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Your groupies stories. Here.


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Originally posted by MrKnobs

We should be that lucky. This dude is a parasite, basically. He introduced himself to us as a "promoter" but really he's just a dork who likes to hang around bands and feel like he's part of the scene. He lives with his dad and has no car, and he definitely has no social skills whatsoever.

When he first contacted us, he talked a big game and, though we didn't believe him for a moment, we wasted a few press kits on him to see if he could really get us shows where he said he could. The answer, of course, is NO.

Even if this guy does catch the jack from the drunk chick, at least he got laid for probably the first time in his life. There is no way in hell he would have hooked up with this reasonably hot chick without the cascading series of shoe scrapings from above as each of us (her primary targets) rejected her for our various reasons. She's definitely cute enough to have had her pick of most guys in that club if she hadn't been both so sloppy drunk and so pathetically desperate.

She needed an intervention / rescue mission, not a date. I hardly exchanged words with her, but it was obvious she had baggage stacked higher than Union Station during a porter strike.

Terry D.


ah OK. redface.gif
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Around the fall of 1998 I was playing with a road band from Kentucky. Before we left on the last trip I played with them we played at a bar in Morehead, Kentucky to raise some gas money to get us to Milwaukee. That night I exchanged addresses and phone numbers with a woman I met there, Teretha. While on the road- we were gone maybe three months or so- I wrote to her once. When we got back to Wayland, Kentucky, where the band was staying at the time, there was a stack of letters from her to me, maybe seven or eight of them. A week or so later she showed up at a honky tonk in Paintsville where we were playing. It was the last night at that club and we didn't have another gig for a few more days. Teretha wanted to take me home with her and said she would bring me home the next day. This was Saturday night. So I rode with her and a few of her friends to her trailer in West Liberty. They let us out. Up until that point I assumed the car was Teretha's since she drove to her trailer. But when we got out of the car one of her friends got behind the wheel and left. It turned out that Teretha did not have a car. She told me that her brother would give me a ride home. I did not have a change of clothes or toiletries. I did not get back to Wayland, a good hour away, until Thursday when I woke up that morning and started hitchhiking.

On another road trip we were playing two weeks six nights a week at the Ramada Inn in Hammond, Louisiana. During the course of one of the nights there an older lady, maybe 65 or so, was buying the band drinks all night. At the end of the night she offered to take me out for a steak dinner. I assumed that was all it was, a meal. So we went to a diner and we ate. At this point it was a rather pleasant experience. I was digging the fact that this much older lady was being so nice to me. But then instead of taking me back to the motel she took me to her house where we were met by another older lady with a much younger man. We had a drink. Then the other two people went off to a bedroom. The older lady who took me to her house wanted me to go to bed with her. I had to decline and had her take me back to my room.

Also, it was our last night at the Ramada Inn. That night there was a table of six to eight women sitting right next to the side of the stage. They ranged in age from what I assumed was about 21 to maybe 60. At the end of the night all of them came up to the stage to tell us how much they enjoyed us playing. One in particular, a rather cute woman, was talking to me. Since it was two in the morning I suggested that she join me for breakfast. She said that she would rather I join her in the pool. So I went back up to my room and met her in the pool maybe fifteen minutes later. As we were talking there in the pool one of the older ladies who had been sitting at the table came down and sat in a lounge chair right by the pool and kept watching us. It turned out that the woman was this girl's mother. A few minutes later this girl's sister came down and got in the pool. The sister came over to me and told me that her sister, the one I met at the pool, was 13. I then asked her how old she was. She was 17 or 18. I was 23 at the time. So we got out of the pool to go somewhere else to talk. But as we were walking away her 13 year old sister followed us. Another cat in the band, around 30, was right behind us and began trying to make time with the younger sister. I got kind of creeped out and went back to my room.

Back in 1983 I was 20 sharing a trailer with the pedal steel player in the country band I was playing with at the time around Ft Walton Beach, Florida. The trailer was in Wynn Haven Beach, maybe fifteen miles away. We were renting the trailer from the owner of the club we were playing at. And I was "seeing" the club owner's daughter, about 19. Though we hadn't had sex yet. She wanted to "wait". Anyway, the band got another gig at the Bowery in Destin. And one of those nights I took my girlfriend Phyllis with me. At the end of a set this biker chick, I'll call her Darlene, came up and gave me directions to her house. Phyllis asked me a little while later who that woman was. I told her that Darlene was somebody I went to school with who was down on vacation. At the end of the night I took Phyllis home, right around the corner from where I lived. In fact I could see Phyllis's bedroom window from my living room. So I waited until I saw Phyllis's light go out. I then got in my car and drove down the street to another trailer park, found the trailer with the motorcycle parked in front of it, and went inside to engage in relations with Darlene. I got back to my trailer around ten in the morning. Within minutes Phyllis was walking through my front door wanting to know where I was when she came by around nine. I told her that I had to get out of the house for awhile and went to sit on the beach and think about her.

