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Vocal mic recomendations

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Originally posted by ulrichsd

I'm looking for 2 or 3 cheap but adequate vocal mics.

Has anyone used these?

Audio Technica DR-2000 Mic 3-Pack 69.99



The ones I heard sounded about that cheap. Hollow and easy to overdrive.

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Thanks for the replys everyone. I was just curious about those because they were marked 83% down from list price of $419.


I can probably afford one of the Shure mics.

But if the mic quality is too good, I won't have an excuse for my voice...




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The Roland D-10 mic, which is designed for use with the Roland digital studios, sounds surprisingly good for an inexpensive mic. My keyboard player (female) uses one onstage, and I sing through it on several songs while playing keys. It can be overdriven with a loud enough voice, but has good characteristics; actually sounds better than the several SM57s we've tried in that situation. Musicians Friend has them for

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SHure SM58's won't sound "too good" by any means. However, they are industry standard, familiar, built-like-a-tank mics that no one would have a problem with. Their sound is not cutting-edge, but they work very well. Best part is, they're available everywhere. You should never have to pay more than $90 for a new 58 or $75 for a new 57. Lots of times, peole will sell off a couple at a time for very cheap.


I'd also recommend trying to find a USED three-pack of Audix OM2s. Great mics for the price and sometimes you can get the packages for cheap.


If you can't spend more than around $100 for two or three mics, I'd go with the Samson Q mics. My guess is those ATs, which are thier low-end mics, aren't any better then the Samsons. If I recall, Audiopile has done some torture tests with the Samson Qs and they did well, so that's the way I'd go for low-cost mics.


One tip though, stay away from things like Nady and Shure PG series. They sound poor and are not built to last--they're that cheap for a reason ;)


Good luck!

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Originally posted by Stingray5

I wonder why no one mentions Peavey? The PVM22 in particuler, I own 58 mikes, but the Pvm22 has more gain. I can't hear any difference as far as sound goes and the price is comparable.



+1 That Peavey is a very nice sounding mic for the price.



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If we're just going to throw out a bunch of brand names for cheap, I've had great success with my Carvin CM-50s and CM-68s. The 68s can keep up with Shure 58s at about 80% of the cost.


Don't overlook the Russian imports either. Oktava has some surprisingly decent mics for cheap.

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The Sennheiser e835 three pack is $199 anywhere they sell Sennheisers. The e835 is becoming very popular. A wide majority of people are using them in place of the standard SM58 with better results. They are a little cleaner on the top end and do have a better GBF spec. I say save your money and buy decent gear. You are only $100 bucks short of having three quality mics that will last you a long time. Why piss away $100 on mics that will just "get you by" until you have the scratch to buy decent mics?

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Originally posted by g4string

The Sennheiser e835 three pack is $199 anywhere they sell Sennheisers. The e835 is becoming very popular. A wide majority of people are using them in place of the standard SM58 with better results. They are a little cleaner on the top end and do have a better GBF spec. I say save your money and buy decent gear. You are only $100 bucks short of having three quality mics that will last you a long time. Why piss away $100 on mics that will just "get you by" until you have the scratch to buy decent mics?



We use a mix of Shure SM58's and Sennheiser e835's. Two of my singer's swear that they sound better on an e835, me, I can't tell the difference in sound, but prefer the Shure. Frankly, if I were going out to buy mics tomorrow, I'd do exactly what g4string suggested--I'd buy the Sennhieser 3-pack for $199.00. IMHO it is the best deal out there on quality mics. They are comfortable to hold, aren't easily overdriven, have good response and minimal proximity effect (less than the 58's it seems to me), seem to be as durable as anything out there (I wouldn't drop it from a balcony onto a concrete floor, but ours have had three-four years of rough handling and look/perform good as new).

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Does Shure still have their $60 replacement program? If they do, I was thinking that one could pick up a couple of rusty old junk 58's and send them in for replacement. The band I'm with now has a nasty old 58 that I swear has got to be just about as old as the design itself. It makes noise, but sounds like crap.

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OK, then here's another suggestion. AKG emotion D880. Onstage magazine had a very good writeup on these vs the SM58 a few years ago. I think they are discontinued but I recently bought 2 for $99 at MF. They may not be good for singers with poor mic technique and feel they always have to swallow the mic. It does have a prounounced proximity effect. If you keep it around 3-5" away, it has a nice midrange pocket though and is much less nasally than the SM58. IMHO;)

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I have to agree with the suggestions for the Senn e835 and the AKG D880. These are both very natural sounding and an excellent value, however I want to clarify one thing. Yes, the D880 is discontinued, but I think the MF deal for 2/$99 is for the D880 mkII and I don't know anything about the newer mkII. I think the original D880 was $110 or $120 when I got mine.


My experience with the e835, though, makes me want to get the more expensive e855 for my own selfish reasons.:D



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