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the Unofficial Drummer Roster


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What you'd like to be called: Rich and Famous


Age: 37


Gender (bender?): Dude


Local (state): SC, although I dont claim it


Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): 25+ years, played on some books and boxes when I was a kid, that count?




Drum Brand: Tama


Band: Too many to list


CD: Couldn't pick just one


Dish: BBQ Tri-tip over oak pit


Website: Harmony Central! Duh!


Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that...they dont know stuff about me.


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to...my wife.


This weekend I'm going to...post replies all day.


And lastly, this post is ridiculously...its not ri"dic"ulous, it's ri"cock"ulous.

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What you'd like to be called: Josh


Age: 28


Gender (bender?): HE-MAN


Local (state): Coeur d Alene, ID


Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): 15 years drums, Guitar 6 years, bass, synth, ttables, Part time drum instructor



Drum Brand: I own mapex saturns, Tama Star classic performers, gretsch renowns, lots of snares and cymbals



CD: way too many


Dish: I feel like pizza right now



Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that... I randomly smoke cigars


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to... the oldies radio station at times


This weekend I'm going to... eat left over turkey sandwich

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What you'd like to be called: Sidereal or Side is fine. Points to anyone who knows how to pronounce it. :)

Age: 37 or 38, I forget

Gender (bender?): Male

Local (state): California, although I've been staying in Harlem for the past two weeks, looking for possible work and considering a move to NYC.

Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): Bugged my mom for a kit after seeing the "Words" video by Mission Persons on MTV. She finally relented. Had a Nazi of a teacher when I was 14 who made me hate drums, so I gave up for a while. Bought another kit when I was 17 and haven't stopped since. I play a bit of guitar and even less keyboards (self taught). I also do recording engineering, and sound design/editing for video.




Drum Brand: Still looking. I'm happy with my Premier Genista and Yamaha Hip Gig, but I can't say yet if they're favorites.

Band (s): Pink Floyd, Marillion, old Genesis and Yes, Police, Tortoise, Steve Tibbetts (is that a band?), Radiohead, John Coltrane (is that a band?), The Beatles, A Small Good Thing, Smashing Pumpkins

CD: "Clutching At Straws"

Dish: Chicken Tikka Masalla

Website: www.wikipedia.org


Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that... you don't know anything about me other than what I've said.

What may surprise people is the fact that I listen to... both NPR and Sean Hannity. The former for news and the latter for the occasional belly laugh.

This weekend I'm going to... Visit my sister in Virginia and then come back to NYC for more revelry.

And lastly, this post is ridiculously... time-consuming.

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What you'd like to be called: Matt


Age: 24


Gender (bender?): M


Local (state): Illinois


Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): Guitar- 8 years, Bass- 8 years, Drums- almost a year




Drum Brand: Pearl


Band: Right now, probably Down


CD: Down II


Dish: Almost anything that involves steak. :thu:


Website: Well... I hang around here the most...


Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that... I've been on the news 3 times!


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to... Nickel Creek and Steely Dan


This weekend I'm going to... Finish up the Coverfest recording I'm doing for Guitar Jam.


And lastly, this post is ridiculously... Seven (thats right)

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Originally posted by ArtVandelay

So was you first kit loaded with Rototoms?


:) No, actually. It was a red sparkle snare drum and kick drum (with a hole in it) and a cheap cymbal with a stand that came out of the kick drum. I think my kick only had one spur too. My mom's kinda cheap.

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What you'd like to be called: "haaaay, aren't you..."


Age: still 29 dammit.


Gender (bender?): weenie-equipped


Locale (state): check me sig.


Music Background : none.



Drum Brand: just let me set them up left handed, please?


Band: no.


CD: Getz/Gilberto


Dish: fresh ingredients, please. no vinegar.


Website: Homestar


Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that... I'm a virgin.


What may surprise people is the fact that I listen to... silence, greedily, whenever possible.


This weekend I'm going to... stay home. ahhhhhhh....



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What you'd like to be called: Nate


Age: 15


Gender (bender?): Male


Local (state): Vermont


Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): 5.5 years on drums, 2 years on sax, some guitar




Drum Brand: Yamaha


Band: RHCP (As of right now)


CD: Band Of Gypsy's


Dish: ???