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Originally posted by brikus

Roy, these seem like cool stories...but they all have an unfinished flavour...like missing details about the action you got, how some things ended up. I'm left with an unfulfilled curiosity... frown.gif


The time I was in Louisiana I simply went back to Ft Walton Beach, Florida, where I was living at the time, when the gig at the Ramada Inn ended. I did not hear from the older lady again. The 17 year old sister of the 13 year old girl wrote to me two or three times and told me her younger sister was married by 14.

With the woman in Kentucky, Teretha, I hitchhiked back to the place I was staying and got back to work not much longer after that. Teretha came to other gigs but I didn't go home with her again. Eventually I moved somewhere else and ended up in Charleston, South Carolina.

The action I got from the biker chick was just action, nothing spectacular. I got my thing on and went home. One interesting thing I suppose is that later Darlene the biker chick went home a few times with my roommate as I got more involved with my girlfriend Phyllis. I eventually scored with Phyllis multiple times. But it was just sex. I did it with her. Later on I broke up with her. She did not stimulate me intellectually.

Lots of encounters with women on the road kind of end unresolved. That is just part of the life. Most knew that when the gig was up I was going somewhere else, probably or most likely another state. And it might be forever if ever before I ever got back to visit.

I am married now to a very beautiful chemistry professor. I still gig regularly. But I am no longer concerned with groupies. Every now and then I might see one in the audience who looks pretty good to me but I don't go there. I get what I need at home.

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You know, it's funny, I was playing an open mic at this bar on the regular last summer, and there was this woman who, to say, the least, I had no physical attraction for. The guitarist, who, like BeauNasty, is a self-proclaimed "no-holds barred party animal" (but not in those exact words), could not see why I wouldn't go for her. See, at the time, the crowd there, I think, had the wrong impression of me. I was abstaining from alcohol and I was taking university classes. So I think they thought of me as this nice little "college boy." As much as it might smudge my rep, I'm not going to sleep with a "groupie" I'm not interested in, because that's not fair to me or her. As I'm young in my career, however, I look forward to the stories and memories I may create on the road.

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Roy, I may know some of the guys from the band you played with...not sure though.

There aren't exactly a lot of musicians (people, for that matter) in Wayland...The fact that I even know where Wayland IS almost confirms it I figure.

Maybe even some old ex-bandmembers of mine, or at the very least, ex-bandmembers of theirs. Could go either way, but I sense a Magic Cottage connection somewhere in all that....


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Originally posted by matt greeno

You know, it's funny, I was playing an open mic at this bar on the regular last summer, and there was this woman who, to say, the least, I had no physical attraction for. The guitarist, who, like BeauNasty, is a self-proclaimed "no-holds barred party animal" (but not in those exact words), could not see why I wouldn't go for her. See, at the time, the crowd there, I think, had the wrong impression of me. I was abstaining from alcohol and I was taking university classes. So I think they thought of me as this nice little "college boy." As much as it might smudge my rep, I'm not going to sleep with a "groupie" I'm not interested in, because that's not fair to me or her. As I'm young in my career, however, I look forward to the stories and memories I may create on the road.


Thank god you could take a break from writing your wicked EmO songs to tell us how you got no action on a thread that asks for action.

Speaking of action, I want to hear more of Pebblestar's groupie stories. thumb.gif

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Originally posted by cyberponch

Speaking of action, I want to hear more of Pebblestar's groupie stories. thumb.gif


A couple of days ago she had a one night stand with a straight girl, which produced some bizarre and hilarious conversation for days. She posted some of it over on OJ, but I suspect she didn't post it here because it's a bit raunchy. freak.gif

Terry D.

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Originally posted by MrKnobs

A couple of days ago she had a one night stand with a straight girl, which produced some bizarre and hilarious conversation for days. She posted some of it over on OJ, but I suspect she didn't post it here because it's a bit raunchy. freak.gif

Terry D.


try to get her to delight us with that story and its raunchy details ! thumb.gif
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Originally posted by brikus

try to get her to delight us with that story and its raunchy details ! thumb.gif


Well, Friday of last week I was doing a show and I kept noticing a really hot girl. But after years of experience like me, you have a pretty good gay-dar and mine was telling me this one wasn't even interested in me.

At the end of the night though, a guy taps me on the shoulder and introduces us including the phrase, "she thinks you're cute."

We talk for awhile at the bar and decide to go to my place. It could be a detailed story but I'll only leave you with the most juicy details.

Before we start doing too much in the bedroom, she excuses herself to my bathroom to brush her teeth and take a whore's bath.

We start fooling around (we're both naked) and she asks me permission to start groping my boobs - as she stated, "She hates it when guys grope her, so she wanted to ask permission first."

During one point, when I'm "face first", she stops me and says "I don't want to cum in your face. It's rude." confused.gif

It was all bizarre and unbelievable for me. Even the next morning where she's telling me she really likes me, how she wants me to buy a strap-on so I can do her from behind, and all sorts of dirty {censored}.

