give you a beating for no reason. That would be something to talk about.

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I am sorry Larry,

you mentioned the 'original discussion' of 'standing police forces' etc. in the original discussion....I must have missed that part of the post,

You mentioned that you were once a 'LEO'...me also,

I thank you for your Service...it was a difficult time for us, but I have no regrets....

I sleep well at night, enjoy a good pension/health benefits that I traded for a higher paying job in the world of Academia and a Foreman's position at US Steel...

so glad I didn't choose plan C;)



I meant the ''original" original discussion, the one the ancients had when first positing the idea of 'policemen':





The essential problem was posed by Plato in The Republic, his major work on government and morality. The perfect society as described by Socrates, the main character in this Socratic dialogue, relies on laborers, slaves and tradesmen. The guardian class is to protect the city. The question is put to Socrates, "Who will guard the guardians?" or, "Who will protect us against the protectors?" Plato's answer to this is that they will guard themselves against themselves. We must tell the guardians a "noble lie".[1] The noble lie will assure them that they are better than those they serve and it is therefore their responsibility to guard and protect those lesser than themselves. We will instill in them a distaste for power or privilege; they will rule because they believe it right, not because they desire it.


Glad you lived through it, and glad you got out in time to enjoy the rest of your life. :)



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Guns don't kill people.

Cops kill people.



In my 25 year career I had the satisfaction of knowing I helped a lot of people. Arresting dealers, stopping assaults, saving a couple of lives and even finding an abducted child. What the hell do you ever do? Your quote is not even worthy of placing on a coffee mug

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Yeah, that's obviously ridiculous. Anyone who thinks their life would be better without police protection should try that for awhile.


That is interesting.

I think it needs to be looked at on a few generation's worth of experience though.

Happiness may not be what we think it is, it may involve a bit more effort.

Most people are unfulfilled, even if they think they are fulfilled, they in most cases are not.

I can say that with confidence because i know we are not designed for the way we live right now. It came too fast and furious.

We as people are being left in the dust and nothing is in place to update the people.

Our technology, our baby will grow up and devour us. We are so desperate and ignorant and egotistical.


We get all freaked out when we have to protect ourselves in anyway. Or if the protection we pay for and expect to be perfect fails or lapses.

Meanwhile we are paying imperfect beings to do the job.

Perhaps singularity will take care of it. We will hand the police force over to the robots. Problem is they will start slaughtering the race based on its imperfections.

And we will let it all happen because we are too lazy to take responsibility for ourselves as people.

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Cops are just like all other humans; looking to score. It would be impossible to count the number of successful raids they've made on pot growing operations or meth labs in this area. These types of busts allow them to confiscate properties, posessions, and often times big loads of cash. These kinds of high profile busts look real good when it's time for promotions and they bring in money for the department.


On the other hand, when I had several thousand dollars worth of music equipment stolen I called the police. They came out and talked to me, jotted down a few notes and said there wasn't much they could do about it. With my ear to the ground I learned who had done it and reported the information I had to the police who did........absolutely nothing. Meanwhile, with the aid of some friends, I confronted one of the culprits and was able to retrieve about half of my stuff. I couldn't ever catch up with the other scumbag.

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I know I`m generalizing here but I happen to know several and my wife used to date one for years so she knows a bit more about them than I do but she said that most of them start out as decent and really want to "protect and serve" but after a couple of years, they become very paranoid and they sort of huddle together. You`re either with them or against them basically... so they even shut their spouses out of the mix.



I have a very good friend who was a cop, and an excellent one (the kind you'd want to have show up if there was trouble). After several years, he realized the above phenomenon was happening to him...he said when you're a cop, you see only the worst side of humanity, day in and day out...and that can really warp of sense of humanity in general. He ended up taking a desk job, but then got out altogether.


My favorite cop story is once I was driving in California to deliver my very first manuscript to my publisher, which was a Big Deal to me. But my car broke down on the way there. A Highway Patrol car pulled over and asked what the problem was. I explained what was going on, and without hesitation, the cop said "Hey, I owned a Volkswagen Beetle once," then lifted the engine lid to try and identify the problem, after which he crawled under the car. He must have spent about 30 minutes trying to fix my car. Eventually he diagnosed the problem (thrown rod), and decided there was nothing he could about it.


He was so cool about it I of course thanked him profusely, and asked if I could buy him lunch or something. He just laughed and said he was doing his job, not to worry about it.


Granted, that was over 30 years ago, and the world was a different place. But it kind of offset what I had deal with in Philadelphia during the 60s, where on average the cops were not very cool (although they always did have the best drugs...I wonder why).

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Oh, and if you get stopped by a cop, DON'T get out of the car. Roll down the window as the cop approaches the car, then put both hands on the top of the steering wheel.


Some cops are real jerks but some are jewels. Give them the benefit of the doubt from the outset, and you'll uncover the jewels...and (hopefully) not provoke the jerks.

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That's amazing. I can't even conceive of that happening now.



Don't know how the CHP works now, but back then, the officers were all extremely well-educated...it was part of their training, and they prided themselves on it.


Still, trying to fix my car went above and beyond the call of duty, for sure. If I'd had the tools and parts, he probably WOULD have fixed it.

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