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the Unofficial Drummer Roster


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Part of a community is knowing a little bit about the people around you. In the case of this drum forum, regular posters. If you don't mind, please fill this out accordingly (by copying and pasting into your own reply). I think it'd be kinda cool to know who I'm talking to.



What you'd like to be called:








Music Background (years, instruments, etc.):




Drum Brand:










Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that...


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to...


This weekend I'm going to...


And lastly, this post is ridiculously...

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Originally posted by Drumming4Him

Part of a community is
a little bit about the other people. In the case of this drum forum, regular posters. If you don't mind, please fill this out accordingly (by copy and pasting into your own reply). I think it'd be kinda cool to know who I'm talking to.



What you'd like to be called: tripod


Age: 26


Gender (bender?): male


Local (state): OR


Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): 7 boring years trumpet, 6 frustrating years guitar, 2 fabulous years drums




Drum Brand: Gretsch


Artist: Bob Dylan


CD: currently: at war with the mystics - flaming lips


Dish: an authentic stir fry


Website: www.maggieschoice.com


Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that i'm really not the ladies man I pretend to be.


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to Howard Stern, a habit i picked up from my fiancee.


This weekend I'm going to finish installing a high energy ignition system in my 73 vw bug so i can sell it.


And lastly, this post is ridiculously truthful, i couldn't think of anything funny to say.

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Oh what the heck...


What you'd like to be called: "Art" is just fine


Age: 34


Gender (bender?): Male


Local (state): New Jersey


Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): Drums since 15 years old. Some guitar for the past 8 years - not enough to play it in a band.




Drum Brand: I'm partial to Pearl's snare drums


Band: Barenaked Ladies, James Brown, early AC/DC, and a lot of stuff in between


CD: no one favorite


Dish: Sushi, Cajun food, Buffalo Wings, Ribs, Peter Luger's Steak, Pizza from Brothers' Pizzeria on Staten Island


Website: Google


Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that...I was on the news in South Beach, Florida. They were interviewing people on the boardwalk asking how they were dealing with the hottest Christmas in I don't know how many years. I was skating.


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to...My wife


This weekend I'm going to...Not work


And lastly, this post is ridiculously...Superfabtrapulous

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What you'd like to be called: RockBass or Chris or "Wrong forum, dude."


Age: 25


Gender (bender?): Male


Local (state): Washington State


Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): Geez. Clarinet - long time ago, trombone - 12 years, bass - 9 years, guitar - 8 years, piano - 3 years, drums - 2 months




Drum Brand: Sonor


Band: Project 86


CD: ...Songs to Burn Your Bridges By - Project 86


Dish: Revenge, preferably served cold. Or tuna noodle casserole


Website: www.kofc.org (it's what I do for a living). Also www.ultimate-guitar.com


Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that...Trent Reznor is my cousin.


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to...ska and classical (preferably Baroque period).


This weekend I'm going to...probably be eating leftover turkey and playing Gears of War.


And lastly, this post is ridiculously...ridiculous.

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What you'd like to be called: "Merc," that'd be my online name.


Age: 21


Gender (bender?): male - no


Local (state): CA


Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): drumming for little more than a couple years. As my name says, I currently drum for my church.




Drum Brand: VicFirth sticks are cool


Band: umm... not really


CD: nah


Dish: almost anything hearty.


Website: google


Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that... I can enjoy a day by myself.


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to... Timberlake.


This weekend I'm going to... be in Reno with family. I don't care much for the "smallest biggest city."


And lastly, this post is ridiculously...

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What you'd like to be called: Whatever turns you on.


Age: 49


Gender (bender?): Male


Local (state): Hawaii


Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): Drums 35 years, Guitar 28 years, Bass 17 years. Permanent member of 6 bands, on call with 9 others.




Drum Brand: why, dw of course.


Band: Tower of Power circa 1973


CD: too many to list


Dish: too many to list


Website: This one! ha ha


Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that...I also build computers as a hobby.


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to...classical music


This weekend I'm going to...play two gigs


And lastly, this post is ridiculously...invasive of my privacy! ha ha just kidding.

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What you'd like to be called: andrew


Age: 20


Gender (bender?): male


Local (state): nope, new zealand


Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): drums 6 years, guitar 5 years, harmonica 1 year....




Drum Brand: I own a tama, if i were to buy a kit new it would probably be mapex


Band: Dream Theater, the Ataris, anything with Brad Wilk


CD: blink 182's enema of the state, dream theater's train of thought


Dish: indian


Website: this one


Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that... i'm the only person on this board from new zealand? maybe? i'm also a vegetarian


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to... anything from creedence clearwater revival to 8 foot sativa


This weekend I'm going to... play a gig with my band in a small town an hour north, help my sister move into her new house, film at a local pro wrestling event, film the santa parade for tv


And lastly, this post is ridiculously... nice

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What you'd like to be called: anything non-derogatory


Age: 28


Gender (bender?): Male


Local (state): Oklahoma


Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): 9 years on drums, 8 years on guitar, 2 months back on drums.




