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John Frusciante...

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Originally posted by markom89

... im gonna go play my vintage 72' or 63' tele ...actually that'll be this week...but you get the point!!!...

I get the point that once again you're naming gear you don't even have. LMAO.

Originally posted by markom89

...Im being serious how can I meet the band and get a backstage pass?

Grow a pair of hooters and get on your knees - that's about the only way, son. :cool:

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what are you talking about?...and that get on your knees comment sounds like something your wife used to do back when aerosmith was touring in the 80's and she wanted to get {censored}ed by Steve so she had to suck the roadie off to get in...haha!

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Originally posted by markom89

what are you talking about?...and that get on your knees comment sounds like something your wife used to do back when aerosmith was touring in the 80's and she wanted to get {censored}ed by Steve so she had to suck the roadie off to get in...haha!



For future reference you can make jokes funnier also by leaving part of the "punchline" up to the imagination...If I was the editor of this post I might choose to omit the last part of the "zinger" because the joke reader will probably assume as much.



"Like your wife [on the Winger reunion] tour[?] ...haha!"


Clean simple concise. No messy outro or epilogue, explaining the intimate moments shared by wife and roadie.


Some things are just too precious to sully with internet chatter...

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Originally posted by markom89

I seriously want to know how I could get to meet John or the rest of the band, but mainly john when they come to Toronto, there has to be some way, maybe if I got it during sound check?... how can I get backstage?!?!?!? someone please tell me!!!!! I have too!!!!!!!!!!!!

i was backstage here, when they were in germany. was on top of the stage on their whole gig in "boeblingen".. it was the 11.11.2000 or somtime around that? well i also was around with chad until nearly 2 o'clock. first in a bar in stuttgart, then in his hotel where we drank champaign with him and the pilots.

only with chad, because the other 3 made some serious diets and yoga and stuff because of their former heroin addiction.

i honestly say that i wasn't too much into the peppers at that time.. my music taste just started to change a year before the gig but the peppers came later. so it was juts pure luck but a great experience anyway.

you don't believe me and wanna proof? i still have the backstage pass and a self portrait with signature from chad smith and john frusciante. well i got copies because my gf at that time collected signatures with self portraits so i made her a gift! well the john portrait got ruined by my little daughter half a year ago... (no, i didn't kill her ;) ) but those were just copies. i should be able to get it again (as a copy).

anthony and flea didn't want to paint theirselves.. but they were kinda strange. first day you could take their authographes but not photograph them. the other day, you could photograph them, but not take signatures.
that reminds me i have some photos...

well.. best thing about john was his girlfriend. she was a cutey all the way and really matched john!!

so that's the story. but should i tell how i managed that (by accident) ?!? :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by markom89

what are you talking about?...and that get on your knees comment sounds like something your wife used to do back when aerosmith was touring in the 80's and she wanted to get {censored}ed by Steve so she had to suck the roadie off to get in...haha!




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From an interview with Dave Lee (John's guitar tech) in guitar player:

"John uses a Marshall Major 200W amplifier with KT99 tubes and a Silver Jubilee, both stock. The amps are run simultaneously through a Boss chorus where he goes in mono and it comes out in stereo. So that way whether the chorus is on or not the signal gets split to the two heads. The Silver Jubilee is just a little bit dirty at that volume [...] [the marshall majors are] special because at 200W you can have it loud and still be real clean. It's basically like a bass amp. John plays so much clean stuff, all of his distortion or overdrive is from his attack on the guitar to the different pedals."

Since that interview was given he's been running a setup thats

jubilee | major | jubilee

but I dont know how he splits the signal :S

To record Scar Tissue, John used a Fender Showman Amp because the Marshalls arn't clean enough at high volumes.

He's also been know to use a Marshall Superbass 100W for recording because it has a really thick tone. I think this was used in particular on Californication and Blood Sugar Sex Magic.

You can learn a lot about the gear on BSSM by watching the DVD Funky Monks - availible in all good retail stores! ;)

I would post pictures of this stuff but imageshack seems to be broken at the moment :freak:
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Originally posted by markom89

thanks, sounds cool, please tell me how you managed to spend a few hours with chad????...or how I can just get backstage and meet them!!!...it would be a dream come true...

Same here but come on it's not really possible unless you win a competition or something like that. Join the official fan club, they have competitions there as well as ticket presales, really good place seeing as you love the Chili Peppers. Thats what I did. I haven't met the band but if John becomes a monk like he says he wants to, I shall make a pilgrimmage to see him! :)

Seriously, though, its not really possible to meet the band. Security is going to be tight, not just anyone can meet them. Although, if you find a way to do it, be sure to tell me first! ;)

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Originally posted by TaronKeim

His head is an actual Marshal Silver Jubilee 25/50 it is the same model as what Slash used back in the day before he had his own Signature Model (which is almost identical but some people argue they sound different).

Actually, they do sound different. The SJ has a Drake tranny and the Slash has a Dagnall. I have both.

To the poster above, markom89: If you want to meet the band move to Hollywood. I used to see them every once in a while when I'd go clubbing. There's a basketball court right off Melrose that Flea likes to go play at when he's home. I played a one-on-one game with him. He's a super cool dude. You may just run into them. No need to be so vulgar with other members.
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Originally posted by Filter428

Originally posted by TaronKeim

Actually, they do sound different. The SJ has a Drake tranny and the Slash has a Dagnall. I have both.

Transformer the only thing that is different? What do you find tonally not the same? Which do you like best?;)


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well it was a week practical training. i had some luck and got a good job at the private airpot at stuttgart.

so i worked there one week and met: chris de burgh, david coulthard and panis and the red hot chili peppers.
it was a lousy week i was told.. ;)

well,... the 2 wifes that worked with me were pretty experienced in getting backstage cards for concerts.

the story was: the peppers came in and drove directly to the gig. i had to go to their plane and look if there is something i could do (carry cases and things like that). instead we all 3 ended up sitting in their plane and eating sushi and drinking champaign. the wife told their female nice tour-manager that we would have loved to see the peppers but it was sold out! and that was true. so she managed to get us in and we had a great time.... :D

even the pilots were great. i believe they were italian but i am not sure anymore. they called themselves blab that means behind landing aircraft behind... they were quite funny and joked a lot, as well as they were drinking. the next they the took off again....

here is the ticket and the painting and signature of chad.. enjoy:


and yes.. that is sid vicious on their pass!

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thats realy cool man, I wish I had one of those, Im gonna' find some way to get backstage, even if it involves me getting arrested potentially... I realy dont understand how hes soooo incredibly good?...hows it possible? Hes just so amazing and hes what inspired me to pickup guitar!!!I LOVE JOHN FRUSCIANTE!!!:love:

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Originally posted by markom89

thats realy cool man, I wish I had one of those, Im gonna' find some way to get backstage, even if it involves me getting arrested potentially... I realy dont understand how hes soooo incredibly good?...hows it possible? Hes just so amazing and hes what inspired me to pickup guitar!!!I LOVE JOHN FRUSCIANTE!!!

he's not that great.

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Originally posted by houseofglass21

He's quite a good rhythm guitarist, but I've never really been too impressed with Frusciante's lead playing.



I was never that impressed with him on a technical level... but tonally... I always thought he was out of this world... especially lead tones... he has cut some pretty ripping distortion sounds through out his years... especially recently on his solo album and the third track off the new Volta albums... just SCREAMING.


I was never awe-struck by what he was playing... but how he played it... his feel... and how it sounded... that is a completely different story:thu:



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