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    New York, NY

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  1. Originally Posted by Hearafter My 4 year old son got his hand slammed in a door on Saturday, and broke his midle finger. OWW! Sorry to hear that. I hope that he's okay!
  2. Originally Posted by Zamfir And to think, after seven years of marriage, I figured I was safe from lawsuits. Congrats! Thank you! (you'll be hearing from my lawyers shortly... )
  3. Originally Posted by Super Bass Well, I was in work since 9am and then went to a gig afterwards so I'm pretty wrecked. I used to stay up til 7am but it gets boring... But Giddry's back! How can it be boring...hello? Anyone? Dang. I'm boring. Anyway, this is how I'm doing (since you asked) ...that pretty much sums up
  4. Wait wait wait...you're a mod? I leave for a few months and you people make SuperBass a mod!? ANARCHY! Haha, only joking, man. Good on ya. Things are good. I'm visiting home and the fam is driving me nuts. I've got lots of free time though so I'm lurking a bit.
  5. Hi TK peoples! How goes? It's been awhile. What's new and exciting?
  6. I'm still craving taco bell. Also, raisin bran cereal with yogurt. Pregnancy is weird!
  7. I made fajita's yesterday and have just eaten THREE chocolate cherry cola cupcakes...yum! I'm seriously sleepy.
  8. That's the thing! I've not had ANY taco bell! ARGH!
  9. Still no taco bell and I forgot to buy a key ingredient in my Chocolate Cherry Cola Cupcakes. The Cherry Cola
  10. Oh, except the one I'm going to send to Super Bass.
  11. I really really REALLY want Taco Bell but there's not one around here. My boy is in Manhattan (close to a taco bell) but won't bring me anything! GRRR! It's okay...I'm going to eat all the cupcakes!
  12. Originally Posted by Super Bass Damn... stop teasing me. I'll mail it. It might just be a little skooshy when you get it!
  13. Originally Posted by Super Bass You're welcome. Yeah I get that too. I'm on a health buzz lately and trying to resist all the bad stuff... it's not working too well. I want chocolate. I'm whipping up a batch of my chocolate cherry cola cupcakes. Want one?
  14. I understand that the skeleton girls that do it by dieting are scary. I also appreciate your compliments. By the way...I'm having a serious taco bell craving. Does anyone else get those cravings for things that you KNOW are bad for you?
  15. Originally Posted by niomosy Probably not. But I'd suggest grabbing a bite to eat first The whole idea of telling girls to "get a sammich" at times gets to me. I'm a 5'5" 108 lb girl who physically CANNOT gain weight. I am not capable, medically speaking, of fluctuating my weight in either direction. I've had my fair share of people ask me if I'm anorexic and bulimic etc...I've been made fun of and had people yell "why don't you eat something" in a mean and rude manner. It really irritates me and affects self esteem like woah. I understand that some guys have different tastes in women and I'm not asking that you change those tastes. What I'm saying is there are more tasteful ways of describing your dislike of a woman's physique than saying "eat a sandwich."
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