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Son has recieved his orders


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My son's heading over later in the year. So I know how you feel. But remember: both our boys are as prepared for this as anyone can be, and they will both represent this country, their units, and themselves with honor, professionalism, and competence.

Don't worry so much. He will be fine, and come home soon enough.

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A lot of the "towelheads" in Afghanistan are in favour of the NATO occupation and want nothing more than to be permanently rid of the Taliban/theocratic rule. Are they the same as the "towelheads" who want to bring the west down?

Anyway, while I do take exception the the word towelhead, I hope nothing but the best for your son and all of the American, Cadadian, British, etc. soldiers over there.

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Question for you and anyone that cares to offer their opinion.

There is an expression/term or whatever that I have no real idea the origin, it has no doubt been altered over time anyway. I used it once recently and got flamed by a coworker.

What it was, I changed my status on my Facebook page after I came home from my latest tattoo session. I put this up...

Renfield is... not screwed or jewed, but hey... fresh ink!

(screwed, jewed and tattooed was what I was getting at in other words)

I had a coworker send me a message saying that he was rather disgusted to see such racism, he didn't think I was like that. :confused:

It's been two days and he won't speak to me at all now, won't even acknowledge my presence. He's Italian and his wife is Chinese FWIW.

I can see that a statement like that could potentially be viewed as insensitve, but is it really a racsist remark? Or is this guy just far too PC and getting his panties in a wad over nothing?

I don't see myself as at all racist, and that line honestly had zero to do with Judaism at all, it just rhymed to make what I thought a mildly witty comment on getting a new tattoo.


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Question for you and anyone that cares to offer their opinion.

There is an expression/term or whatever that I have no real idea the origin, it has no doubt been altered over time anyway. I used it once recently and got flamed by a coworker.

What it was, I changed my status on my Facebook page after I came home from my latest tattoo session. I put this up...

Renfield is... not screwed or jewed, but hey... fresh ink!

(screwed, jewed and tattooed was what I was getting at in other words)

I had a coworker send me a message saying that he was rather disgusted to see such racism, he didn't think I was like that.

It's been two days and he won't speak to me at all now, won't even acknowledge my presence. He's Italian and his wife is Chinese FWIW.

I can see that a statement like that could potentially be viewed as insensitve, but is it really a racsist remark? Or is this guy just far too PC and getting his panties in a wad over nothing?

I don't see myself as at all racist, and that line honestly had zero to do with Judaism at all, it just rhymed to make what I thought a mildly witty comment on getting a new tattoo.


Sandy vag's, the lot of them.


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I personally equated it to like saying that there is a chink in your armour, but that isn't a racist remark against Asians, so how is this any different? Or is it? I welcome comments on it.



the difference is: the word chink had a meaning long before it became a slur for someone of chinese descent, the two simply are homonyms.


for your analogy to hold true, there would have to be another meaning for jewed that had nothing to do with the jewish religion...

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, and tattooed"


So I am in fact only one letter off and I did say I have no idea the origins of it or what the expression really means.


Still... does that make it a rascist remark? Espeically considering this.


- to be made fun of with a humorous or witty derogatory comment, to be harassed, insulted


I do that to myself all the time, as do my friends. :idk:


And yes, I know the origins of that slang term, but is it a rascist remark when taken out of its direct context and put into a more pop culture one?

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So I am in fact only one letter off and I did say I have no idea the origins of it or what the expression really means.

Still... does that make it a rascist remark?
Espeically considering this

I do that to myself all the time, as do my friends.

And yes, I know the origins of that slang term, but is it a rascist remark when taken out of its direct context and put into a more pop culture one?

Many Jews would take offense to that terminology, as the term is derived from a stereotype.

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Yeah, I'd say "jewed" is a derogatory term. As in "He jewed me out of my share of the proceeds."

That's how I've heard the term used anyway, usually by our jewish guitar player.


Got it, so your jewish guitarist is racist against his own religion, and that is bad, so my remark tho accidental as it was, was bad as well. Makes perfect sense now. ;)


I'll be sure to remember this the next time I offend all caucasians when I call myself a cracker.

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just just asked a dirty drunk mick i know, and he has no problem with 'jewed'..i'll check later with some buggering, pasty brits, lazy mexicans, greasy wops, closet nazi krauts, filthy papists, etc.

trying to come up with some way to say that 'jewed' is jsut some cute little pop saying, is right up there with 'the magic negro'...

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Chill with arguing over stupid {censored} dumbasses, this isn't the thread for it.


Good luck to your son.



Yeah, I'd say "jewed" is a derogatory term. As in "He jewed me out of my share of the proceeds."

That's how I've heard the term used anyway, usually by our jewish guitar player.



Yeah, it's meaning is something besides non-jewish, but it still comes from the stereotype that Jews are finicky and tightwaddish. It's just like how calling something/one gay, homo, or faggy doesn't literally mean gay anymore, but that's where the insult came from.


I'm sure a lesbian wouldn't appreciate you calling her latest hairstyle gay. I bet your gay friend wouldn't appreciate you calling someone a fag if they did something dumb. A Jew wouldn't want you saying the waiter just jewed you out of some potato salad.

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