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What's the worste or most painful injury you've had


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I lost a testicle.



You win. Or solderjunkie.



I think the worst injury I have had was breaking my back in a motorcycle crash. Got rearended by a flatbed truck. Everything worked out fine though.


The most painful was getting a big shard of glass in my eye. Cut the eyeball wide open. Almost lost my eye, they had to do emergency surgery to save it. First and only time I have ever literally been brought to my knees in pain. I have broken bones, dislocated joints, etc and nothing was even in the ballpark of that one.

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You win. Or solderjunkie.

I think the worst injury I have had was breaking my back in a motorcycle crash. Got rearended by a flatbed truck. Everything worked out fine though.

The most painful was getting a big shard of glass in my eye. Cut the eyeball wide open. Almost lost my eye, they had to do emergency surgery to save it. First and only time I have ever literally been brought to my knees in pain. I have broken bones, dislocated joints, etc and nothing was even in the ballpark of that one.



I was riding my 4wheeler about 7 years back through the woods behind my house and ran through a bunch of bushes and small tree branches and a twig about 2 inches long got stuck in the corner of my eye all the way in where you could barely see the tip of it, but it was between my nose/eye in that place where crust forms so it just kinda scratched my eye and made me see kinda blurry for a few days but healed on it's own after I used tweezers to get it out. It didn't really hurt just kinda irritated my eye a little.

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Mine will probably seem sort of weak compared to some of these, but I nipped the end of my thumb off on a table saw.


Fingertips are insanely sensitive and this thing hurt like crazy . Had a skin graft and it was wrapped up for a while. I swear every time I turned around I would bump it on something and it would send shock waves through my entire arm.

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Failed Vasectomy back when I was in the Navy. Doc cut a vein instead of the vas and sewed me back up. The next morning I got my only ambulance ride ever, because my nut blew up! Sheesh! On the plus side, I got a really cool scar that is a conversation piece at orgies!




Wow. Anything "down there" scares the living tar outta me!

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My worst was when I was 18 I caught some stomach bug that caused Enteritis, an inflammation of the intestine. I was on the floor in my living room curled up in a ball when my Dad found me and took me to the hospital.

Having some pretty bad pain recently due to a fractured vertebra in my lower back. Last Friday morning while I was getting dressed I moved in a weird way and was flat on my back. I couldn't even sit up on my own. My wife has to come over and sit me up and put my socks on for me.

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Wow. Some seriously heavy duty injuries here. I've hurt myself a good few times over the years, but nothing on the level of some of the stuff you guys have had happen.


The worst I've had was a broken humerus (snapped clean off). That was really painful, especially when they set it. I screamed like a little girl despite being heavily doped up on morphine. Broke a couple of ribs once. That's pretty painful as well. Both of those are compliments of mountain biking.


Lower back going into spasm was pretty painful as well.




Mine will probably seem sort of weak compared to some of these, but I nipped the end of my thumb off on a table saw.

Fingertips are insanely sensitive and this thing hurt like crazy . Had a skin graft and it was wrapped up for a while. I swear every time I turned around I would bump it on something and it would send shock waves through my entire arm.



Yep, fingers are bad. I got my middle finger on my left hand crushed under a 400lb flight case trying to prevent it from falling on a couple of local crew guys who couldn't manage the weight and weren't doing what they were told. Split the finger wide open from tip to second knuckle. That hurt, but it wasn't so bad. The most excruciating part was the next morning when the doctor stuck a needle in it so he could stitch it. He said that if I hadn't been wearing leather work gloves, I would have lost the finger.

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Broken Right Femur probably most serious injury.

Had my vasectomy reversed - that was the worst hurt ever.

turned me into a senior citizen for about three weeks. (had to shuffle to walk, couldn't lift anything, half fogged up on painkillers)

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Sparring in TKD class in my late teens. Didn't quite read my opponent, walked into a front snap aimed at my chest. It got crushed against my pelvis.



Dude you NEVER spare without protection, especially there!!

Ok worst 2 of many

1. got my hands stuck in a tire machine. Cut the end of my right index finger off at the 1st knuckle but they were able to reattach it. Also broke numerous fingers and pulled the fingernails out of three fingers while I was at it. The worst part was having to wait 3 hours while they got the surgeon off the golf course.

2. Loading my 1st keg into my brand new kegerator and pulled a muscle in my lower back. I cried like a 4 year old school girl all the way to the emergency room, all the while begging my wift to avoid all the bumps in the road. Never really noticed how many there are until then!

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do you really want me to answer this? :facepalm: ok......try to envision a Ford Aerostar landing on me, in a 20 ft fall, pretty much, although i was inside it. was sitting in the right hand rear seat, we lost control, hit an abandoned car, flew up 20 ft, landed on right rear corner of the van. right leg crushed to powder, literally in places, right shoulder torn out, right arm hamburgerized, jaw busted, right rear side of my head cracked, internal bleeding, and i actually believe i had died, but no one would give me a straight answer. no memory of any of it.


/thread :lol:

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Mine is {censored}ed. I do anything now off center or involving bending over and it tweaks and goes for a week at a time.

When it isn't out, my left shoulder is. I just got over it in the last 2 days after a good 10-12 in constant pain.


know how this is, only its mostly my right shoulder that goes out if it isnt my back. and if its not that its my right hip, or my left hip, or my left shoulder which has nothing wrong with it :lol:

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I was painting a house in Great Falls, Montana, that belonged to a family of American Indians. I had an epileptic seizure, my last one, and fell from the top story to the bottom story and landed on my head! I still have the scar. Funny it happened in Great Falls! The fall must have cured my epilepsy!! It was 1978 and I haven't had one since.