Drum Brand: Mapex, though I like pearl, Tama, Ludwig, and DW


Band: Not that many


CD: A couple


Dish: spoon?


Website: notta


Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that...

it's a secret...


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to...



This weekend I'm going to...

ride my motorcycle


And lastly, this post is ridiculously...



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What you'd like to be called:




50 +/- going on 60 and 29


Gender (bender?):

Male although if lesbian is a gender I'd consider it.


Local - that's locale BTW - (state):

of Constant Evolution


Music Background (years, instruments, etc.):





Drum Brand:

hate 'em all. plywood, pipe, window tint ...



whatever's happenin'. Most bands are just sinister industrial doohickeys for amusement purposes only



CD run. Run D run. ....


Dish: Most certainly





Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that...

If I knew that I'd be trying for Emperor


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to...

see previous


This weekend I'm going to...

add 48 hrs. to my existence.


And lastly, this post is ridiculously...


I think that should be reworded to reflect the actuality that any content herein is reactionary and functional to a contrived set of conditions and assumptions with which the poster has defacto consented to comply without prerequisite cognition or informed confirmation.

That is, this survey is ridiculously ...


Yes. Totally fur shure myann. Without question. Absolutely


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What you'd like to be called: Mark


Age: 44


Gender (bender?): Male


Local (state): Louisiana


Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): 4 yrs. on drums, switched to lead vocals for 4 yrs...(hiatus, 10 yrs.)....returned to 'Mounting The Throne' , 6 yrs. ago, and still, to this day, 'Mountin' an' Poundin''




Drum Brand: Pearl


Band: just one?...why!!?!....can't do it...


CD: burned, various artists


Dish: taco




Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that...i'm an undercover agent for the FBI


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to...Hillary Duff, Cheetah Girls, Pussycat Dolls with my daughter when we're lip-syncing on saturday nights..


This weekend I'm going to...introduce myself to...me


And lastly, this post is ridiculously...short, and not very invasive at all.......I would've asked for much more!!

:thu: :thu: :evil:

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Oh sure, ok, might as well since I've been here over five years!



What you'd like to be called: Well, my real name is Will



Locale (state):Seattle, WA

Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): about 12 years of drumming, 8 on guitar/bass, occasional attempted singing



Drum Brand: Don't really have one... I'll happily play any decent drums.

Band:The Cure

CD:Hmm, Disintegration, by the Cure, I suppose

Dish:many, but especially Indian and Thai


Complete the statement

What people don't know about me is that...:confused:

What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to the Carpenters, by choice!

This weekend I'm going to playa show in Yakima if the roads aren't crap, which they probably will be.



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What you'd like to be called: My real name is Cody. Here I'll also answer to either rockbeat or just plain rock.


Age: 42 going on 22


Gender (bender?): Male


Local (state): Texas


Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): Drumming for 30 years, been learning guitar for about two years (still very much in the learning stage since I still devote about 90% of my "free music time" to drumming, and I also sing.




Drum Brand: Mapex


Band: Led Zeppelin


CD: Physical Grafitti


Dish: barbequed brisket and anything Tex-Mex


Website: I don't guess I really have a fave. this one probably comes the closest.


Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that...I'm a bigtime World War II buff.


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to...'40s big band music. That probably doesn't surprise alot of people here, but it usually shocks the crap out my non-musician friends.


This weekend I'm going to...work on one of my band's rehearsal spaces and probably eat alot of turkey sandwiches.


And lastly, this post is ridiculously...personal. j/k.


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What you'd like to be called: anything but late for dinner ...


Age: 39 (some will get this)


Gender (bender?):M


Local (state):MO, USA


Music Background (years, instruments, etc.):drums and percussion since '67 or '68 off and on




Drum and/or Cymbal Brand: Tempus, Fibes, Gretsch, Ludwig, Rogers, Sonor, Slingerland, Zildjian, Paiste, UFIP, Bosphorus


Band name: The Hamburger Pimps


CD: yeah, lots of 'em


Dish: Enchilada plate from Pueblo Nuevo


Website: FQ,S!


Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that... I'm always right and I never lie.


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to... the birds


This weekend I'm going to... Greece and swim the English Channel


And lastly, this post is ridiculously... full of it.

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What you'd like to be called: my forum name will do.


Age: 31


Gender (bender?): Male


Local (state): Kilkenny


Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): Bass Guitar 2001-2006. Drums 2006 - present.




