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country overdrive?


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What's a good OD for country to augment a spanky tele sort of sound? I don't know much about country guitar and I'm trying to get into it, but this is puzzling me. I don't really know who the people with the best tones are so I've never read interviews with them and have no real knowledge about the country possibilities of certain pieces of gear.

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Visual Sound Route 66. Overdrive and compressor. Pretty much a one-two punch for a dirty country guitar.


Never tried that pedal, but it sounds pretty accurate.


I was going to say compressor for sure. One with a good amount of boost to it ought to get you there. I can get my DynaComp to almost give me a slightly overdriven sound. :thu:


How much drive do you want?


Maybe a compressor and a LPB-1 will set you free.

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A lot of those guys do use a TS-9 or TS-808, perhaps a analogman silver mod would be the version of that. My friend has been working on a red llama pedal that is supposed to sound like a tweed amp; seems to me that could be a good country sound. Also, a lot of country players use vox amps, and I know there are a few pedals which emulate that sound, you may want to get one of those (not sure of the names; I hear vox actually makes some good OD's)

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I was not knocked out by the Rt. 66. The OD side was a little too bright. Compressors vary a lot, but that one wasn't to my liking (I'm not a big fan of 'em anyway). A good TS-808 clone is a good start. A Voodoo Labs Sparkle Drive is a VERY good choice. You can bring the clean signal back in with the dirt signal to find the perfect balance of twang and grit. The foot switch will likely need replacing though.

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the BBE green screamer has a mellow tube driving effect. its just enough to warm the tubes , but absolutely clear.


are you compressed already? if not, learn to use it. makes a big difference, in the little things.....the little things you can't nessecarily do with your fingers .

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Here's what some of the top country guys are using....

Paisley -Zendrive, TS-808

Urban - Klon, Fulldrive 2, Rat

Mason - Blues Driver, Sparkle Drive, TS9, etc.

Volkaert - Blues Driver

Gill - Zendrive, Boss Overdrive, Sparkle Drive





Blues Driver's are kore than likely Keeley modded. Paisley uses one

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Blues Driver's are kore than likely Keeley modded. Paisley uses one



Mason's Blues Driver was modded by Brian Wampler of Indyguitarist. Check out his stuff, it's great. I'm using his Plexidrive and also have a modded Rocktron Austin Gold that's great.


Paisley's BD2 might have the Keeley mod.

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A lot of those guys do use a TS-9 or TS-808, perhaps a analogman silver mod would be the version of that. My friend has been working on a red llama pedal that is supposed to sound like a tweed amp; seems to me that could be a good country sound. Also, a lot of country players use vox amps, and I know there are a few pedals which emulate that sound, you may want to get one of those (not sure of the names; I hear vox actually makes some good OD's)







I thought country music guitarists mostly used Fender amps (or Fendery-sounding amps)?

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