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Jeff Becks' Bassist is smoking HOT!!


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Tal is hot, but no Julie Slick (

Here she is at a recent show:

She's playing a Lakland bass now - she's in the current issue of Bass Player Magazine



In truth, I personally find this woman exceedingly inferior to Tal Wilkenfeld in both the appearance and bass skilz departments. But to each his own.

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Jeff Beck makes me feel like i am in an elevator.

Jeff Beck maKes me feel like i am in an elevator in a dentist's office.

Jeff Beck is schmaltzy music for elevators and dentist's offices.






Great playing...awful "music."


About as boring as it gets...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've seen her on videos and saw her walking around at the winter NAMM show.

She's a cute young lady... not the hottest girl on the planet, but I'll tell you what makes her attractive IMHO is her playing and her musical enthusiasm. Watching her walk around at NAMM, she looked like a kid at Christmas, or a kid in a candy store for the first time. She's obviously INTO music and gear, just like most of us. :)

She seems like a nice young lady.

Now some of you may think she's "hot looking", and others may not find her as attractive, but IMO, that's not important in the grand scheme of things. But listen to her play sometime, and you have to RESPECT her chops and her love for MUSIC.

I give her a :phil: - not for her looks, but for her love for music. :cool:

YMMV of course. :wave:

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I've seen her on videos and saw her walking around at the winter NAMM show.

She's a cute young lady... not the hottest girl on the planet, but I'll tell you what makes her attractive IMHO is her playing and her musical enthusiasm. Watching her walk around at NAMM, she looked like a kid at Christmas, or a kid in a candy store for the first time. She's obviously INTO music and gear, just like most of us.

She seems like a nice young lady.

Now some of you may think she's "hot looking", and others may not find her as attractive, but IMO, that's not important in the grand scheme of things. But listen to her play sometime, and you have to RESPECT her chops and her love for MUSIC.

I give her a :phil: - not for her looks, but for her love for music.

YMMV of course.

The way she plays the bass is dead sexy.

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Leo designed that upper body cutout for a reason, right?

I know this woman who has been learning how to play guitar... spent most of her time like most learning to play by playing an acoustic sitting down. One day she was over and I said, "hey check out my strat". She puts it on and is wearing it kinda high and she says, "Wow, this makes a perfect ledge for my boob!". She is quite ample. :lol:

But Tal is dead sexy just listening to her play even without seeing her.... but I do love her facial expressions. :love:

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I do love her facial expressions.

I'm tellin' ya man, she's
it. And I love seeing young people with such enthusiasm for playing MUSIC. :phil:



Yeah fo sho!



I'd probably be a bit enthusiastic too if I suddenly found myself onstage with Jeff Beck and co.

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