Website: right here


Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that... I play drums in a band


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to... the same music my parent's do


This weekend I'm going to... my families


And lastly, this post is ridiculously... awesome

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Originally posted by Drumming4Him

I finally got my flippen book
the New Breed
in the mail - it's damn jam-packed with a ton-uh-stuff. It begins with 16th note grooves and I hate 16th note grooves. I did the math and there are 12,500+ exercises. Wow. I have A LOT of work to do.



Can I quote you? My, Easy Stormtrooper for Musicians series isn't going over too well.

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What you'd like to be called: The man in black (i was called that today.....GOD IT FELT GREAT!!!)


Age:17 ({censored} off....i know what you're thinking)


Gender (bender?): klingon


Local (state):California.....i'll never consider this {censored}hole VA my home.


Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): drums for 5 years




Drum Brand:Sonor


Band:The Police (roooooooooooooooooooxane!)


CD: Synchronicity or Lateralus or Highway 61 Revisited


Dish:Anything that once had a pulse.......or yo momma. Hooyah!




Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that...

I framed OJ

What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to...

Yo momma screaming. Hooyah! Strike 2!

This weekend I'm going to...

eat, masturbate, eat, masturbate, smoke break, eat, masturbate, poop, eat, masturbate, eat WHILE masturbating!, play with the dog.

And lastly, this post is ridiculously...

sexy.....gimme some sugar baby!

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Originally posted by Drumming4Him
I finally got my flippen book the New Breed in the mail - it's damn jam-packed with a ton-uh-stuff. It begins with 16th note grooves and I hate 16th note grooves. I did the math and there are 12,500+ exercises. Wow. I have A LOT of work to do.
Oops. So far I dislike the simultaneous left/right hand 16th notes.
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What you'd like to be called: Jidly


Gender: male

Local (state): CO

Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): drummer, 21 years


Drum Brand: DW, but i play mapex because i don't make lots of money

Band:Rush mainly, but I like so many bands

CD: to many to list, but i like 2112

Dish: local pizza joint, Roma's

Website: Break.com, consumptionjunction.com

Complete the statement

What people don't know about me is that... i still suck at playing drums

What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to... some opera like Phantom of the Opera

This weekend I'm going to... friggin work!!

And lastly, this post is ridiculously... easy

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Originally posted by Drumming4Him
drumming for little more than a couple years. As my name says, I currently drum for my church.

I attend a church that has a pretty decent band, they play the same songs almost every week and I am always taping along. They other night...no drummer so they asked if anyone could play and my wife shot her hand up and volunteered me. I already knew the songs and I spiced them up a little and got a few winks from the band. Then...my first applause from a real crowd! Felt awesome. Like I said before, I just moved here from Cali and just started going to this church a few months ago. 25 years of playing, I guess that was my first live show.
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What you'd like to be called: Master

Age: 36

Gender (bender?): Male

Local (state): RI....but soon to be Georgia smile.gif

Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): way too long, started on clarinet back in elementary school, guitar about 4 years ago


Drum Brand: Tama and DW

Band: Lamb of God, Pantera, Metallica, Megadeth, Led Zep

CD: way too many

Dish: my wife's lasagne

Website: too many

Complete the statement

What people don't know about me is that... I'm a nice guy although i'm a scary looking {censored}er

What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to... pretty much everything

This weekend I'm going to...have a good time

And lastly, this post is ridiculously...normal....hahaha

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Originally posted by Drumming4Him
Nice. 25 years and that was your first live show? I kinda would have expected you to be a seasoned live player, or something. That's cool how they just asked if there was a drummer in the crowd.
Closet drummer. Happy to play by myself for years. It hasn't been until the last few years I started playing with other musicians and started having fun with that. Now I am in a few bands and basically play almost every day with a different group, hopefully one will take off and I can play that elusive live show.
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What you'd like to be called: Pete

Age: 30

Gender: male

Local (state): Melbourne australia

Music Background 20 years drums


Drum Brand: I use DW drums and zildjian cymbals, vic firth sticks, remo heads

Band: Killswitch engage, down, stone sour at the moment

CD: various metal on the ipod

Dish: steak or fish or pizza

Website: blabbermouth.net, metalsludge.tv

Complete the statement

What people don't know about me is that... I was born in Newcastle, England but have lived in australia for 20 years

What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to... queen, U2 and the police, (sometimes sting) when i'm in the mood for it

This weekend I'm going to... play a few gigs and hang out with my wife and kids

And lastly, this post is ridiculously... tame, questions wise

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