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R O B O T guitar


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It has lights on it when setting intonation to tell you exactly how many 1/4 inch turns to make to have it intonated.


Also...it has 7 preset tunings, 5 of which are customizable. So...for a solo player for myself who has 6 tuning, it's very hand to pull them up really quick, because I have been bringing multiple guitars to my shows.


Its a pretty good playing guitar too. I wouldn't say it was anything spectacular....it's a studio with the Tronical system in it...but for real, I do like it and come 2008, I will have one.

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Well that was my first reaction too. But beeing a big fan of bands like Led Zeppelin, Beatles, Soundgarden, RATM who use a lot of different tunings in their songs it's kind of a cool thing though. Since i don't have 5 roadies and a guitar tech i would be able to bring alot of variety in live gig's with just one guitar. I kinda like the idea. I'm just afraid about reliability. Alot of the electonics are in the bridge of the guitar. I sweat alot during gigs and have very corrosive sweat. I burn down saddles like a 300 lbs. cowboy farting acid. Imagine what it would do to electronics.

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I just sent a message to the seller:



You're a douche, I hope everybody's smart enough to realize these LP's are ugly and the robot function is stupid and you get stuck with a bunch of guitars you have to sell for less than what you paid.


Oh yeah, don't expect anybody to pay $5k for one of these, ain't happening.

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I don't get all the hate for this product. I mean, why not? It's a good idea and if you don't have any use for that feature because you're too hardcore to stay in tune or you would rather bring 5 guitars with you to a show then fine but I don't see how you can trash the concept unless the thing doesn't work.

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I think it's pretty cool. I just hope the tuners aren't as loud as they sound in the vids.


I wouldn't get one just becasue I stand the feel of a Paul. But I can see how it would be great for multiple tuning players.


BTW... this is the dumbest, and gayest commercial ever made.



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