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Yet one more reason why I'd vote for Newt


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So how much and how long for a healthy American baby?

You might try some different bait. I hear hot dogs work well.


It's not about price and timeframe. It's about demand. Those who cite adoption as an abortion alternative are ignorant, whether blissfully or willfully, of the numerical realities. How many children have you taken in, whether through adoption or fostering? Your neighbors? Your community?


If there are leftover babies, where do they go in the brave new abortion-free world? An already-overburdened foster care system? Do we reinstate Dickensian-style orphanages?


The message, as with almost all things: it's not that simple.

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Well, in light of that fantastic argument, I have decided to throw my full support behind Newt Gingrich, despite the fact that he doesn't know {censored} about geography.

Well to be fair, Clinton didn't know {censored} about geography either. He thought the Oval Office was in his bedroom. :p

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So... believing an invisible dude in the sky created man from dirt and breathed life into him is "truth", whereas evolution is a "lie". Fine - show me Adam's fossilized mud foot.

Religion in religion class, science in science class - when religion holds itself to the same investigative standard as science, we can talk.

By the government's own numbers, there are a million abortions in this country per year (I believe these were 2004 numbers last I checked). For the same period: 100,000 adoptions. Two questions:

1. Do you believe abortions will instantly disappear if made illegal?

2. Do you believe a tenfold increase in adoptions will suddenly manifest itself to pick up the slack?



First God is not an invisible Dude in the sky:rolleyes:

this is what I believe


KJV John 1


1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2. The same was in the beginning with God.

3. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

4. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

5. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.




1. Before anything else existed, there was Christ, with God. He has always been alive and is himself God.

3. He created everything there is--nothing exists that he didn't make.

4. Eternal life is in him, and this life gives light to all mankind.

5. His life is the light that shines through the darkness--and the darkness can never extinguish it.

John 1


what is taught in schools is not up to you pal so I really dont care to talk with you about it and BTW the christans are winning this battle here in the south and it is spreading like wildfire

maybe you should read a few christian science books that refutes TOE it is ligical science that is if you have an open mind about the subject



no abortions will not stop just like there are laws against murder it still happens.

I I claim to be a christian but I dont have my head buried in the sand either


and yes

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Marriage is not a constitutional issue it is Gods Holy ordinance and Man does not have the right to pervert what God has ordained as a sacred union between Man and Woman whether you like it or notPERIOD

In the beginning it was Adam and Eve not adam and Steve!

If you have a problem with why you cant marry your boyfriend, tough cookies build a bridge and get over it.

What you are overlooking is that marriage as ordained by god/God and cohabitation tax breaks are not the same thing. People can be married without having ever stepped inside a church.

I fully support your church if it chooses not to perform marriage services for homosexuals. Because your church is a private institution that should be able to set its own rules.

The government, on the other hand, should either get rid of marriage altogether, or create an actual cohabitation tax break that kicks in after a certain time period and replace marriage tax breaks.

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First God is not an invisible Dude in the sky:rolleyes:

this is what I believe

KJV John 1

1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2. The same was in the beginning with God.

3. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

4. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

5. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.


1. Before anything else existed, there was Christ, with God. He has always been alive and is himself God.

3. He created everything there is--nothing exists that he didn't make.

4. Eternal life is in him, and this life gives light to all mankind.

5. His life is the light that shines through the darkness--and the darkness can never extinguish it.

John 1

what is taught in schools is not up to you pal so I really dont care to talk with you about it and BTW the christans are winning this battle here in the south and it is spreading like wildfire

maybe you should read a few christian science books that refutes TOE it is ligical science that is if you have an open mind about the subject


no abortions will not stop just like there are laws against murder it still happens.

I I claim to be a christian but I dont have my head buried in the sand either

and yes

What is taught in schools is most assuredly up to me - and to anyone else who cares about it, "pal".


It may be spreading like wildfire (not that that's anything to brag about - so does Ebola), but the chickens will come home to roost soon enough - when the South starts losing technology-based jobs due to crappy science education, your school boards will be flipped as quickly as ours was here in Kansas.


Christian "science" books are based on circular logic, not on science. An open mind is a disqualifier.


As to your last point - if you claim to be "pro-life", then you can't be against legal abortion. Recriminalizing it won't save many (any?) more lives, and may inadvertantly cost more - the rich will simply send their daughters abroad, and the poor will be reduced to (at best) black-market abortion drugs or (at worst) hacks working out of storage sheds and motel rooms.