Drum Brand: Mapex


Band: our own - Outlaw Souls


CD: Def Leppard - Hysteria


Dish: fried rice with chicken & spring rolls


Website: shameless plug* www.myspace.com/outlawsouls


Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that... wouldn't be much good if I said it because then they'd know what they don't know.


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to... them.


This weekend I'm going to... practice then go drinking.


And lastly, this post is ridiculously... off topic :p

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Originally posted by Drumming4Him


What you'd like to be called: The Man! ME, (really whatever you want, most call me twosticks or sticks)


Gender (bender?):Male and me no bend.

Local (state):Florida

Music Background (years, instruments, etc.):guitar lessons at 5 and then 10, didn't work. First pratice pad in 82' first set in 85'. Been in few bands with friends, played small gigs, jammed, made demos awhile back. Got married and a real job so is more a hobby now...


Drum Brand: I really like them all, If I could I would own a set of each! Is like asking "Do you want a jet or a yacht?"

Band: I've been big on Genesis for a long time, but anymore if it's good songs, talent and a little bit of soul, straight from the heart, I'm for it!

CD: Can't pick one, depends on my mood, But I'm sure Gary Wright's "Dream Weaver" ranks up there somewhere....

Dish:Again, taste change, Country fried Steak, A good Ribeye, Tex Mex, Salsbury steak, Patty Melts, Buffulo Wings...are just so many......

Website: This one, Has become my fav from all the nice folks on here...Is a really nice way for me to unwind at the end of the day. Where else can you have drummers from Fla to Tejas to Hawaii to Washington State to NYC, Baltimore and even overseas? (well, maybe other drum forums on the web??)

Complete the statement

What people don't know about me is that...In person, I don't really speak that much until I know someone more...

What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to...James Blunt, I'm sorry, but I like "You're Beautiful" Well written and played and comes from the heart.

This weekend I'm going to... I work on Fri/Sat, but my first days off in Dec after Thankgiving I REALLY need to clean up my yard, (leaves, pick up limbs) I also need to store the warm weather stuff I've just thrown into my shed so far.

And lastly, this post is ridiculously...off topic a lot or reapeats the same questions lately. BUT it's all good....


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What you'd like to be called: Your Grace, but you can call me Bruce.


Age: I'll admit to being over 50


Gender (bender?): Mail


Local (state): Florida, somewhere close to Mickey & Minnie


Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): 38 years playing drums, also noodle around with keyboards




Drum Brand: Pearl (first drumset 38 years ago - latest drumset with lots of others in between)


Band: Yes, Zepp, Floyd, Rushed.. all the usual suspects


CD: Yes, I've heard of that format


Dish: Something called Pizziola from a little neighborhood Italian place


Website: Harmony something or other. Think it's a remote control.


Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that...I am computer evil super-genius -- I only look and act like a dork.


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to...Electronic Music (Space variety)


This weekend I'm going to...enjoy a day or two off from work!


And lastly, this post is ridiculously...non-informative. :)

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What you'd like to be called: Matthew Sherman


Age: 23


Gender (bender?): Male


Local (state): Orlando, FL


Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): Piano, since 3, drums since 5, clarinet since 10, saxophone since 12, guitar and bass since 8




Drum Brand: DW drums/ hardware, all Cymbals that sound good, Regal Tip sticks, Remo Heads


Band: In about 3 bands right now


CD: Too many, but I'll name my top 3 this week, "Blood and Chocolate" Elvis Costello, "Stone Roses" Stone Roses, "Modern Times" Bob Dylan


Dish: Lasagna


Website: www.moderndrummer.com


Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that...I hate people


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to...a lot of Van Morrisson


This weekend I'm going to...Eat Turkey and drink beer


And lastly, this post is ridiculously...inquisitive and good:thu:

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What you'd like to be called: Edna





Gender (bender?):

not anymore, i grew out of that stage


Local (state):

i'm what they call a transient


Music Background (years, instruments, etc.):





Drum Brand: too many good ones to have a fav.but...

vintage = Rogers

big high-end = Gretsch

big general = Yamaha

small = all those custom shops on the web

hardware = dw



In no order (If I had a 256MB player, all of these would be represented):

Tortoise, Tool, Wilco, Sex Pistols, B.M. & The Wailers, The Meters, Band of Gypsys, Harold BuddBrian EnoDaniel Lanois, Death Cab for Cutie, Beatles, Radiohead, The Smiths, Spiritualized



Passion (Peter Gabriel), Aenima (Tool), Abbey Road (Beatles), Revolver (Beatles), Kid A (Radiohead), Tortoise, (Tortoise), TNT (Tortoise), Kind of Blue (Miles), Giant Steps (Coltrane), Never Mind the Bollocks (Sex Pistols)


Dish: Chana Masala


Website: Google


Complete the statement:


What people don't know about me is that...

spent 2 years in music school as a "Jazz Drum Set" major


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to...

