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Mod I don't pretend to be a soundman, and I wouldn't until I was mixing for the big boys at stadiums...I know enough to know that if your country band has enough bass for a rap concert, that's wrong...that if the sound guy is never in his booth, but the vocals are at 130 dbs all night long...that's wrong.....obvious stuff like that....

Well I guess I'm lucky then. We own our own PA so most the time I'm running sound onstage. When we have a soundman it is usually someone we hire or else someone that is with sound company at a concert or festival. I havn't had to deal with any clueless idiot soundmen in a long time.:)

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dumb move ,,, never dare a guy that he cant make you sick.

My old man kinda was crazy but not stupid, and I didn't hear about him bragging or daring the pilot.

It was Fred that was running his mouth about being able to take it: you know, the "man, that's nothing. I can take it" kind of deal.


If there was one good thing that came out of me going to the old man's funeral, it was hearing some of the stories from people that witnessed it happening. That was one of em.

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Guess who gets to clean up the plane, car, boat, when you make everyone barf?....you do.....only in the movies do pilots think that cool...and a few nuts, flying someone else's plane(like in the military) where a ground crew does the clean up....

Seriously if you want to impress someone with your flying, you take up someone that is scared to death of flying and next week they are so jazzed they are taking flying lessons....and you get thank you notes for a long time for inspiring them to fly...

You take the fear out of flying with your ability...not instill more fear in it.... making civilians barf in a plane is like nailing drunk fat chicks in a bar full of super models....your going for low hanging fruit....

And maybe that's the difference between a corporate pilot and some others...a corporate pilot actually works his ass off to keep the boss and passengers in back enjoying the ride....

Get the boss sick, hit turbulence too many times, hammer the landings to much....he may not know if it was you or weather, he just thinks flying sucks...so he sells the plane....in corporate...your job depends on your performance....

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^ It's obvious you know flying.

But you still don't know what you don't know.

That's a lesson you could stand to learn from the military. :idea:

That general hooked my old man up with a .45 ACP mod - a pivot trigger and a mechanism to rack the slide when you pulled the trigger. It was smooth as silk....

The guy that did the mod was Seecamp...pretty good gun that was.

I gotta know man: are you serious about this competitive guitar deal? Because like I said: it seems that your improvs meander and have no flow or structure.

What I'm saying is get your head in the music and stop thinking of the competition: hear something, be a step ahead of the music, and play those notes. Your technique is okay: what you need to do with your music is be musical. Create themes. You talk about Satriani?

Well listen to "Summer Song". It's a song. It's got structure. It's got melody. It's memorable. Your stuff isn't, it sounds like just a bunch of licks strung together. Cut about 1/2 of the notes out, and learn how to make what you do play count.

I'm still waiting for you to send me a link to a backtrack. I'm willing to put down something over it, not to be "great" or "better" than you, but to demonstrate these things I'm talking about right now, at least as best as I can.

I'd invite you to try and do the same. That'll be far more productive and even positive than some jive-ass "headcutting" contest.

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Funny how we(me included) all sit here and brag about being in bands, yet its the Saturday night of the long weekend and we are sitting in front of our computers.



I did have a gig last night, but our calender is pretty thin from here on out.

But we had a pretty full calendar this year, and we went beyond the initial goal of "twice a month" without causing undue family tension, so I'm happy with that. :thu:

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Taking people up and wringing them out till they are sick is an ego move.



No, it's people wanting to get wringed out.

Dad wouldn't do that to somebody unless they asked him to.

Personally I loved it...I could do a few maneuvers, myself...it was way better than any thrill ride at Six Flags.

I'm not the nauseous type, but dad's buddy, in the front seat, had to take a bag up with him.

Dad built about 75% of the plane, and had a pro mechanic friend of his finish off the most critical bits, and then he had it pro painted.

The plane was tight and easy to maintain, unlike the Stearman he had before, which became a money pit.

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Wades - You need to accept that my power to rock is more awesome

Last edited by FestivalOfHate : Today at 12:44 AM.



You mean it took you seven minutes to edit that short sentence, and yet you still left in the spelling error?


Yeah...awesome...believe it. :lol:

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I guess we could have a group hug, talk about why you guys are all so angry...maybe bang some drums, get in touch with our pissed off inner children.

Ok, heres a real musical topic.....Blue...how about giving us some of your experiences on real musician sabotage....I'll start..

Sound guy pulling back the singer's monitor, so he goes off key.....
Rhythm guitar player overplays during the other guy's solo, rather then pulling back....

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Here's my flying story-I was 21, and doing a 6 night a week gig in Coos Bay, Oregon. The band leader, who was all of 25, said he was a pilot and we should rent a plane and fly around and take a look at Coos Bay from the air. Since we had only been on the road for a week, I wasn't broke yet, so I chipped in and we rented a single engine plane, probably a Cessna of some kind. We cruised around the town-it was my first time in a small plane. Then the guy mentions how cool it is to be flying, since it had been two years , and the last time he flew a plane, he crashed and took out three planes-the one he was flying and two on the ground. He said a cross wind came up as he was landing, and that it had been determined it wasn't his fault, so he didn't lose his license. Last time I ever went up in a small plane. I don't like to fly even in big jets. I'm not religious, but I say a prayer for my family and I every time we are taking off and landing. I have incredible respect for people that have the balls to hurl a plane down a runway and take off, then land the thing. Because despite the statistics showing how safe it is, your flying a hunk of metal through the air propelled by jet fuel. Takes balls, IMO. But, having said all that, nothing about that has anything remotely to do with knowing how to play the guitar, or any other musical instrument. You could be the greatest pilot, but chances are, you'll suck at the guitar unless you put your 20 hard years in just like every other decent player.

