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Yet one more reason why I'd vote for Newt


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His plan completely ignores the lives that will be lost picking up the pieces.

How many soldiers have been killed in Iraq since the mission was accomplished?

Sinking the ships of the Iranian navy could be done very easily with little risk to the lives of our sailors. The range of a standard Harpoon Missile is over 60 nautical miles and it can be fired from an F-18, shipboard launch tube or submarine launch. One US Battle Group could eliminate the entire Iranian fleet in a weekend and never see actually the targets.



Who said anything about cleanup? We aren't doing a government change, just taking out a refinery of an aggressor. I say let them do the "cleanup", the damage will be miniscule compared to Iraq. The purpose of the refinery hit is to bring the Iranian government to the table quicker. I'm with ya on a few of your Contracts. :D

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Oh, well as long as we aren't going to take responsibility and look beyond opening day of the MLB season, the plan is brilliant.


However, I've prefer a tomahawk missle strike rather than special forces. We could call it "Shock and Awe, Part Two: Operation Exxon Strategery" of just "The Deuce" for short.

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Foster care? You really want to get into coke babies and abused children? That's not the same thing and you know it.

Foster care involves way more than this, and you know it. I find it telling though, that you discount these kids. "rolleyes"


Want some numbers? Here you go: http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cb/stats_research/afcars/trends.htm


'Splain me how the situation gets any better if we criminalize abortion. Show your work.

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Oh, well as long as we aren't going to take responsibility and look beyond opening day of the MLB season, the plan is brilliant.

However, I've prefer a tomahawk missle strike rather than special forces. We could call it "Shock and Awe, Part Two: Operation Exxon Strategery" of just "The Deuce" for short.



The tomahawk missle idea is ok, but I think we need to check out some new weapons systems and this is just the place to do it! :thu:


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The tomahawk missle idea is ok, but I think we need to check out some new weapons systems and this is just the place to do it!



Meh, we've got ample research on what our munitions do to sand and mountainous terrains. I really think we'd need to open a new front to test these new weapons. If we launch "Operation Because You're There" on Turkmenistan to let the Iranians know that we are serious before dropping "The Deuce" on them, we win two ways.

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What do you mean by public policy?

there are alternatives to abortion it is called giving up the child for adoption.



Like not getting pregnant in the first place!


There is no excuse for a child or a woman to get pregnant "accidently", except rape.


There is no "right" to have children, only a responsibility to bring them up right, make sure they get a good education, and become productive members of society. Any "parent" who is unable to do that without welfare has no "right" to have children.

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Like not getting pregnant in the first place!

There is no excuse for a child or a woman to get pregnant "accidently", except rape.

There is no "right" to have children, only a responsibility to bring them up right, make sure they get a good education, and become productive members of society. Any "parent" who is unable to do that without welfare has no "right" to have children.



And what do you plan to do with all the children whose parents don't have the "right" to have them. Are you going to take them in? Saying there is no excuse certainly isn't going stop girls from having accidental pregnancies, nor is it going to stop guys from accidentaly getting girls pregnant.

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If not for the part that I've highlighted in red, his answer wouldn't bother me as much, but it is still an ignorant and short sighted thing to say.

If the US found itself in the same position as the UK, I'd give diplomacy one week. Then I would make it very clear that the US will not tolerate the abduction of our military members in international waters. Then every day after the first week that our sailors are not returned, I would sink an Iranian ship. If they execute the sailors, then I would eliminate their navy and then challenge them to do something about it. I don't see how destroying the country economically is to our advantage if they call the bluff. I'm not willing to pick up the tab for rebuilding Iran if they tell us that we do not have the balls to destroy their ability to produce gasoline. I have no problem engaging them militarily in an effort to protect our own. Eliminating their navy and focusing on military targets eliminates their ability to wage war without shutting down the whole country. That is a threat that I would be prepared to act on. I would not be willing to destroy an entire country's economy because of the clean up required after the fact.



I say do both. It's not enough to spank them.

By making the entire country walk, the people will turn against the government for being so stupid and arrogant.

That should lead to a change of leadership very quickly.


If the Iranian Navy is left with any capacity at all to make trouble, it is a certainty that they will.


BTW, I was ROTFLMAO when the King of Saudi Arabia called the US presence in Iraq illegitimate. The entire government in Saudi Arabia is illegitimate.

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the word is dispite not dispute

just because a person dont believe in the existance in God still does nothchangr the reality that he does indeed exist and Marriage is indeed ordained By him from the beginning of creation.

You mean to tell me that the origin of all living things happened by chance that started basically in a stagnant pool of water, that all living organisims evolved from a single cell organisim makes more sence to you than


according to what makes sence to you that this all these guitars I have in my house started out as a piece of wood 10 million years ago

and has evolved into what it is today.

other than the fact that I know without a doubt that some one built this guitar and it was built for a purpose I dont know who built it but I am 100% certain that it did not evolve.

the human body is far more complex than the most complicated machine ever built by the finite minds of humans but you would have me believe that we originated from nothing intellegent:confused:

they brainwashed you well along with millions of others who think just like you

If you are seeking the truth you will find it but you wont find it here on this forum.

if you wish to discuss this further by all means send me a PM

I will state what I believe

but my beliefs are not up for debate.




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