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HOLY HELL -- I just bought...


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I wanted a DMM and then I saw this thing I was going to get it instead but I decided to get the MXR Carbon Copy because it is basically the same thing and it takes up less romm on my board. I got it yesterday and WOW, I LOVE IT. It is just what I wanted. The only thing I don't like are the internal trim pots for the modulation but I set it and I am going to leave it until I can figure a mod to get them outside. It was only $149 and it is worth it. I guarantee it would blow away a behringer. I hope to a/b it with a DMM to see the difference. It is awesome!!

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I wanted a DMM and then I saw this thing I was going to get it instead but I decided to get the MXR Carbon Copy because it is basically the same thing and it takes up less romm on my board. I got it yesterday and WOW, I LOVE IT. It is just what I wanted. The only thing I don't like are the internal trim pots for the modulation but I set it and I am going to leave it until I can figure a mod to get them outside. It was only $149 and it is worth it. I guarantee it would blow away a behringer. I hope to a/b it with a DMM to see the difference. It is awesome!!



How can you guarantee it would blow away a product that no one has tried yet?

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How can you guarantee it would blow away a product that no one has tried yet?



Because most of the behringer stuff is {censored}e compared to the real pedal they knocked off. I tried a few pedals od they sucked so bad I would never use them. Some things are good but most is {censored}e.


I would bet money it would blow it away.

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Granted I have not personally played the Behringer overdrives, but to me they sounded JUST as good as the originals....Sorry. I bet this tube is going to blow us away, the smart one of us will buy them at $70, and then there will be a mad scramble for them in about 15 years.....for like $200.00.

Kind of like the MIJ Fenders...the smat ones of us bought them when they were new for 165 at the local music store....lots of people buy them today for 500-800.

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Mike Matthews at DMM told me that the "knockoffs" out there (i.e. Behringer) won't sound like the DMM because the chips can't be the same, which is why the DMM isn't cheap. The Behringer may sound similar, it might even sound good who knows. But a DMM it probably isn't. Should be fun trying it out though!

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... nuh uh.

I'll believe it when I see it on your board man. hahahaha



Me too. Like I've said ... I'm fully expecting that this will never show. On the off chance that I get lucky and it does though ... I had to give it a shot.

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Because most of the behringer stuff is {censored}e compared to the real pedal they knocked off. I tried a few pedals od they sucked so bad I would never use them. Some things are good but most is {censored}e.

I would bet money it would blow it away.



Are you kidding me?


Every Behringer I've heard or tried is amazing for the money. The vb-2 clone is {censored}ing great, the dc-2 clone is supposed to be mind blowing too. most of the behringer stuff has gotten more positive feed back than the Carbon Copy.


and if the time machine really does exist...


Than I'd bet a million dollars anyone would enjoy the two of them back to back way more than the 1 carbon copy they could get at that price point

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