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New guitar player with an odd problem...


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I am hoping you folk are as nice as the Acoustic fellows are...


Short Version:

I have $500 Guitar Center gift Card that I need to spend on an electric guitar for a mix of light rock jazz and the option of some metal from time to time. Leaning toward a Fender Standard Strat..


Long Version:

I was getting a Guitar for Christmas from my wife, and I found and bought a Breedlove Atlas Black Magic D25 which is what she will be giving me...


Well she told her Aunt she was thinking about getting me a guitar.. so her aunt bought me a gift card to Guitar Center for $500... thinking I could add it to what I was spending so I could get something awesome.. Well I of course found out about all this after I got the Breedlove. I could have returned it but I love it and for the money I can't beat it.


My wife suggested I get an Electric with the gift card as she knows I wanted to get one at some point anyway. Her/My aunt also liked this idea so this is what I am doing. I don't know squat... I was leaning toward a Fender Standard Strat but I am not sure that is the best move or not.


I would use it mostly for light rock and jazz, but I would be lieing if I said I didn't also like metal/hard rock...

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I will have an Amp and I am not worried about a case with the budget. I can cover a case myself and my boss has an amp I can have, but I can pick up a better one if its junk but he says its not.

So its 500 for just a guitar just has to be from guitar center is only thing.

Yeah if it works out this will be pretty awesome!

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I'm no strat expert -- perhaps some of the others will chime in -- but from the bit of research I've done, it appears that the low end strats are made from cheaper materials and are not necessarily worth it. I've heard a lot of buzz about the Classic Vibe ("CV") Squiers.

Next question: Have you decided between single coils and humbuckers? Ah... wartoxin just beat me to it!

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Hardly an odd problem. If you like Strat shapes, give the Laguna LE300 a think. The pickup design will be much more versatile than a standard Stratocaster, the bridge is designed better, and the price tag will leave you a few bucks to buy a decent amplifier with. Plus, it's just different enough to be interesting.


Granted, Laguna isn't as well-recognized as a brand like Fender, but I think they're one of a few smaller brands that, given their lack of notoriety, deliver a little more bang for the buck in your price range. They're Guitar Center's house brand (along with Parkwood acoustics), and I've been really impressed with the quality I've seen out of both.

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As i'm sure plenty of others will tell you, go play several and decide for yourself.
Definitely give the Squire Classic Vibes a test run, they are great guitars and a definite bargain. Some will say that the Squire Classic Vibe is actually a better guitar than the MIM Fender Strat but you'll have to make that decision yourself. It is definitely cheaper and would leave you enough left over for a Fender Mustang, Fender Champ, Vox AC4TV, or many other low-wattage combos which are great for jamming at home.

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As i'm sure plenty of others will tell you, go play several and decide for yourself.

Definitely give the Squire Classic Vibes a test run, they are great guitars and a definite bargain. Some will say that the Squire Classic Vibe is actually a better guitar than the MIM Fender Strat but you'll have to make that decision yourself. It is definitely cheaper and would leave you enough left over for a Fender Mustang, Fender Champ, Vox AC4TV, or many other low-wattage combos which are great for jamming at home.


Great advice.

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An Epiphone Dot or an Ibanez AS73 are great options based on what you said. I see a lot of acoustic players using Strats when they go electric, but they don't necessarily have the "jazz" sound that you mentioned. That's not to say that you can't play jazz on the Strat - many have, and it can sound great. I'd go to a store and just play whatever looks good to you. To be perfectly honest, you can use pretty much any electric guitar to play any style you want. Just get what feels and sounds right to you.

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Hmm I will look at the Squire.

Some told me to look at PRS, and I was also looking at a Epiphone Les Paul models?

I always remember wanting an Ibanez or Jackson when I was a kid... but they don't look all that comfy to play now...



PRS SE guitars are nice, and they're in the price range. Test it out first, but you'd be happy. Epiphone Les Pauls are great.

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Hardly an odd problem. If you like Strat shapes, give the Laguna LE300 a think. The pickup design will be much more versatile than a standard Stratocaster, the bridge is designed better, and the price tag will leave you a few bucks to buy a decent amplifier with. Plus, it's just different enough to be interesting.

Granted, Laguna isn't as well-recognized as a brand like Fender, but I think they're one of a few smaller brands that, given their lack of notoriety, deliver a little more bang for the buck in your price range. They're Guitar Center's house brand (along with Parkwood acoustics), and I've been really impressed with the quality I've seen out of both.

I recently recommend the Laguna LE300 to a new player, who wanted a Strat, but didn't have much $$$.

But he wanted a STRAT, and the heart wants what it wants. So he spent dough and got a MIM Standard Strat. A nice guitar, but for shear value the Laguna is hard to beat. And I can only imagine the deals available after Christmas.

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After Xmas is a good way to go if your gift card doesn't expire before then. man I wish I had your problem. Can I be adopted by your family? I'll even get neutered and licensed as a pet! I don't eat much and I'll even poop outside.

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I was going to recommend the Ibanez AG-75 with dual humbuckers for $399.00 but the AFS-75T is on sale for the same price right now. These are great guitars. Many people say they are as good or better than guitars costing way more than these cost. I have one. I agree.



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Hmm that is a lot of good choices to look at. Anything I should just avoid?

I really kinda like the look of this one...


I am going to have to play some and figure it out I guess... I thought I was done looking when I got my Breedlove.. it is giving me a headache so many good choices and options..

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I love strats, my favorite electric guitar- but they don't scream light jazz rock and metal to me. In fact I have to haul out the LP just to play GnR. Strats do a lot soundwise, but mostly the spectrum in between jazz and metal.

Take your time and go play some. You'll know which guitar is right when you put your sandwich clamps on it and hear it for yourself.

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