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got my new guitar today


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I would think that something along the lines of a DiMarzio Super Distortion in the bridge and an Air Norton in the neck would work well. Order "F-spaced" humbuckers on whatever you get for better line-up with the strings and pole-pieces. Although you might want to measure to see if you need F spacing or not for the neck.


For Duncans, I might suggest a '59 and a Custom or Custom V.

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i play mostly metal and its got two humbuckers in it..wonderin if i should go wit emgs,ducans, our what.



Not to come across like a "metal hater" but if you're already playing with that much gain, what kind of attribute do you want from your replacement pickups that you don't have in the stock? Knowing that will help folks make better recommendations for you. For metal, a lot can be done with different pedals whether it's more gain, boost or better definition like from an EQ box or Sonic Maximizer.

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got got the squier strat two humbuckers all black with black harware...goin to make upgrads on it.. wonder wt pups too put in it any help please..playin thourgh marshall amp and a orange rockerverb 100



Them thar skools in arkansas must be rilly gud!

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Some people like EMG's, some people hate them. It's usually one camp or the other. Have you tried them? I suggest you do if you haven't. Personally, I am in the hate camp. I am not trying to start an argument but I find them to have no sensitivity to picking dynamics, sound the same in every guitar and that sound is sterile.


Personally, I would go with a Hellabucker in the bridge and an overwound BG bucker for the neck from BGpups www.norcalguitars.com. He gives forum members discounts and I guarantee you will be amazed with his pickups, ask the forumites about them.

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Az 4 D pups, the Dimarzio Tone Zone, Air Norton is a pretty popular combo... Kind of heavy tones, not vintage tones at all.


It's kinda pricey to add new EMGs since you need new pickups, pots, any specialty controls you might want and room for the 9V battery. If you can't do the wiring yourself, it will cost about 3 or 4 times what your Squier cost.


Hate to be cheap, but with a lot of gain, the differences between pickups isn't quite as extreme as if you just plug into a JTM45 or something like that. Just look around Duncan's site and Dimarzio's site, figure out if you want lots of bottom end or more mids and top end and look around for something used would be my recommendation. For example, two of the pickups you mentioned, the JB and the Invader are basically polar opposites, other than the fact that they are both hot. The Invader is about a lot of bottom end and the treble rolled off quite a bit. The JB is a really bright, really middy pickup. They sound nothing at all alike.

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lol sorry n00b. Some guys don't take kindly to noobies around here.


ANYWAY. I love the SD Invader bridge pup. I have not tried the neck position, but if the stock pup sounds warm, clean, etc then stick with it. The Invader is my fav pup at the moment and i will not hesitate to tell you to get it :mad:


Here's my gEEtar with an invader pup:


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EMGs are a safe bet for the styles you've mentioned. i'm not sure if you would need to do any routing to account for the battery in the control cavity. some guitars have the space; others don't. they do make some pretty high-output passive pickups that would work well. not knowing your price range, i can't be of more help.

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MF has Mick Thompson [metal band Slipknot] Blackouts on sale for $104/pair



Me and a few others have had M123 to their 123% pricematch down to $83 with free shipping. Backordered til the end of the year tho...

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thanks i think im goin with the emg 81/ 60 combo.thourgh a marshall and orange rockerverb 100..with a maxxon in front of amps. i have upgraded all hardware and now its time for new pups..and i have my other effects..would that combo be the best for wt i play.. thank u for those u have help me and as been nice.. price range no prob

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