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do you really want me to answer this?
ok......try to envision a Ford Aerostar landing on me, in a 20 ft fall, pretty much, although i was inside it. was sitting in the right hand rear seat, we lost control, hit an abandoned car, flew up 20 ft, landed on right rear corner of the van. right leg crushed to powder, literally in places, right shoulder torn out, right arm hamburgerized, jaw busted, right rear side of my head cracked, internal bleeding, and i actually believe i had died, but no one would give me a straight answer. no memory of any of it.



Was wondering if you were going to find this thread.

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Was wondering if you were going to find this thread.



i forgot to mention, after we landed and rolled, we slid upside down about 80 ft, and stopped like 3 or 4 ft from the edge of a cliff. this was going up into the mountains, towards Devore, California.

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Individual accident:

Motorcycle crash


2 blown discs in the neck, 1 in the back, all long-term chronic pain on a significant level.


I am guessing you don't play a T-40? :lol:

There is only one thing worse then cronic back pain....I just don't know what it is....

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But, I've also:

put a nail clear through my sneaker & foot stepping on it

put a needle clear through my thumb down through the quick of the nail

had fingers crushed by carelessness of a co-worker while moving a gas cylinder

banged & cut my head numerous ways

broken a few bones, sprained a few joints

slipped on wet paint and buried a 1/2" post 2" into a butt cheek

cuts n burns n more cuts n burns

and other stuff

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I am guessing you don't play a T-40?
There is only one thing worse then cronic back pain....I just don't know what it is....






Actually, after the neck C6-7 operation in '06, I was finally able to play while standing again, until that clown did a head-on into me 1.5 years ago, injuring my lower back which had no problems as yet, and now I mostly sit to play.

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Aug 24, 2003.

6:30 PM

It was a beautiful summer day in Jacksonville, Florida.

I'd just gotten home from a fantastic gig right on the beach and decided that it would be a wonderful evening for Mrs. Rowka and I to do a little hot tubbing. I walked around the side of the house where the pool filter, propane powered water heater and associated valves are located. I arranged the valves to circulate the water flow from the spa, through the heater, and back to the spa. Turned the heater on and went back in the house to make further preparations. The heater did not fire right away, which did not concern me as there is about a minutes delay while the electronics go through all its checks and what not.


Twenty minutes later I checked the water temperature and was surprised that the water was not getting hot. I looked at the heater. Nope, it never fired. So I opened the front access panel to confirm that the pilot light was still lit. It wasn't.


This is where I have to pause the story to tell a bit about the workings, and safety features, of a propane powered water heater.

Propane being piped to the heater, after passing through some filters and regulators, is fed to a main control valve. The valve has two discharge ports: a main burner discharge and a pilot burner discharge. The pilot discharge basically is in an always-open state unless it is shut manually or the pilot flame goes out. If the pilot goes out, a sensor detects that and will lock all the valves closed, not allowing any propane to flow. The main burner discharge opens when the following conditions are met:

The pilot burner flame is on.

There is water flowing through the heat exchanger.

The thermostat calls for heat.


If any of these conditions are not met, the main burner valve is not supposed to open.


In order to ignite the pilot, one must get on one's knees in front of the heater, bend over so one's face is directly in front of the combustion chamber, manually hold the pilot valve open with one hand and push the piezo clicker spark generator thingie with the other. That's exactly what I did. What I didn't do was notice any mercaptan smell (mercaptan, for those of you who do not know, is a chemical added to LPG and natural gas that gives them their distinctive smell). I bet you can see where this is going.


The best I can figure is that the heater checked to see if the pilot was on and decided it was. Checked to see if there was water flowing in the heat exchanger and decided it was. Checked to see if the thermostat was calling for heat and decided it was. *something caused the pilot to extinguish at this very moment. Maybe it was God. Maybe it was Lug. I'll never know*

The main burner valve opened, flooding the combustion chamber with propane.


As soon as I pushed the little piezo clicker spark generator thingie a great ball of fire came rolling out of the heater to the point where I was awkwardly on my knees, bent over, with my arms and hands in some contorted configuration.


10 days in the hospital being treated for 2nd degree burns over 14% of my body.

Lots of morphine.

Daily debridement, after which I was given Versed which literally wiped away my short term memory. Apparently, the whole debridement experience is so horrifically painful, that if I had remembered it from one day to the next, there is no way I'd have let them do it again. Better living through chemistry.

Sent home and had to continue debridement on myself (at this point I was healing up well and it wasn't too terribly painful).

Four weeks total to return to work.

Two weeks more and I was bandage free (but was still wearing compression wraps for almost a year).


But I feel much better now.




Pictures (after two weeks of healing).

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I really did have to overcome the fear. Every time I got near a new mic, every stage, jam space or whatever, I'd grab the ball of it and bring my forearm near the strings so the electricity would raise the hairs. It's more sensitive and therefore accurate this way than trying to detect it through your fingers. Odds are I'll always do that. Once bitten.

Same as my boycott on SWR amps, never again.


OK, I just have to say that you should ALWAYS test for voltage between your instrument and the microphone ... but you should NEVER do it by grabbing hold of the mic and then sticking your arm or hand near the bass strings. :eek: That's just a horribly bad idea. If you did actually get hold of something with voltage on it and made contact with the strings, you'd be providing a circuit path straight through your heart. That's how you die, man. It doesn't take much voltage at all to damage or stop a heart. If you want to do a test like that, hold the headstock of your bass up to the mic and see if it pops. Or better yet, get an electrician and a soundman who knows that the hell he's doing, and then you won't have to worry about it. Jesus. That's just horrible.

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