Klezmer music, Blue Grass, gamelons, didgeridoo, The Brand New Heavies


This weekend I'm going to...

fly to China with a belly full of turkey


And lastly, this post is ridiculously...

redundant. aren't there a few "get to know you" threads already, along with people's profiles that you can link into. is this for a school project?

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What you'd like to be called: Danny, Drumsdb, DB or hey you

Age: 27

Gender (bender?): Male

Local (state): GA

Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): Drums 19yrs, Guitar (5yrs)..."Strictly rhythm, he doesn't want to make it cry or sing"




Drum Brand: Tama ... and an army of Snares (Custom, Ludwig, Slingerland, etc...)


Band: Changes daily... today ... Vertical Horizon, Army of Anyone, Tool


CD: Changes daily.... today Vertical Horizon (Live Stages), Army of Anyone (Army of Anyone), Our Lady Peace (Live)


Dish: Steak (medium rare), baked potato (butter only), and a veggie to be named later...


Website: www.myspace.com/drumsdb


Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that...I am an encyclopedia of useless musical knowledge.


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to...anything that doesn't suck


This weekend I'm going to...hopefully break a dry spell.


And lastly, this post is ridiculously... no one will actually read people's replys.



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What you'd like to be called: {censored}in' Genius (but nobody calls me that)


Age: 44


Gender (bender?): Male....and okay, so it's bent....a little


Local (state): On a mountain in PA


Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): started drumming as a (little) kid; started playing bass at 12; over the years had "classical training" on clarinet, tuba, trombone, piano, and percussion




Drum Brand: then Rogers; now Mapex


Band: Dream Theater


CD: (at the moment), Jordan Rudess' "Feeding The Wheel"


Dish: Veal Priazzo, accompanied by the silky comfort of Capt' Morgan & Diet Pepsi Vanilla


Website: Yes, I see webs everywhere *itch*


Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that...I've been a painter, short order cook, soldier, radiographic technologist, pizza maker, crane operator, bingo caller, forklift driver, and typesetter...I was damn good at every one of those jobs and hated every {censored}in' minute...


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to...funk ..."sure I'll dance...soon as I hear some Billy Preston..."


This weekend I'm going to...work my ass off, (moving), and medicate heavily


And lastly, this post is ridiculous

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What you'd like to be called: Fitch


Age: 25


Gender (bender?): "I'm all man, baby."


Local (state): Just outside of Boston, MA


Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): A few years of piano, 6 years of guitar, and coming up on 15 years of drumming (minus a year or two from hiatus)... and scarily, a few years of bad singing




Drum Brand: Ideally, Tama, but I love my Yamahas


Band: King's X, Letdown, Brookfield (I'm big on local music)


CD: Last few days, it's been Lostprophets


Dish: A great burrito


Website: Probably here... or here


Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that... I'm a total softy and love making friends


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to... Christina Aguilera's new CD


This weekend I'm going to... spend some time with the family, work on my band's CD, mountain bike, and play a killer gig.


And lastly, this post is ridiculously... addictive.

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Ok, here you go



What you'd like to be called: Steve, Steverino, sexy beast


Age: 38 +6 days


Gender (bender?): all man...really


Local (state): state of confusion, New York


Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): Played the drums since I was in 5th grade (long time). Took a year of piano lessons. Own a bass....still learning the basics.




Drum Brand: Tama, DW, Precision


Band: Primus


CD: Sailing the Seas of Cheese, or The Brown Album


Dish: Filet mignion, medium rare, with hash browns and sauteed onions.


Website: this place, Break.com, rockandrollconfidential.com


Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that...I can hold my breath for 2 minutes.


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to...talk radio.


This weekend I'm going to...sit in a mini-van for a long time, deep fry a turkey, and drink good beer.

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What you'd like to be called: Sudz


Age: 22


Gender (bender?): Uber Man


Local (state): Ontario Canada


Music Background (years, instruments, etc.): Almost 3 years of drums, that's all folks!




Drum Brand: Yamaha


Band: Incubus


CD: Incubus - Make Yourself


Dish: An old fashioned hammabagger


Website: Anything with drums on it :D


Complete the statement


What people don't know about me is that... I won a C&C custom snare because my cousin entered me in the draw without telling me... best surprise phonecall ever.


What may suprise people is the fact that I listen to... A lot of classic jazz on vinyl


This weekend I'm going to... Work, try out coated emporers on my toms, write 2 essays and sleep!


And lastly, this post is ridiculously... rediculous.

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