Luckily she lives outta town and when she came back in town this last Thursday things were a bit awkward. Neither one of us knew what to say to each other for the first 20 to 30 minutes.

Finally, after she laughs, I ask her what's so funny.

She says, "Don't you think this is funny?"

I said, "You mean how we're so awkward? Yeah, why are you nervous or something?"

She says, "No, I'm STRAIGHT!"

"I know," I said.

"So why did you do it?" She asks.

"Me? Why did YOU do it?"

After a bit of weird silence, finally I stopped her and said, "Look we were drunk. You got a little curious. We had sex. It's no big deal here."

Her response was: "But did we really have sex? I mean do I have to count you in my numbers?"


After about an hour of this, I convinced her that perhaps tonight wasn't a great night to hang out like we had planned and that I would call her sometime later. Never did.

It's all still too damn funny for me.



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Awesome story PS.

So what, you don't count to her....you know, if I was you, I wouldn't count her in your official numbers.

{censored}, I didn't know coming in people's faces was rude.

Anyways that's nice to know that a woman uses that excuse on other women....I'll call ya later. Ha! I say that to silly bitches I don't ever intend on calling back either-


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Why I Gave Up Groupies

It's the 70's.

We're staying in the bass player's converted school bus. We're playing a week in Groton Ct over Christmas. I'm kind of a shy guy. We're playing the first set. Break, and the bass player - who lives locally - introduces me to a dark haired beauty. Talk, drink, set 2. Break, I take her outside for some smoke. 3rd and 4th sets we cook. We're breaking down afterwards, and I don't have a car. She offers to drive me home. I didn't care, and she proceeds to give me a Quaalude. We go outside, she throws me the keys, which, of course, I drop in the snow.

I drive. I run a red light. I crash into another car (Who is actually driving at 3am in Groton in the cold? I hit the one person that was out.) She gets out and talks to the people. Then she drives me to her apartment.

I know we did lots of things, judging by how I felt (and smelled) in the morning. I open my eyes. There's an infant in the bed. It looks at her, says "Mommy". It looks at me and says "Daddy". What at buzzkill. I'm feelin real bad now. She drives me back to the bus.

Night 2. I'm not doing very well. I just want to crawl into my sleeping bag on the bus. We get back to the bus after the gig. I crawl into my sleeping bag. There's another girl in there, and she's not listening to "I'm tired". I pass out after she's finished with me.

The rest of the week I got passed back and forth between these two, who luckily didn't know about each other (I didn't do too much talking that week.)

I get back to Boston. It hurts to pee. Go to Mass General. Get a shot. Tell my girlfriend I've got a problem. She dumps me. The band breaks up. I'm done with this scene for 20 years.

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A little white pill that was a downer that girls used to say "I'll do ANYTHING for a Quaalude". I don't know what the prescription drugs are now, so i don't know what to compare it to. I'm sure there's plenty of other bloggers that could give you a better description.

The peeing problem had nothing to do with the drugs.

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Originally posted by stansilverman

Why I Gave Up Groupies

It's the 70's.

We're staying in the bass player's converted school bus. We're playing a week in Groton Ct over Christmas. I'm kind of a shy guy. We're playing the first set. Break, and the bass player - who lives locally - introduces me to a dark haired beauty. Talk, drink, set 2. Break, I take her outside for some smoke. 3rd and 4th sets we cook. We're breaking down afterwards, and I don't have a car. She offers to drive me home. I didn't care, and she proceeds to give me a Quaalude. We go outside, she throws me the keys, which, of course, I drop in the snow.

I drive. I run a red light. I crash into another car (Who is actually driving at 3am in Groton in the cold? I hit the one person that was out.) She gets out and talks to the people. Then she drives me to her apartment.

I know we did lots of things, judging by how I felt (and smelled) in the morning. I open my eyes. There's an infant in the bed. It looks at her, says "Mommy". It looks at me and says "Daddy". What at buzzkill. I'm feelin real bad now. She drives me back to the bus.

Night 2. I'm not doing very well. I just want to crawl into my sleeping bag on the bus. We get back to the bus after the gig. I crawl into my sleeping bag. There's another girl in there, and she's not listening to "I'm tired". I pass out after she's finished with me.

The rest of the week I got passed back and forth between these two, who luckily didn't know about each other (I didn't do too much talking that week.)

I get back to Boston. It hurts to pee. Go to Mass General. Get a shot. Tell my girlfriend I've got a problem. She dumps me. The band breaks up. I'm done with this scene for 20 years.


Great story. But..... why did you give up groupies??? confused.gif
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Between the accident. the baby, the clap, getting dumped by my girlfriend, that was enough. Not enough for you to change your mind? I guess if I was more careful picking my groupies I wouldn't have given them up.....idea.gifrolleyes.gif

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