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Recommend Me A "Comfy" Keyboard Seat


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In a moment of weakness I agreed to play keys with a band as a temp fill-in March 3rd. Now, I've never done a gig solely as a keyboardist, typically I've been a guitarist or guitar/keyboards switch-hitter and so have always been on two feet.


With this gig however, I'd like to have a nice seat preferably with a backrest as I'll be at the keys all night.


I plan to be using the Apex 48 keyboard stand I've had for years with my new Privia PX3 on bottom and old Roland XP30 on top.


Looking at seats this rather expensive one gets crappy reviews, it's reported that the backrest is unusable and the whole thing tends to be wobbly.

Otherwise this other one seems to be more well liked and is cheaper as well.

Surprisingly I'm not finding many others. There is one on eBay I'm looking at which would allow me to use my eBay bucks.


I'd like to know what the keyboard veterans here think about these or perhaps clue me in to some others.:)

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In a moment of weakness I agreed to play keys with a band as a temp fill-in March 3rd. Now, I've never done a gig solely as a keyboardist, typically I've been a guitarist or guitar/keyboards switch-hitter and so have always been on two feet.

With this gig however, I'd like to have a nice seat preferably with a backrest as I'll be at the keys all night.

I plan to be using the Apex 48 keyboard stand I've had for years with my new Privia PX3 on bottom and old Roland XP30 on top.

Looking at seats this rather
expensive one
gets crappy reviews, it's reported that the backrest is unusable and the whole thing tends to be wobbly.

Otherwise this
other one
seems to be more well liked and is cheaper as well.

Surprisingly I'm not finding many others. There is
one on eBay
I'm looking at which would allow me to use my eBay bucks.

I'd like to know what the keyboard veterans here think about these or perhaps clue me in to some others.



I am using just an inexpensive x brace keyboard bench. The key to comfort on a keyboard is more about the relationship between your hands and the board than it is a backrest. What will kill you is running multiple boards and being forced to play some of them at less than optimal positions. I am doing 4 and 5 nights a week with no real discomfort. I am 59 and no spring chicken. Proper ergonomics it the thing that will keep it from beating the {censored} out of your wrists , back and shoulders and elbows. I use a single 88 key stage piano thats it.

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Keyboard players should NOT have a seat with a backrest - I'ver never ever seen a pianist with one and in the 40 years I play piano I never had or needed one. To be able to play well you shouldn't be slumped in a chair or on a sto0l but your should maintain correct posture - this can only be done without a backrest on your seat - just my opinion though




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I use a piano artist bench and a homemade maple keyboard stand, both custom height. The latter is fitted with a custom pedal board that accepts three pedals. I've watched too many guys gradually push pedals out of reach.


The whole rig is a space hog in my car . . . . .


Posture, ergonomics, comfort, cost, and setup time are reasons I use one versatile board instead of two or more.

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The key to comfort on a keyboard is more about the relationship between your hands and the board than it is a backrest. What will kill you is running multiple boards and being forced to play some of them at less than optimal positions. I am doing 4 and 5 nights a week with no real discomfort. I am 59 and no spring chicken. Proper ergonomics it the thing that will keep it from beating the {censored} out of your wrists , back and shoulders and elbows. I use a single 88 key stage piano thats it.



Everything will be adjustable and I plan to spend some time tweaking the positions of things. Having the second keyboard on the upper tier will likely cause some strain.


I've only got to get through one night and then the seat will probably rarely be used.

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Everything will be adjustable and I plan to spend some time tweaking the positions of things. Having the second keyboard on the upper tier will likely cause some strain.

I've only got to get through one night and then the seat will probably rarely be used.




I use a pretty simple key rig. One stage piano , a double x brace stand and just a regular old in expensive keyboard bench. The secret to this whole deal is how high to set your bench and how high to set your board. I marked my stand with a white line so the teeth can line up the same every time, One tooth difference on the board means the difference between pain and no pain. The second board is the one that kills you becuase its ergonomics will always be wrong because it has to be higher or lower than the one thats set up proper. I guess its the price you gotta pay. I know a guy who went through all kinds of grief because of mulitple boards almost to the point of having surgery.

