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Good morning All.


Quote Originally Posted by vintage clubber

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good morning! Mrs. Clubber decided to clean up in my guitar room while I was working yesterday and figured out I had a lot more guitars (34) than she thought I had...facepalm.gif


Busted!! cop.gif Is it jewelry time?
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yeah, i crossed 50 a little while ago so don't feel bad VC. Thats my max though, I honestly can't get any more guitars at this point. 1 out 1 in, for me.

I'm a believer that most of your electric tone comes from your pickups though, so I don't put too much weight in buying guitars over a few hundred bucks. So, most of my collection is cheapies with good pickups.

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Quote Originally Posted by Saturn

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Wow Krash I don't know what to say about that pic of your office other than damn you're a slob.icon_lol.gif


Well in fairness to me, that was in the midst of the move-out. But frankly the desk top very often looked like that. Every few months I made a concerted effort to clear it.


Quote Originally Posted by Saturn

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Good luck at the new job.



* * *

In other news...

New glasses day! FINALLY got round to getting new glasses to replace the very old two pair I managed to break within about a week of each other. These pics (sorry about the lack of focus, I'm not real good at self-portraiture) are of the the new "Krashpad" glasses, similar to my old "Clark Kents" but in a brown tortoise, my new wire frames (similar to my old wire frames, haha), my new wire frames with my old clip-ons attached, and my "DIY prescription shades" I'd made in the interim. I am nothing if not a creature of habit.



Any of you who weren't fans of the yellow lenses on the Clark Kents (Mrs. Krashpad wasn't) will be happy to note the lack of such on the new ones.

I have to say that the entire staff of the optical place I went to were bemused to a person with my "DIY prescription shades" I'd been using to get around until I could get new glasses. Apparently no one there had ever known of a person to take the lenses from a broken pair of glasses and tape them to the inside of a pair of non-prescription shades.

They have now. wink.gif

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Quote Originally Posted by PunkKitty

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Krash, if it doesn't move on ebay, I'll gladly sell you my extra Midtown for what it cost me plus shipping. I bought one to flip. So it's sitting in the box in my closet. I only took it out to check it out and make sure all was well.


Honestly I'll have to sell my Schecter (and some other pieces) to get anything new, and if I were to do that, I'd get the LP Jr. Special instead. That way I'll have a singlecut Special and a doublecut one (my Hamer). Because a Midtown is a lot like an upgraded WildKat in design/pups, it would be quite awhile before I might become actively interested in one. Ta though.
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Well, I received a $100 gift certificate from a friend I often give rides to work, and went down to GC armed with my $20 off $99 coupon. I actually had about $1300 in my pocket JIC something really called to me, but just ended up getting one of those Road Runner pedalboard/cases, a handful of patch chords and two sets of straplocks (for the Schecter PT and the Gibson MM). I just don't really find myself GASsing too much at the moment. I'm getting very tired of waiting for my oldest to FINALLY move out again so I can FINALLY set up my music room. Until them, everything is crammed in one corner of the living room, and it's just not appealing to add to the mess....

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Missus Hot Water mojo, Chris!

Went and got the oil changed & tires rotated in daughter's car this morning. Got there just before 8 only to discover they didn't open til 9, so I swung by the office, made a pot of coffee, shaved, and put a load of stuff from La Oficina into that car, to take back to Casa Kraspad.

So now I have two vehicles I need to unload. Ugh. Daughter's car will be pretty easy. The Rockmobile (my beater van) not so much. wink.gif

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OK, I took the plunge. Waited too long to get the sunburst. frown.gif But a new satin black LP Jr. Special will be shipped from MuFri tomorrow. They wouldn't honor the 15% off coupon because it was a special reduced item, but the sales guy threw in a Gibby nylon strap.

Will be selling my Daisy Rock Retro-H 12 string and my Schecter Tempest Special, hopefully locally (I'm just way more comfortable w/local sales where my buyer can inspect and play before purchase) if possible, to pay for it. Will also sell a couple amps and maybe actually end up ahead when all is said and done.

Lord help me. I'm not sure what the last new guitar I bought was, but it was many years ago; this was too good a deal to pass up. So I'll end up having a new Blackie that'll look a lot like my old P-100 Jr. Special, but will sound even better and have a bound neck (for the same price I paid all those years ago!). I can live with that!


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Quote Originally Posted by vintage clubber

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good morning! Mrs. Clubber decided to clean up in my guitar room while I was working yesterday and figured out I had a lot more guitars (34) than she thought I had...facepalm.gif


The real question, Mr. Clubber, is how many guitars did YOU think you had??? wave.gifwink.gifcop.gif
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Quote Originally Posted by PunkKitty

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That Daisy Rock electric 12 string is tempting, Krash.


It's a sweet little cheapie. I shoulda been bringing her to church every Sunday, but I usually get tapped for the leads (other electric player is actually much better than I am technically, but uncomfortable at improvising leads), so I've literally only used her a couple times. I had the idea to use her for one song in particular in the Crash Pad set, but decided against any guitar switches not necessitated by string breakage or other minor calamities. wink.gif
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Quote Originally Posted by Woody_in_MN

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BK. You will like the LP Special, especially w/ the P90's.


Yeah, I'm a big fan of P-90's, and it will have the nostalgia element going for it, as it will look similar (though "nicer," with the bound neck) to the last one I had:


The bass player on the left, in the Deutsch Afrika Korps cap, is no longer of this earth. RIP Russell. frown.gif

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Quote Originally Posted by Brian Krashpad

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OK, I took the plunge. Waited too long to get the sunburst. frown.gif But a new satin black LP Jr. Special will be shipped from MuFri tomorrow. They wouldn't honor the 15% off coupon because it was a special reduced item, but the sales guy threw in a Gibby nylon strap.

Will be selling my Daisy Rock Retro-H 12 string and my Schecter Tempest Special, hopefully locally (I'm just way more comfortable w/local sales where my buyer can inspect and play before purchase) if possible, to pay for it. Will also sell a couple amps and maybe actually end up ahead when all is said and done.

Lord help me. I'm not sure what the last new guitar I bought was, but it was many years ago; this was too good a deal to pass up. So I'll end up having a new Blackie that'll look a lot like my old P-100 Jr. Special, but will sound even better and have a bound neck (for the same price I paid all those years ago!). I can live with that!



That's hawt! love.gif
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