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OT- Getting a Bike!


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While I agree carroll, I am not an English speaking country. I am a person. And as myself it's not derogatory.



Says the guy who throws a tantrum when someone (accurately) calls him a kid.







You're hysterical, I'll give you that.

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Kmart give up guy. You're reaching now. While its comical I would suggest at the very least pretending to be an adult and saving some face and moving on. Your call though.


Carroll I don't believe I ever said what anyone else would perceive it as. I simply said that from me it's not offensive, meaning, that I don't mean it offensive. Quite frankly I don't care either. I see no Japs in here bitching. You're the only one.


Nice bike there 1001!

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Kmart give up guy. You're reaching now. While its comical I would suggest at the very least pretending to be an adult and saving some face and moving on. Your call though.

Carroll I don't believe I ever said what anyone else would perceive it as. I simply said that from me it's not offensive, meaning, that I don't mean it offensive. Quite frankly I don't care either. I see no Japs in here bitching. You're the only one.

Nice bike there 1001!



Thanks for continuing to support every single thing I've noted in this thread merely by continuing to actively post.


If you care about how you come off half as much as your posts indicate you really do (despite your continued regurgitation of 'i dont care what anyone else thinks') you're your own worst enemy.

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Dude are you this in love with yourself really? Stop trying to sound smart and look right. You aren't. As its my thread I can actively post anytime I want. You are a regurgitated mess. Everything you say here is against what someone else says and then you keep posting just dying to look and sound smart. Most people just get annoyed and stop playing. I on the other hand rather enjoy pointing out your self absorbed narrow minded views and complete lack of any actual common sense or intelligence for that matter... Your turn!!

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Kmart you are a self indulgent ignorant waste of space. Not one time have I seen you not stir up drama. Let's break it down. Due to my experience I deem Harley the most comfortable. You in turn cite others since you yourself have no experience in the matter as your sources to say Harley's are not the most comfortable. Your ignorance was proven yet again. You say I am a kid because I disagree... Comfort is based SOLEY on the INDIVIDUAL. You arguing this shows the world how stupid you are and by continuing to try and prove a point that is mute shows how so full of yourself you are. Plain and simple you are an idiot.

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Congrates! I took my riders course and got my bike about three years ago. The members on here were WAY helpful with me and I was really thankful for all there help! I don't want to get in on any type of debate on which bike you should get or not. All I will say is that the riders on here were VERY helpful to me and gave me a lot of useful info. Is part of the reason why I see a lot of the members on here like a second family. What I mostly see is that the most of the riders here are trying to do the same with you as well. Anyway,

*Take the rider course seriously, we had one day classroom and a two day weekend where rode all day long for two days in a parking lot with a rider test at the end of the last day. I still use that knowledge to this day! Is was a long two days but fun!

* Get a bike that you're comfortable with. I bought a used 06' Yamaha V-Star 650CC, Many people said that I would want a bigger bike, but I feel really capable and comfortable with my 650,it's just enough bike without being too much, plus it looks lie a bigger bike. I did originally want a 250 or 500 but many here told me to go for a little bit bigger and I'm glad I did. At first I was a little scared even with the 650, but after riding a little while, got used to it, but is no shame in my game to say that I don't want any bigger right now.

* Biggest thing I have learned is that you cannot ride haphazardly, being a good and safe rider means being alert the WHOLE TIME. Is amazing how little other drivers can see you on a bike and being a little bit tired while riding is dangerous! People WILL turn in front of you or ride your bumper and is nothing between you and the other cars or trucks! Is a big job to estimate what other drivers will do and make yourself seen and noticed while staying out of people's blind spots is very taxing.

* I've had mine in the shop a few times over the years, Biggest thing was from letting it set and run or at least start it in the winter months. The fuel gets gummed up and then has to be cleaned out at the shop. Last Christmas season I got the intake replaced for my Christmas since it has some small cracks that was messing up the fuel intake and throttle. The Ethyenol in today's gas will really gum up many bikes if you do not run it from time to time even during the winter months! Either put stabilizers in the tank, run the bike at least once a week, even during the winter to keep it ready to go come springtime. Plus it wears the batt down not to run it. This has been my biggest thing.

I hope you have fun and ride safe! Post pics of the bike you get and how your riding and classes go. Also please note that most of the guys on here are just wanting to help. Hope this helps you as well! Love, Grant

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Actually Symbolic only on two occasions have I had any problems with people. One was with 6topher, and two was with Kmart. Granted I have had a few issues with Kmart but then again not many people haven't.





It's hilarious that you've been pissing and moaning this whole thread about how you perceive I have some sort of need to be right at all costs, yet at every angle turn in this thread about bikes, the actual definition/meaning of the word comfort, the word Jap as a slur, etc., plus your misguided and erroneous thoughts in the OT 'Terrorists' thread, that other thread that devolved into discussion of your sig line, etc., in EACH AND EVERY instance, it always boils down to someone (myself and several others) pointing out something of fact to you that you totally dismiss and then respond to with something along the lines of 'Well, I'm ME, and that doesn't apply to me. Nyah.'


So on top of the other character flaws you're willfully putting on display here, and that includes being inadvertently entertaining, you're also a hypocrite.


Learning LOTS about the youth of today; this thread delivers big time.

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Wow I am utterly amazed at how this convo went. I just thought is share something that I'm excited about and have a friendly conversation but no... Certain people have to come on and ruin it. Oh well.

Jap is not a racial slur. It is short for Japanese. If anything it is just simple laziness. Lol



I have Japanese relatives that would disagree with you.


It most certainly is a racial slur....and a disgusting one. It's a shame you don't know about it's history and use.





You know I had no opinion of you what so ever before I opened this thread...


After reading more of you spewing it even after someone pointed you to a link showing that it is an offensive term to many people......well......I have to conclude you are a piece of sh... Racist motherf@#ker.

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It's a cultural thing. Different cultures tend to be racist and do have their pet references. It's nearly just a matter of vocab and vernacular. BFD. I think the majority of racial slang is neutral in intent even though cultural biases may be at the root. Cultures are life forms and need the integrity. That said, I wouldn't be insensitive about it. I wouldn't be talking J this and that amongst internment victims. Still our favorite type of drums are often called Japocrap here. Even the N word is fair game - if you have permission lol. I've seen the word Nagger used in the Guitarlands which frankly I find hilarious and yet in its wryness, potentially even more offensive than the actual N word. So beauty is in the eye of the beholder? :idk: I don't take offense at the average racial reference regardless.

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just lovin arguments over the internet.......this is the way "I" think so it is law type of attitude. This big blue circle and everyone thinks everyone should think just like them. Then comes the pointing fingers here and there....."it says it right here...so it must be law". I can find things on the internet all day that tell you " it says it right here so its the law" ''''''''''''''...................hey look! I just found a website that says its healthy to eat dog poo....so if your not doing it, your not being right, so start munchin people, its a world filled with dog poo.....

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