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I guess we could have a group hug, talk about why you guys are all so angry...maybe bang some drums, get in touch with our pissed off inner children.

Ok, heres a real musical topic.....Blue...how about giving us some of your experiences on real musician sabotage....I'll start..

Sound guy pulling back the singer's monitor, so he goes off key.....

Rhythm guitar player overplays during the other guy's solo, rather then pulling back....

My guess is if you have been sabotaged at a gig then you must be a douchebag. Nobody wants to play with you so they screw with your performance hoping you never come back. Apparently that doesn't work.:lol:

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My guess is if you have been sabotaged at a gig then you must be a douchebag. Nobody wants to play with you so they screw with your performance hoping you never come back. Apparently that doesn't work.

Yeah that makes sense....get up on a stage and sabotage a song your part of..because you don't like the other guy. Like Bluestrat said, real musicians don't do this.

It's comments like this Mod, that further illustrate why you would be the last sound guy on earth to hire for a gig. It's the way you think...and I wouldn't put it past you to play with the board to mess up a guy's sound.

Best to find out here, then at a gig.

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I guess we could have a group hug, talk about why you guys are all so angry...maybe bang some drums, get in touch with our pissed off inner children.

Ok, heres a real musical topic.....Blue...how about giving us some of your experiences on real musician sabotage....I'll start..

Sound guy pulling back the singer's monitor, so he goes off key.....

Rhythm guitar player overplays during the other guy's solo, rather then pulling back....



I'm not trying to pile it on you Tim, but if you are routinely encountering these situations, you are playing in the wrong places. I've been around a fair bit. I'm not going to get in a pissing match about who's been around more, but I feel I've been around enough to say that this sabotage stuff just doesn't happen that often. In fact I don't think I've ever experienced it.


I've seen a few shady things pulled in terms of scheduling bands, i.e. buddy of the organizer gets the best slot. But never the deliberate sabotage of another bands set/solo.


In the two examples you give above I can give you a couple of likely reasons why it wasn't sabotage. In the situation with the soundman pulling the singers monitor down. Were the monitors mixed from FOH? If so it's likely that the singer was fairly hot so the soundman pulled the input gain down on his strip to keep his channel from clipping. That would lower his monitor level. In a situation like that a soundman is just guessing where to return the monitor level to, especially if the singer is green and doesn't have any communication skills to let the tech know what he needs.


Maybe the drummer and guitar players got in a volume war and started playing louder. Singers monitor level might not have changed, he just percieved it to be lower because everything else around him was louder.


Maybe the singer has poor mic technique/dynamics and the soundman was forced to insert a compressor on his vocal channel. This could negatively affect his monitor mix.


Maybe the singer had a bad habit of "cupping the mic" which greatly reduced the mics gain before feedback and the soundman was forced to lower his monitor mix in order to prevent/eliminate feedback.


I could go on, but you get the point. I have been in everyone of these situations as a soundman. There are only two ways to resolve the situation. The experienced musicians will work with you using hand signals to get the mix they want. The gig goes fine and everyone is happy. The other senario is the musicians don't say anything until after the set at which time they complain that the monitor mix was "insert your favorite negative term here." I always tells them that I am a sound tech and not a mind reader. If you have issues with your monitors tell me preferably with discreet hand signals and if you can do that you can ask for a little more vocal, etc. Everytime I have worked with these bands the second gig/set they know the drill and everyone is happy the next time around.


The situation with the rhythm player not backing off during the other guys solo, did you ever think that guy might not be a very good player. Not everyone understands band dynamics, and the use of space, etc. Rather than sabotage, it is more likely a case of a green player.


I could be wrong about this too, but I maintain that if you are consistently encountering guys sabotaging your sound/set you are playing in the wrong places.



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Ok, heres a real musical topic.....Blue...how about giving us some of your experiences on real musician sabotage....I'll start..



If somebody tried to pull a stunt like that around here, they'd wind up with a mouth full of parking lot.

Unless you're one of those "pathetic joke" musicians.

In that case, you get what you deserve.

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Yeah that makes sense....get up on a stage and sabotage a song your part of..because you don't like the other guy. Like Bluestrat said, real musicians don't do this.

It's comments like this Mod, that further illustrate why you would be the last sound guy on earth to hire for a gig. It's the way you think...and I wouldn't put it past you to play with the board to mess up a guy's sound.

Best to find out here, then at a gig.




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Yeah that makes sense....get up on a stage and sabotage a song your part of..because you don't like the other guy. Like Bluestrat said, real musicians don't do this.

It's comments like this Mod, that further illustrate why you would be the last sound guy on earth to hire for a gig. It's the way you think...and I wouldn't put it past you to play with the board to mess up a guy's sound.

Best to find out here, then at a gig.


I've never had anyone sabotage me.


No one else in this thread has had anyone sabotage them.


But that's probably because they are all out to get you, a real musician; they don't have time for us.


Yup dude: they are all out to get you.


So lock up your daughter

Lock up your wife

Lock up your backdoor

And run for your life

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