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I agree with Dukey- why the hell would anyone want to lean against a back rest while playing keyboards? IMO it's enough of a concession to age etc. to be sitting at all. (Of course, I prefer to sit because I play better that way;)).


My advice is to get a bench that adjusts high as your standing height, so you can go either way (sitting or standing). If you (like me) are cursed with a voluptuous ass, you have a responsibility to shake it every now and then for the benefit of the chicks.

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That Nitro model looks real good but if I were to put a back on it I'd be investing well over $200 for a one off gig.


Well, you did specify 'comfy' and I'd guess you don't want 'piece of crap that will fall apart mid-way through the gig' gear either.

I'm sure you recognize that good gear costs $.


Personally, I don't like the Nitro (hydraulic version), but anything off of this page would make me happy (Even considering that I already own 2):


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Then just get an Onstage heavy duty keyboard bench - and look - half price at American Musical.

It is super comfy.

I have had one for about six years, and it has held my fat ass with no worries.

Just be careful setting it up or tearing it down...it can be a finger guillotine.




thats pretty much what I use ,, but with out the extra ass padding. I just leave it set up. For sure it can be a finger guillotine. The standing vs sitting down deal is personal pref. I sit down because i like to take my breaks standing up. lol. seriously , I think alot of it has to do with how you started out on keys. I started on a real piano and a hammond so playing sitting down was normal. Standing up seems to be more for guys who started out on synth and multiple boards. Sometimes I end up playing some pretty long sets , especially when we have a long string of guest players. I went three hours last sunday with just enough time to take a whiz and fill up my glass of water. do what you like but do pay attention to board ergonomics,, you can do some serious damage if things are not right. I ended up having to quit a really good event band due to revvin up a my right shoulder because i had woodshedded 6 hours a day for a couple weeks on their set list to get up to speed. I went to my shoulder doc who did the original surgery on it and he said ,, well its off to PT for you , and stop playing or you may have to have that puppy cut on again. That news sucked ,, but you do what you have to do ,, to stay out of the ER. I hated to have to quit give up the seat that I auditioned for and got in that band , but it was a have to situation. Took me like three months to get back into playing condition.

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I agree with Dukey- why the hell would anyone want to lean against a back rest while playing keyboards?

My advice is to get a bench that adjusts high as your standing height, so you can go either way (sitting or standing). If you (like me) are cursed with a voluptuous ass, you have a responsibility to shake it every now and then for the benefit of the chicks.



I don't really know that I need the back rest. Even if I have the back rest I don't expect that I would be leaning back on it all the time.


I like the idea of being able to sit or stand but it's doubtful that I could find a seat to go that high. For years in the past I've always played keys on stage while standing but it's always been a little uncomfortable because the lower keyboard was never quite high enough.

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Well, you did specify 'comfy' and I'd guess you don't want 'piece of crap that will fall apart mid-way through the gig' gear either.



Considering at the moment I'm using one of the folding bar stools that Wal-Mart sells for $10 just about anything is going to be more comfy that that.

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I hate seeing keyboard players sitting while playing. They become invisible. Especially if this is a rock/pop band. As a guitar player do you sit the whole show? If you do insist on sitting, consider a high stool you can lean back against when needed so you are still upright.

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I hate seeing keyboard players sitting while playing. They become invisible. Especially if this is a rock/pop band. As a guitar player do you sit the whole show? If you do insist on sitting, consider a high stool you can lean back against when needed so you are still upright.



Agreed. Unless there's a pressing medical condition or you're a organist who plays using the foot pedals, there's no excuse for a keyboard player to be sitting any more than there is for guitarists or singers, IMO.

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Agreed. Unless there's a pressing medical condition or you're a organist who plays using the foot pedals, there's no excuse for a keyboard player to be sitting any more than there is for guitarists or singers, IMO.



I always was told that is was correct to stand playing original material, and sit while doing covers.:facepalm: I am confused because we do both lol

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Agreed. Unless there's a pressing medical condition or you're a organist who plays using the foot pedals, there's no excuse for a keyboard player to be sitting any more than there is for guitarists or singers, IMO.



I always sit when I'm doing the solo! Never with the band.

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