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Mine will have to be a little higher or lower in the coming months. Giddry's gonna be a first time mommy! :)


Due to serious extenuating circumstances, we've made the very difficult decision to place the little one in an adoptive parent's home. We're meeting with them today after talking for a few weeks and so far they've been wonderful. We've also been working with a lawyer.


I'm excited and proud of the decision I've made to keep my baby to term and give him/her (we're not sure yet) a chance for a better life.

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BRAVO! Do the right thing, and give the child a chance. Excellent. Absolutely bravo! It is a brave thing to do, to give it away, but you'll still always be in that child's life. Just not right now.


A friend did the very same thing. She made a family incredibly happy, and she plays the auntie role for her daughter. It's truly sweet. She said, "I don't wanna be a white trash parent, I know I would fail. I let her have a better chance, and it feels great."




Sling the bass lower. Bass is meant to be LOW. :D

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Sorry to hear you can't keep the newcomer. It must have been a horribly difficult decision.

Looking at you avatar I doubt if your arms are long enough to sling the bass lower. Higher it would rest nicely on top of your belly. Believe me. I look 6 months pregnant.

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sling it low, under the belly style, should be good times, and look sweet as hell.


On the other part, that is probably one of the best decisions a person can make if they are not at a good point in their life to raise a child. Good luck with that.

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My wife gave up her child for adoption in '88 because she was 18 and knew she couldn't give her child the quality of life he deserved. Due to glitches in hospital billing, she knew her son's new name and he knew her real name. Thanks to this info they were able to reconnect last Fall and get to know each other.

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I'm excited and proud of the decision I've made to keep my baby to term and give him/her (we're not sure yet) a chance for a better life.


I just gained a {censored} ton of respect for you... not that I was void of any to begin with. ;)


I wish you the best through the entire process!!

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Mine will have to be a little higher or lower in the coming months. Giddry's gonna be a first time mommy!

Due to serious extenuating circumstances, we've made the very difficult decision to place the little one in an adoptive parent's home. We're meeting with them today after talking for a few weeks and so far they've been wonderful. We've also been working with a lawyer.

I'm excited and proud of the decision I've made to keep my baby to term and give him/her (we're not sure yet) a chance for a better life.

Oh, my. Speaking as a person who recently adopted a beautiful baby girl, I thank you. I can't tell you how much joy our home has has been filled with since our daughter arrived at our home last spring. I hope this process works out well for all parties involved. My heart goes out to you, Giddry!

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Thanks everyone! I really appreciate all of your well wishes and congratulations. It's been a hard few weeks and I'm sure it will get harder. I am comforted in the fact that I'm doing the right thing and I'm making a huge difference in the lives of everyone involved.


The only thing I'm even remotely upset about is that I don't fit into my Easter dress!

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