I realize "pro-life" is catchier than "anti-legal-baby-killing", but the latter is certainly more honest than the former.

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I'm glad we all agree on freedom of religion. I have no idea what you mean by your second point though.... What does it mean to dispute race, religion, and sexual orientation?

About marriage you said,
"not because we say so or that it is our opinions but because Gods Holy word says it is an abomination."
The problem is, to a person who doesn't believe in God, or isn't religious, or isn't Christian, that's exactly what it is - just your opinion. And it's an opinion that is not logically supportable without resorting to either subjective religious morality or fear mongering. So yeah, I don't want a person who is going to push for irrational legislation intended to force people to follow the rules of someone else's religion in my government.

All I can say about evolution is that, simply put, evolution makes sense. Creation is magic. We shouldn't teach magic in school. Besides, evolution does not contradict creation.

Takeout made good points about abortion.

For context, I am agnostic.



the word is dispite not dispute


just because a person dont believe in the existance in God still does nothchangr the reality that he does indeed exist and Marriage is indeed ordained By him from the beginning of creation.


You mean to tell me that the origin of all living things happened by chance that started basically in a stagnant pool of water, that all living organisims evolved from a single cell organisim makes more sence to you than


according to what makes sence to you that this all these guitars I have in my house started out as a piece of wood 10 million years ago

and has evolved into what it is today.


other than the fact that I know without a doubt that some one built this guitar and it was built for a purpose I dont know who built it but I am 100% certain that it did not evolve.


the human body is far more complex than the most complicated machine ever built by the finite minds of humans but you would have me believe that we originated from nothing intellegent:confused:


they brainwashed you well along with millions of others who think just like you


If you are seeking the truth you will find it but you wont find it here on this forum.

if you wish to discuss this further by all means send me a PM


I will state what I believe

but my beliefs are not up for debate.

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You might try some different bait. I hear hot dogs work well.

The message, as with almost all things: it's not that simple.

Bait? You answered "as a matter of fact". Sometimes $30,000 - $40,000 isn't enough to get the adoption done. You can spew stats about how low the adoption rate is, but yet you don't want to accept the knowledge that most people simply don't have that kind of coin laying around to seriously pursue adoption. In your "free market" society, if more babies were available, the price would be less prohibitive and there would be more adoption. I can afford it, but at my age, the waiting is the hardest part.;)

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Bait? You answered "as a matter of fact". Sometimes $30,000 - $40,000 isn't enough to get the adoption done. You can spew stats about how low the adoption rate is, but yet you don't want to accept the knowledge that most people simply don't have that kind of coin laying around to seriously pursue adoption. In your "free market" society, if more babies were available, the price would be less prohibitive and there would be more adoption. I can afford it, but at my age, the waiting is the hardest part.

That's a fallacy though - the costs you mention aren't market-driven, but administrative. Adoption isn't a business. And those costs are pretty necessary - background checks, home studies, legal filings, etc. Some people file to adopt or foster because they basically want pets. Or slaves.


Plus you're making my argument for me - if hardly anyone can afford to adopt, then the assumption of a tenfold increase in adoptions post-abortion-criminalization is even more ludicrous.


The problem certainly isn't a shortage of supply. There are plenty of kids.

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God is gay. I mean seriously...you think a straight person/entity could come up with a Duck Billed Platypuss? No way...he's so in the closet...




Well that doesn't mean God is gay, it could only mean that he has a sense of humor. Just look what he did to Dennis Rodman.

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there is no contradictory at all


Sure there is. In one sentence you're saying that Christians believe that everyone, regardless of (a bunch of stuff) *and* sexual preference should all be allowed the same rights. Then, in the next sentence, you're saying that gay's can marry each other or, that they don't have the same rights as straight people. How is that not a contradiction?

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Sure there is. In one sentence you're saying that Christians believe that everyone, regardless of (a bunch of stuff) *and* sexual preference should all be allowed the same rights. Then, in the next sentence, you're saying that gay's can marry each other or, that they don't have the same rights as straight people. How is that not a contradiction?




It's a contradiction for those who consider marriage to be a right, which Christians don't.

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If it's not a right, then what is it?



It's a religious custom that dates back to...{censored}, who knows, and it's a custom the USA (being a country founded by Christian people) has woven into its legal fabric. Should gay unions be given equal protection under the law same as married couples? Absolutely, yes. Should such unions be called marriage? Absolutely not, because such unions aren't recognized as marriages by the religions who created the custom in the first place.

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